[Orders for Rogues, &c.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [to be banished.] | 445 |
[Orders for Rogues, &c.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [to be banished.]
"shall be executed by the Provost-Marshal by Martial Law."
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"That all Officers of the City, and all other Places near the City, having Authority to apprehend Rogues, and to punish them, shall in that Circuit of their Jurisdiction meet together twice every Week, or oftner; and shall cause search to be made in the commons Streets, and in the High-ways, by some company of able Men; to apprehend such Rogues and Vagabonds, and shall take order for the disposing of the Poor and Lame, to repair to the Places where they ought to be provided for, by the Names of their Parishes, and not to be suffered to wander abroad without Provision or Relief."
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Then follow, the Names of those that were to sit at Sessions-Hall, to examine the Conditions of the Persons that should be taken wandring. They were of two sorts, some for such as pretended to be Soldiers, others for such as pretended to seek Service, or follow Suits. These last were, Sir Owen Hopton, Robert Wroth, Rich. Warren, Will. Fleetwood, Recorder of London, Arthur Atie, Rich. Skerrington, George Ashby of Westminster, Tho. Fowler, the Town Clerk of London, and the Clerk of the Peace of Middlesex.
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Upon the Access of King James to the English Throne, it appeared by his Proclamation set forth in September, An. Dom. 1603. that Rogues and Vagabonds increased, notwithstanding all the Provision the Queen by Laws and Proclamations had made from time to time against them. The Import of this King's Proclamation, was for Banishing the most dangerous sort of them out of the Kingdom into foreign Countries; mentioning the Statute of the 30 Eliz.
"For the Repressing of Rogues, Vagabonds, idle and dissolute Persons, wherewith this Realm was then much infested, &c. But that now they swarmed again, and abounded every where more frequently than in times past. Therefore that no Impediment might be to the due and full execution of that Law, his Highness Privy Council, according to the Power in that behalf given by the said Law, had by their Order assigned Places and Parts beyond the Seas, unto which such incorrigible and dangerous Rogues should be banished and conveyed."
[Which Order is here under set down.]
"His Majesty purposing to have the same Law duly and fully executed, required all Justices of Peace, Maiors, Bailiffs, &c. to see the said Law, in all the Parts and Branches of the same, duly and exactly executed."
Given at his Manor of Woodstock, Sept. 17.
King James's Proclamation against Rogues, An.
"FOrasmuch as it hath appeared unto Us, as well by our own views in our Travels in this present Progress of his Majesty, as also by good and credible Information from divers and sundry Parts of the Realm, that Rogues grow again, and increase to be incorrigible and dangerous, not only to his Majesty's loving Subjects abroad, but also to his Majesty and his Honourable Council in and about the Court: Which growing partly through the Remissness of some of the Justices of Peace, and other Officers in the Country; and partly, for that there hath been no suit made for assigning some Place beyond the Seas, to which such incorrigible and dangerous Rogues might be banished, according to the Statute in that behalf made: We therefore of his Majesty's Privy Council, whose Names are hereunto subscribed, finding it of necessity to reform these great Abuses, and to have the due Execution of so good and necessary a Law, do according to the Power limited to us by the same Statute, here assign, and think it fit and expdient, that the Places and Parts beyond the Seas, to which any such incorrigible and dangerous Rogues shall be banished and conveyed according to the said Statute, shall be these Countries and Places following, viz. The Newfound Land, the East and West Indies, France, Germany, Spain, and the Low Countries, or any of them."
Order for banishing them.
T. Buckhurst. Lenox. Nottingham. Suffolk. Devonshire. Mar. Ro. Cecill. E. Wotton. J. Stanhope.
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Now a little concerning the present State and Condition of London, as to its Wealth and Incomes, it must be confessed, that by reason of the great Fire, and divers Losses and great Expences, the City is not before-hand; but for the Satisfaction of the Orphans Debts, the Parliament hath secured the payment of Four per Cent. per Annum Interest of their Money for ever, and appointed a Tax of 2000l. per Annum, to be levied upon the City towards the payment of the said Interest.
The present State of the City.
And that the annual Receipts and Disbursements of the said City may the better appear for the Information of the Publick, the State of the Chamber of London, Septemb. 29. Anno 1694. appeared (by the Account of Sir Leonard Robinson, Kt. late Chamberlain) to be as followeth; as I take from a Print.
The State of the Chamber of London.
Rich. Bromley.
Sir Leonard Robinson Debtor. |
| l. | s. | d. |
To Cash Remaining in this Accomptant's Hands on the Foot of his last declared Account. | 1543 | 15 | 08 |
Ended the 29th of Sept. 1693. | | | |
To the Renter-General. | 3950 | 06 | 11 |
To the Renter of Finsbury. | 0380 | 02 | 06 |
To the Freemen and Inrolments. | 1168 | 02 | 02 |
To Rent Farms. | 5639 | 09 | 06 |
To Sheriffs Fines. | 5440 | 00 | 00 |
To Fines for Leases. | 3949 | 00 | 00 |
To Gresham Cash. | 1200 | 00 | 00 |
To Casual Receipts. | 0375 | 01 | 02 |
To Orphanage Money. | 0097 | 06 | 01 |
| 23743. | 04 | 00 |
The Order.
Per Contra Creditor. |
| l. | s. | d. |
By Rents and Quit Rents. | 0736 | 07 | 10 |
By Workmens Wages and Works Extraordinary. | 2787 | 01 | 01 |
By Necessary Charges. | 0271 | 13 | 04 |
By Forraign Charges. | 0848 | 17 | 06 |
By Assessments, Rates and Tythes, | 1580 | 10 | 01 |
By Courts of Conservacy. | 0163 | 09 | 10 |
By Gifts and Rewards. | 2078 | 08 | 01 |
By Sollicitors, &c. Bills. | 0970 | 13 | 06 |
By Allowances, Fees and Pensions. | 2690 | 00 | 08 |
By Liveries. | 0365 | 18 | 08 |
By Orphans Portions paid. | 0097 | 06 | 01 |
By Interest and finding Money Paid. | 0859 | 06 | 03 |
By Bequest. | 0238 | 09 | 01 |
| 13688 | 02 | 00 |
Cash resting to Ballance, in Sir Leonard Robinson's Hands, Sept. 29th. 1694. Ten Thousand Fifty Five Pound, Two Shillings. |
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