BOOK VI. Containing an Account of the Antiquities, Bounds, Liberties, Parishes, Churches, Royal Palaces, Courts of Justice, Great Houses, and other Eminent Places of that City; together with the ancient Monastery and Church of St. Peter there. To which is added, An Appendix of certain Tracts, and other Remarks relating to LONDON: And a Circuit-Walk to the Churches four or five Miles round about.
The Description of WESTMINSTER, proceeding from Temple-Bar.
Clement's-Inn. New-Inn. Lion's-Inn.
Cecil-House. Our Lady's Chapel of the Pew.
The Mewse.
The New Exchange.
St. James's.
Tilt-Yard. Scotland-Yard.
The Abby of St. Peter's. The Founding thereof.
This Church turned to a Collegiate Church.
K. Henry VII. his Chapel. His Monument.
The Monuments in this Church.
WESTMINSTER had its Name from the Minster, that is, the Monastery, situate Westward; as there was another Minster, not far from the Tower of London, Eastward of the City, called Eastminster. It was anciently but a Town; and so it was called about the Beginning of King Henry VIII; for I have seen an old Book in that Time printed in the Town of Westminster. There was an Act of Parliament in 37 H. 8, to authorize that King, by Letters Patents or Proclamations, to make Westminster an Honour, with some other Places of the Kings, viz. Kyngston upon Hull, St. Osyth's in Essex, and Donnington in Berks.
Westminster, why so call'd.
J. S.
Coke's Instit.
Westminster an Honour.
In former Times there was not a continued Street or Buldings between London and Westminster, as now there is; but much vacant Space of Fields and open Grounds between. Then the Way was often bad to pass; and the Sheriffs of London have sometimes taken Care for the Reparation thereof. Thus did King John send to them to that Purpose. Preceptum fuit Vicecomitibus London, ad reparandum viam à London ad Westmonasterium.
The Sheriff of London commanded to repair the Way
to Westminster.
Cart. & Liberat. 5 Joh. Reg. Pet. le Neve,
The High-way of the Strand from Temple-bar to the Savoy, seems to have been paved about An. 1385, in the Reign of K. Richard II. in whose eighth Year Tole was granted to be taken for that Purpose. And again the like was granted in 24 H. 6. An. 1446. But the Paving went no farther than to the Savoy, till towards the latter Part of the Reign of Q. Elizabeth, Sir Robert Cecil, Kt. building a fair House somewhat beyond the Savoy, at Ivie Bridge, levelled and paved the High-way near adjoining.]
The Way as far as the Savoy paved.