Of the CITIES of
London and Westminster:
The Original, Antiquity, Increase, Modern Estate
and Government of those CITIES.
Written at first in the Year MDXCVIII.
By JOHN STOW, Citizen and Native of London.
Since Reprinted and Augmented by the AUTHOR
Corrected, Improved, and very much Enlarged: And the SURVEY and
HISTORY brought down from the Year 1633, (being near Fourscore Years
since it was last printed) to the present Time;
By JOHN STRYPE, M.A. a Native also of the said CITY.
THE FIRST BOOK. Containing a
General Description of the CITY of LONDON |
THE SECOND BOOK. Containing a
particular Inspection into the Thirteen Wards on the East side of
THE THIRD BOOK. Containing a
particular Inspection into the Twelve Wards on the West side of
Volume two. |
Title page. |
THE FOURTH BOOK. Containing an
Inspection into the Ward of the Borough of SOUTHWARK. As also into
the Suburbs of the City, and the Liberty of the Dutchy of LANCASTER
THE FIFTH BOOK. Containing an Account
of the GOVERNMENT, and Governours, of the said CITY; Its Corporations and
Trades; Its Laws, Orders, and Customs; and Militia.
THE SIXTH BOOK. Containing an Account
of the Antiquities, Bounds, Liberties, Parishes, Churches, Royal Palaces,
Courts of Justice, Great Houses, and other Eminent Places of that City;
together with the ancient Monastery and Church of St. Peter there.
An APPENDIX. Containing
CERTAIN Tracts, Discourses, and other Remarks, Concerning the STATE of the
City of LONDON. Together with a Perambulation
about the Parishes Towns adjacent within the Compass of Five Miles.
A second Appendix, containing divers
Matters of Note coming to Hand, since the finishing of the former Work;
tending to the further improvement of it, and for the correcting of some