The Monastery of St. PETER.23

The Monastery of St. PETER.

Hic septigentis annis terrâ cumulatus,
Christi clementis instinctibus inde levatus.
Isto sub lapide nunc jacet ipse, vide.
Atque domum Christo, quia mundo fecit in isto,
Nunc pro mercede cœli requiescit in æde.
Respice mortalis, promissio sit tibi talis:
Accipies si des, nil capies nisi des.
Es Christo qualis, Christus erit tibi talis.
Dapsilis esto sibi, largus eritque tibi.
Effectus non affectus, si reddere possis,
Debet censeri; si nihil reddere possis,
Tunc bonus affectus pro facto debet haberi.
Sicut de lignis per aquam depellitur ignis;
Sic mala commissa fiunt donando remissa,
Reddet ad usuram quod quis dat nomine Christi,
Nam vitam puram pro parvo dat Deus isti.

The forenamed King Sebert dyed the last Day of July, Anno Domini 616: Whose Wife, named Æthelgoda, closed up her latest Day of Life before the said Sebert, viz. the 13th Day of September, Anno Domini 615: And with her Husband Sebert (as already we have said) lyeth in this Church, which himself founded, in a Tomb of Lead, honourably buried.

Upon a Wall by this Tomb, are these Verses painted:

Hic Rex Seberte plausus, mihi condita per te
Hæc loca lustravi, demum lustrando dicavi.

Edward, King of England, for his singular Piety numbred among the Confessors, was the Son of King Ætheldred. The annual Pension of four thousand Pound, called Dangelt, he remitted to the English Legates (as Matth. West. writeth.) He sent to Rome to Pope Damasus, to be absolved of a Vow which he had promised by a Journey to Rome, if he obtained his Paternal Kingdom: Which Pope absolving his said Vow, wrote back unto him, That the Expences prepared for his Travel he should bestow upon the Poor; and a Monastery (in the Honour of St. Peter) he should either newly build, or repair some old one. The Legates being returned, Ulfinus, sometime a Monk, perswading, and all the Council of the Kingdom approving, he repaired Westminster again. He dyed 1066, and there lyeth honourably interred in a Marble Tomb, checquered with Variety of beautiful Colours, in the midst of the Chapel, with these Verses:

He lyeth also buried in the said Chapel appointed for Kings.

Omnibus insignis virtutum laudibus hæres,
Sanctus Edwardus Confessor, Rex venerandus,
Quinto die Iani moriens super æthera scandit.
Sursum Corda. Obiit Anno Dom. 1065.

Editha, Queen of England, Daughter to Goodwine Earl of Kent, and Wife to St. Edward, King and Confessor, a Woman of singular Piety and Modesty, Edward her Husband (as Matth. Westm. avoucheth) did not move this Edith by Marriage Rites, to know the Manners of Men. But whether in Hatred to her Father, or Love to Chastity he did it, it remaineth uncertain. Some do affirm, that this holy King was not willing to beget any Heirs, that should succeed him out of treacherous Race.

She lyeth buried at the North Side of St. Edward's Tomb in the same Chapel.

Matilda, Queen of England, Daughter to Malcolme, King of Scots, and Wife to King Henry the First, brought unto him Children, William, Richard, and Mary, which perished by Shipwreck; and Maude Empress, who was Wife to Henry the Fifth, Cæsar Augustus, and Mother to King Henry the Second. This Queen (as Wil. Malmesbury avoweth) every Day in the Lent Time went to Westminster, barefoot and barelegged, and wearing a Garment of Hair. She dyed 1118, and lyeth without any Tomb.

She is buried at the South Side of St. Edward's Tomb in the same Chapel.

Henry the Third, King of England, &c. Son of King John, by Isabell, Daughter to the Earl of Angolesme, a very pious Prince, and most highly commended for his Vertues. In An. 1220, he began the new Work of the Chapel of our blessed Lady at Westminster, and himself laid the first Stone. And in An. 1245 after, the Conventual Church of B. Peter the greater, he pulled down, and new builded it; and on the Day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, he caused it to be fully and decently built and enlarged. He gave also to the said Church very Royal Gifts of Copes, Jewels, and rich Vessels, that it might equal in Riches all the Cisalpine Churches. He dyed, An.1273. 11 Kalend, Decem. when he had reigned fifty six Years and eighteen Days: Upon his Tomb are these Verses:

He is buried in the South Side of the Chapel, in a goodly Tomb, brought out of France by his Son Edward.

Tertius Henricus jacet hic, pietatis amicus,
Ecclesiam stravit istam, quam post renovavit,
Reddet ei munus qui regnat trinus & unus,
Tertius Henricus est templi conditor hujus.     
Dulce Bellum inexpertis.

The Friend of Pity and Almsdeed,
Henry the Third, whilome of England King,
Who this Church brake and after his Meed,
Again renewed into this fair Building;
Now resteth here which did so great a Thing.
He yield his Meed that Lord of Deity,
That, as one God, reigneth in Persons three.

Edward the First, King of England, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, Lord of Ireland, Son to King Henry the Third, by Eleanor, Daughter to the Earl of Provence. He took to Wife Eleanor, Daughter to Ferdinand the Third, King of Castile and Lyons. * He warred with the Scots, won Berwick, &c. He dyed Anno 1308, and hath this Epitaph on his Tomb.

He lyeth in a Marble Tomb at his Father's Head in the same Chapel.


Mors est mœsta nimis, magnos quæ jungit in imis,
Maxima Mors minimis, conjungens ultima primis.
Nullus in Orbe fuit homo vivens, nec valet esse,
Qui non morte ruit; est hinc exire necesse.
Nobilis & fortis, tibi tu considere noli,
Omnia sunt mortis, sibi subdit singula soli.
De mundi medio Magnum mors impia movit,
Anglia præ tedio satis anxia plangere novit:
Corruit Edwardus vario veneratus honore.
Rex nuper ut Nardus fragrans virtutis odore,
Corde Leopardus, invictus & absque pavore,
Ad rixam tardus, discretus & eucharis ore.
Viribus Armorum quasi Gigas ardua gessit,
Collo superborum prudens per prælia pressit,
Inter Flandrenses fortuna sibi bene favit,
Ut quoque Wallensis & Scotos suppeditavit,
Rex bonus absque pari strenue sua regna regebat:
Quod natura dare potuit bonitatis habebat,
Actio justitiæ, pax regni, sanctio legis,
Et fuga nequitiæ premunt præcordia Regis.
Gloria tota ruit, Regem capit hæc modo fossa,
Rex quandoque fuit, nunc nil nisi pulvis & ossa.
Filius ipse Dei quem corde colebat, & ore,
Gaudia fecit ei nullo permisto dolore.

Dum vixit Rex, & valuit sua magna potestas
Fraus latuit, Pax magna fuit, regnavit Honestas.

Edwardus primus Scotorum malleus hic est.
Pactum serva.
Death is too doleful which doth join     
The highest Estate full low;
Which coupleth grreatest Things with least,     
And last with first also.
