The Digital Humanities Congress is a conference hosted by the DHI at the University of Sheffield every two years. Its purpose is to promote the sharing of knowledge, ideas and techniques within the digital humanities.
The fifth Congress was held in Sheffield from 8th – 10th September 2022. No conference was held in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The programme included three keynote speakers and 44 papers, as well as a plenary presentation by Sarah Coward, CEO of In The Room, and a conference dinner sponsored by Gale.
Keynote Speakers
- Professor Marc Alexander (Professor of English Linguistics, University of Glasgow).
- Professor Ruth Ahnert (Professor of Literary History and Digital Humanities, Queen Mary, University of London).
- Professor Nanna Bonde Thylstrup (Associate Professor of Communication and Digital Media, Copenhagen Business School).
Conference programme
View the programme and abstracts.