har (2) (OSw) noun

Har is supposed to have been the lowest administrative taxation district in the naval defence system in HL and possibly in ÖgL. Its existence and role in ÖgL has been much debated and even questioned, as there are few traces of it. Andersson (2014, 15) regards har as synonymous with hamna (q.v.) and ar (see ar (1)).

{har} OSw HL Kgb

har ok hamna (OSw)

naval levy OSw ÖgL Gb

levy of ships and men OSw ÖgL Bb


Andersson 2014, 15; Brink 1994, 146

  • ‘har (2)’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/2012