[Acts of] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Common Council.]411

[Acts of] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Common Council.]

within the said City or the Liberties thereof; (Victuals in the Market-place and Market-time only excepted) otherwise than upon the Stall of his, her or their own Shop or Dwelling-house, or in his, her or their Shop, Warehouse or Dwelling-house, upon pain to forfeit for every time wherein he, she or they shall so offend, all the Linnen Cloth, or other Ware whatsoever, to be sold, uttered or put to Sale, contrary to the true Meaning hereof; and to forfeit also the Sum of Twenty Shillings of lawful Money of England.

And be it further Enacted, Ordained and Established, by the Authority aforesaid, That the one Moiety, or Half part of all the Penalties and Forfeitures to be forfeited by vertue of this Act, shall be to the Chamberlain of the City of London, for the time being, to the Use of the Maior, and Commonalty, and Citizens of the same City; and the other Moiety thereof to him or them that will sue for the same, by Action of Debt, Bill, or Information, to be affirmed, exhibited, or commenced and prosecuted in the Queens Majesty's Court, to be holden before the Lord Maior and Aldermen of the said City, in the Chamber of the Guild-hall of the same City; wherein no Wager of Law shall be admitted for the Defendant. And it shall and may be lawful to all, and every Person and Persons whatsoever, thereunto authorized by the Lord Maior and Court of Aldermen of the City aforesaid, for the time being, who shall see or know any Linnen Cloth, or Wares made of Linnen Cloth, Starch, or other Wares or Merchandizes whatsover, which shall be bought, sold, uttered, or offered to put to Sale, contrary to the true Meaning of this present Act, (and thereby shall be forfeited by vertue of this Act) to seize the same, and to carry and convey the same to the Guild-hall of the said City, or to some Place near unto the same, there to remain in safe Custody, until the same shall be disposed of according to the true Meaning of this present Act.

An ACT of Common Council made in the 22d Year of King Charles the First, 1646.


WHereas by Experience it is found, That foreign buying and selling, and colouring of Foreigners Goods, meeting with, and buying Commodities and Merchandizes coming towards the City of London, and the common Markets there, are of late Years more used and practised than in former Times; all which tendeth much unto the prejudice of this City, and is contrary to the ancient Liberties and Franchises thereof: In which Cases, by the ancient Customs of the said City of London, confirmed by Parliament, the Commodities so foreign bought and sold, coloured, met and forestalled, as aforesaid, are respectively forfeited to the City of London; but in default of a competent Reward, or Allownace to be made unto the Prosecutors of Offenders in such Cases, the said Offenders are grown too frequent, whereby the Fréemen of the City of London are much damnified: For Remedy whereof, and Encouragement of such persons who shall take pains in the Premises, Be it Enacted, Concluded and Agréed, by the Right Honourable the Lord Maior, Aldermen and Commons in Common Council assembled, and by Authority of the same, That from henceforth, whatsoever person or persons that seizeth and presenteth to the Chamberlain of the City of London for the time being, any Goods, Merchandizes or Commodities duly proved foreign, bought and sold, or coloured, or which hath or shall be bought of any Merchant, or other, that bring the same to the City of London, either by Land or by Water, to be sold before the same come to the said City, and have been there shewed to Sale, shall have, for his or their Pains and Labour, the Moiety, or one half of the respective Forfeitures, the Charges of Suits being first deducted.

Against buying and selling and colouring foreign Goods.

An Abstract of an Act of Parliament made 1 & 2 Phil. and Mariæ, cap. 7.


THAT whereas the Cities, Boroughs, Towns Corporate and Market Towns, did heretofore flourish, where Youth were well educated, and civilly brought up, and were highly serviceable to the Government, but were brought to great decay, and were like to come to utter Ruin and Destruction, by reason that Persons dwelling out of the said Cities and Towns, came and took away the Relief and Subsistence of the said Cities and Towns, by selling their Wares there: For Remedy whereof, be it Enacted, That no Person or Persons dwelling any where out of any of the said Cities and Towns, (the Liberties of the two Universities only excepted) shall hereafter sell, or cause to be sold by Retail, any Woollen or Linnen Cloth, (except of their own making) or any Haberdashery, Grocery or Mercery Ware, at or within any of the said Cities, Boroughs, Towns Corporate, or Market Towns within this Realm, (except in open Fairs) on pain to forfeit and lose, for every time so offending, Six Shillings and Eight Pence, and the whole Wares so sold, offered or proffered to be sold: The one Moiety of all which Forfeitures, to be to the Use of the King and Queen; and the other Half to him or them that shall seize or sue for the same, in any of their Majesties Courts of Record, by Bill, Plaint, Action of Debt, Information, or otherwise; wherein no Essoign. Protection, or Wager of Law shall be allowed.

None dwelling out of Cities and Towns Corporate, to sell by Retail Woolen or Linnen Cloth, Haberdashery, &c.

An Abstract of an Act of Common Council made the 15th of April, Anno quarto Jac. I. Sir Leonard Halliday Lord Maior.


WHereas by the ancient Charters, Customs, Franchises and Liberties of the City of London, confirmed by sundry Acts of Parliament, no Person not being Free of the City of London, may or ought to sell, or put to Sale any Wares or Merchandizes within the City, or the Liberties of the same, by Retail, or keep any open or inward Shop, or other inward Place or Room, for Shew, Sale, or putting to Sale of any Wares or Merchandizes, or for Use of any Art, Occupation, Mystery or Handicraft within the same: And whereas also, Edward, sometime King of England, of famous Memory, the Third of that Name, by his Charter made and granted to the said City, in the Fifteenth Year of his Reign, confirmed also by Parliament, amongst other things granted, That if any Customs in the said City, before that Time obtained and used, were in any part hard or defective, or any things in the same City newly arising, where Remedy before that Time was not obtained, should need Amendment, the Maior and Aldermen of the said City, and their Successors, with the Assent of the Commonalty of the same City, might put and ordain thereunto fit Remedies, as often as it should seem expedient to them, &c. So that such Ordinance should be profitable to the King, for the Profit of the Citizens, and other People repairing to the said City, and agreeable to Reason: Now forasmuch as divers and sundry Strangers and Foreigners from the Liberties of the said City (nothing regarding the said ancient Charters, Franchises, Customs or Liberties of the said City, but wholly intending their private Profit) have of late Years devised and practised, by all sinister and subtle Means, how to defraud the said Charters, Liberties, Customs, good Orders and Ordinances; and to that end, do inwardly, in privy and secret Places, usually and ordinarily shew, sell, and put to Sale their Wares and Merchadizes, and use

No Foreigner to keep open Shop in the City, or sell by Retail.
