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[Wharfs] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [and Keys.]284

[Wharfs] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [and Keys.]

of Sandwich and Ipswich, and either of them, and the known Members thereof, and of the Customers, Comptrollers, Searchers, and their Deputies, of and within the said Ports of Sandwich and Ipswich, and the several Créeks, Harbours and Havens to them or either of them respectively belonging, within the Counties of Kent or Essex; but that every part and place of the River of Thames and Sea within the Limits and Bounds aforesaid, not included or belonging to the said Ports of Sandwich or Ipswich, or the several Créeks, Harbours or Havens to them, or one of them respectively belonging, within the said Counties of Kent or Essex, shall be déemed and taken to be within, and part and parcel of the Port of London.

And whereas by the Act of Parliament for rebuilding the City of London, it is Enacted, That for the prevention of Inundations, and for easiness of Ascent, the Stréet called Thames-street, and all the Ground betwéen the said Thames-street and the River of Thames, shall be raised and made higher by thrée Foot at the least, above the Surface of the Ground as now it lieth: And whereas by exact Surveys and Levels lately made of the Surface of the Ground, and the several Wharfs and Campshots bounding the River of Thames from London Bridge to Tower-Dock, it is found that the Grounds, Wharfs and Campshots aforesaid have béen heretofore of different and unequal Heights, and those made now much more unequal by Rubbish and Alteration, which hath happened by the Accident of the late Fire, by means whereof the ancient Surface of the Ground and Campshots are hardly distinguishable: And whereas it is also found that the Wharf called Sommers Key, is, in pursuance of the said Act, raised higher than any of the rest, insomuch that it appears to be now five Foot above the Highwater Mark at an ordinary Spring-Tide, which is judged sufficient Height against all Inundations: Therefore according to the true Intent and Meaning of the said Act of Parliament, we hold it necessary to declare, that all the other Keys, Wharfs and Campshots aforesaid be raised to an exact Level with the same: And accordingly it will be found, that the several places hereafter named ought to be raised from the present Height as followeth, viz. Brewers Key one Foot six Inches, Chesters Key one Foot six Inches, Galley key two Foot, Wool Dock one Foot nine Inches, Customhouse Key, on the East part thereof, ten Inches, and on the West part thereof one Foot, Porters Key one Foot, Bear Key on the East part thereof one Foot six Inches, and on the West part thereof two Foot, Wiggons Key one Foot, Youngs Key eight Inches, Ralphs Key six Inches, Dice Key one Foot, Smarts Key one Foot four Inches, Billinsgate two Foot, Botolph Wharf six Inches, Cocks Key Six Inches, Gaunts Key one Foot, and Fresh Wharf six Inches: And for the easiness of Ascent, that all the said Ground be continued from the water-side to Thames-street, in an equal and gradual Ascent to the Height that is to be there set forth and limited, according to the Intent and true Meaning of the Act of Parliament aforesaid.


And lastly, we do humbly advise, that no further or other Passage be made or enlarged to the Wharfs, or any part of the River of Thames, from Thames-street within the Limits aforesaid, other than the ancient and common Passages to the same.

Dated at the Customhouse, London, May 24. 1667.

Ashley.Jo. Harrison.
W. Morris. W. Ryder.
John Wolstenholme.Edm. Turnor.
Jo. Shawe.H. Seymour.
Robert Vyner.J. Dawes.
Jo. Denham.Geo. Nicholas.
Ch. Harbord.Phil. Warwick.
Edw. Backwell.Tho. Ailway.
Fr. Millington.Rich. Mounteney.
Tho. Nevil.Edw. Brewer.
J. Bence.Tho. Kinnaston.
Hugh May.Geo. Toriano.
John Jefferies.Fran. Hodges.
P. Vandeput.W. Dickinson.
Dan. Colwall.Rich. Ward.
Hen. Kersly.Tho. Fownes.

CHARLES the Second, by the Grace of GOD, of England, Scotland, France and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, &c. To Our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir John Wolstenholme, Knight and Baronet, Sir John Shawe, Knight and Baronet, Sir John Harrison, Knight, Sir Edmond Turnor, Knight; and to Our Well-beloved Henry Seymor, Esq; John Dawes, Esq; George Nicholas, Esq; and Philip Warwick, Esq; Farmers and Officers of Our Customs; and to all other the Farmers, Collectors, Comptrollers, Surveyors, Searchers, Waiters, or other Officers or Agents for our Customs, in the Port of London, now and for the time being: And to all other Persons whom it may concern, Greeting. WHEREAS by vertue of an Act of Parliament made in the Parliament begun at Westminster the eighth Day of May, Anno Dom. 1661. in the thirteenth Year of Our Reign, and there continued till the nineteenth of May, in the fourteenth Year of Our Reign, entituled, An Act for preventing of Frauds and regulating Abuses in Our Customs, We have issued Our Commission under Our Seal of Our Court of Exchequer, bearing date the nine and twentieth day of March last, in the nineteenth Year of Our Reign, directed to Our Right Trusty and Right Well-beloved Cousins and Counsellors, Edward Earl of Clarendon, Lord High Chancellor of England, Thomas Earl of Southampton, Lord High Treasurer of England; and to Our Right Trusty and Well-beloved Anthony Lord Ashley, Chancellor and Under-Treasurer of our Exchequer, Henry Lord Arlington, one of our principal Secretaries of State, Sir William Morice, Knight, one other of our principal Secretaries of State; and to Our Trusty and Well-beloved Sir John Denham, Knight of the Bath, Sir Charles Harbord, Knight, Sir John Wolstenholme, Knight and Baronet, Sir John Shawe, Knight and Baronet, Sir John Harrison, Knight, Sir Edmond Turnor, Knight, Sir Robert Viner, Knight and Baronet, Sir William Ryder, Knight: And to Our Well-beloved Henry Seymour, Esq; Edward Backwell, Esq; on of the Aldermen of the City of London, John Jefferyes, Esq; late one of the Aldermen of the said City, Dr. Christopher Wren, John Bence, Esq; Hugh May, Esq; John Dawes, Esq; Philip Warwick, Esq; Francis Millington, Esq; Peter Vandeput, Esq; William Rumball, Esq; George Nicholas, Esq; Thomas Nevil, Esq; Henry Kersley, Esq; Thomas Ailway, Esq; Daniel Colwall, Esq; Richard Mounteney, Esq; Edward Brewer, Gent. Francis Hodges, Gent. William Dickinson, Gent. Richard Ward, Gent. Thomas Kinnaston, Gent. John Tivill, Gent. George Toriano, Gent. and Thomas Fownes, Gent. and did thereby assign and appoint them to be Our Commissioners; Giving unto them, or any Seven or more of them, full Power and Authority to repair unto the Place where Our Custom-house of our Port of London did lately stand, and to the several Places thereunto adjoining within our City of London, and to search, find out and survey the open Places thereabout, and to assign and appoint all such and so many open Place and Places to be Keys or Wharfs for the shipping and landing of Goods, Wares and Merchandize within our Port of London, as to them should seem most meet for the Uses and Services aforesaid; and to appoint, limit, bound and settle all those Places by sufficient Metes, Limits


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY