gæstning (OSw) gisting (ON) noun

Obligation to lodge and feed travellers for payment, and paupers for free if required.

hospitality OSw MESt Add
OSw UL För, Kmb
OSw VmL För, Kmb

lodging OIce Grg Klþ 9 Þsþ 53, 82 Bat 113 Hrs 234
OIce Kge 34
OIce KRA 26
OSw SdmL Kmb

procuration OSw HL Kmb Refs:

KLNM s.v. gästning

  • ‘gæstning’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/1904