DHI Books provides free and open access to online research publications in the arts and humanities, including culture and media. The publications are hosted and maintained by the Digital Humanities Institute at the University of Sheffield, United Kingdom. Please note, the DHI only publishes books that are related to its own projects and activities.
Unless stated otherwise, all works are licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY) and can be re-used and redistributed under other CC BY compliant licenses, such as OGL and ODC-By. Further information about copyright and permissions
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2022 (2023)
Participations. Journal of Audience and Reception Studies (biannual)
The Formation of Film Audiences (2022)
A Practical Guide to Using Data Ontologies in the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences (2021)
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2018 (2018)
Understanding Design for the Digital Humanities (2015)
Proceedings of ICMEM 2015 (2015)
Proceedings of the Digital Humanities Congress 2014 (2014)