[ Click here to view St. James House
  St. James House ] [ Click here to view The Prospect of White-Hall From the Park of St. James.
  The Prospect of White-Hall From the Park of St. James. ]

Then is the said Whitehall, sometime belonging to Hubert de Burgh, Earl of Kent, and Justiciar of England, who gave it to the Black Fryers of Oldborne, as I have before noted. King Henry the Eighth ordained it to be called an Honour, and builded there a sumptuous Gallery,and a beautiful Gate-house, thwart the high Street, to St. James's Park. [In the uppermost Rooms of this Gate-house, is the Paper-Office, or Paper-house, wherein Papers of State, Embassy, &c. are reposited.]


J. S.

In this Gallery, the Princes, with their Nobility, used to stand or sit, and at Windows to behold all triumphant Justings, and other Military Exercisings.

Beyond this Gallery, on the left Hand, is the Garden or Orchard belonging to the said Whitehall.

There is an Instrument among the Records at Wetminster, 21st Henry the Eighth, for the Recovery of the Place (called then York Place) for the King, Omnibus, &c. wherein it is specified, "That Thomas More, Lord Chancellor, the Duke of Norfolk, Treasurer of England, William Fitz-Williams, Knight of the Garter, Treasurer of the King's Houshold, and Chancellor of the Dutchy of Lancaster, Robert Norwick, one of the King's Serjeants at Law, and Christopher Hales, Attorney-General, in Hilary Term, before the Justices at Westminster, recovered to them and their Heirs, for the Use of our Lord the King Henry the Eighth, against the most Reverend Father in Christ Thomas Cardinal of York, one Messuage, two Gardens, and three Acres of Land, with the Appurtinences, situate in the Village * or Town of Westminster, in the County of Middlesex. Which are commonly called York-Place. And they delivered, demised, and by that present Charter confirmed to the King the said Messuage, &c. Dated the 7th of February, 21 H. 8."

York Place recovered by the Lord Chancellor, &c. for the King.

Convention. Rymer.

J. S.

*Villa Westmonast.

And in the said King's Donation to the said Cardinal, (after the Forfeiture of all his Goods and Chattels) in the said Month of February, to enjoy the Archbishoprick of York, and all the Benefits thereof, it is excepted in the Instrument, to the King and his Heirs, and reserved, all that Messuage, two Gardens, and three Acres of Land, with the Appurtinences, called York-Place.

King Henry the Eighth was the first King of England that removed his Dwelling from the old Palace nigh unto the Monastery of St. Peter's Westminster unto Whitehall: And that because that old Palace was then, and had been long Time before, in utter Ruin and Decay, as it is expressed in an Act of Parliament; and that the King had lately obtained this Whitehall, which is stiled in the same Act, "One great Mansion Place and House, being Parcel of the Possessions of the Archbishoprick of York, situate in the Town of Westminster, not much distant from the same ancient Palace: And that he had lately upon the Soil of the said Mansion-Place and House, and upon the Ground thereunto belonging most sumtuously and curiously builded and edified many and distinct, beautiful, costly and pleasant Lodgings, Buildings, and Mansions, for his Grace's singular Pleasure, Comfort, and Commodity, to the Honour of his Highness and his Realm. And thereunto adjoining, had made a Park, walled and environed with Brick and Stone; and there devised and ordained many and singular commodious Things, Pleasures, and other Necessaries, apt and convenient to appertain to so noble a Prince, for his Pastime and Solace."

The Occasion of K. Henry's Removal to Whitehall.

28 H. 8. ca. 12.

By the said Act, this Place, with the said Buildings and Park, are taken into the Bounds of the King's Palace, and to enjoy all the Privileges thereof. And the whole Limits of the Royal Palace are there set out and described, Namely, "That all the said Soil, Ground, Mansion, and Buildings, and the Park, with all the Things, Commodities, and Pleasures, thereupon builded and devised; and also the Soil of the ancient Palace, should be from thenceforth the King's whole Palace at Westminster; and so be taken, deemed, and reputed, and to be called and named, The King's Palace at Westminster for ever. And that the said Palace should extend, and be as well within the Soil and Places before limited and appointed, as also in all the Street or Way leading from Charing-Cross unto the Sanctuary-Gate at Westminster; and to all the Houses, Buildings, Lands, and Tenements on both Sides of the same Street or Way from the said Cross unto Westminster-hall, situate lying, and being between the Water of the Thames on the East Part, and the said Park-Wall on the West Part; and so forth, through all the Soil, Precinct, and Limits of the said old Palace. And all the said Palace to enjoy like Prerogatives, Liberties, Preeminences, Jurisdictions, and Privileges, as to the King's ancient Palace within this Realm have at any Time heretofore belonged, used, or of Right appertained.]"

The Bounds of the Palace.

Here is the magnificent Building called the Banqueting house; which, before King James the First came thither, was old, rotten, and but slightly builded; that therefore that King caused to be pulled down, Anno 1606, and new builded very strong and stately, every Way larger than the former. And fair Lodgings were new builded there and encreased.

The Banqueting-House.

Edm. Howes.

James th'eldest Sonne and Heire to Lord D'Aubeney, was baptysed the 26th Day of Aprill 1612, in the King's Majesty's Chapell Royall of Whitehall. The King was his Godfather. And the Officers of the Vestry had to their Fees xls.

Christnings and Marriages in Whitehall-Chapel.

J. S.


The Marriage of the two excellent Princes, Frederick, Prince Palatyne, and Lady Elizabeth, sole Daughter to our Sovereign Lord King James, was solemnised on Shrove Sunday, being the 14th of February 1612, in his Majesty's Chapell Royall at Whitehall, by the Right Reverend Father in God George Archbishop of Canterbury; and assisted by the Bishop of Bathe and Welles, Dean of the Chapell, who preached at the Marriage the same Day. The Gentlemen of the Chapell, and the Officers of the Vestry had given them for their Fees, a Hundred Pounds in Jacobuses; whereof the Serjeant of the Vestry had four Markes, the two Yeomen had between them seven Jacobuses, and the Grome had thirtie Shillings.

Anne, first Daughter to Robert Cecil, Earl of Salisbury, was baptysed in the King's Majesty's Chapell Royal at Whitehall, the 23d of February 1612. For her Godmothers she had Queen Anne, and th'elder Countess of Derby, Wyfe to the Lord Chancellor; and for her Godfather, Gylbert Earl of Shrewsbury. The Officers of the Vestry had for their Fees xls.

The Marriage of the two noble Persons, Robert Earl of Somerset, and the Lady Frances Howard, was solemnysed on St. Stephen's Day, being Sunday the 26th of December 1613, by the Right Reverend Father in God, James Bishop of Bathe and Welles, in his Majesty's Chapell Royall at Whitehall. And her Father gave her in Marriage, and the Deane of Westminster preached at the Marriage. The Officers of the Vestry had for their Fees xls.

Henry, Sonne to the Lord D'Aubeney, was baptysed the second Day of Aprill 1616, in the
