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[Wharfs and Keys.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.283

[Wharfs and Keys.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT.

the Form of Doors or Valves for Balconies, to open with double Leaves to the bottom of the Floor whereunto they are placed.

ITEM, We think fit, that the number of Cranes upon the said several Wharfs be at the election of the Owners or Possessors of the Ground, provided they excéed not the dimensions following; viz. A single Crane with one Whéel twelve Foot in breadth, and a double Crane with two Whéels twenty Foot, and each of them in depth or length from the Wall or Campshot twenty one Foot at the most; and that the said Cranes, as well single as double, be kept open and frée for common Passage from the Ground to the Floor under the Whéels without any other Inclosure, Partition, Separation or Hinderance by Posts or Spurns than the necessary Posts and Timbers which support the same at both ends; And that the open height of the said Crane be at least ten Foot and a half from the Ground to the Floor under the Whéels, that Carts and Carriages may fréely pass under them.


And to prevent all Incroachments, Incumbrances and Abuses that may be made or committed upon the said Wharfs, Keys or Cranes, We think fit, and do hereby declare, That it shall not be lawful for any Person to build any Outsets, Iets, Penthouses, Warehouses, Rooms, Lodgings, or any manner of Posts, Sheds or Buildings, contiguious or annexed to the said Cranes, or any part of the open Wharf, of forty Foot in breadth, described as aforesaid, more than what is convenient about the Cranes for the Whéels to work in and upon, and sufficient Covering thereunto, not excéeding the height, breadth and length aforesaid. And for further Ornament, in regard those Cranes stand in the most publick View of the River, that they be laid in Oil and coloured blue, and in the Front thereof towards the Thames be placed the King's Arms, painted and set in an Escutcheon or other Frame, with a decent Moulding about it of at least four Foot and half in Diameter.


ITEM, We have advised, and do think fit, That all the Passages, Lanes or Cart-ways, leading to the said Keys or Wharfs from Thames-street, and every of them, be made of the breadth of eleven Foot at the least: but if any was of a larger breadth or dimension heretofore, this shall not be construed or meant to lessen or straiten it, but that it continue at the ancient or larger dimension.

ITEM, We think fit, that the several Keys and Wharfs described and allowed to be frée places for shipping and landing of Goods and Merchandize as aforesaid, and which according to the Tenor of the said Act of Parliament for rebuilding the City, is and ought to be left open and frée at the distance of forty Foot from the Water-side, shall not be separated or divided one from another by any House, Wall, Pale, Post, Rail, or other Impediment whatsoever, but only by méer Stones or Marks in the Pavement for the distinction of Propriety, and not otherwise.

ITEM, We think fit, and do hereby declare, that if any Wharfinger or Owner of any the Wharfs or Grounds allowed for shipping, lading or landing of Goods or Merchandize as aforesaid, do not conform to the present Form, Rules and Method hereby prescribed and directed for their Wharfs, Cranes, or Buildings, or hereafter shall discontinue or alter the same, or make new Incroachments thereupon, That after publick Notice given by any thrée or more of the principal Officers or Farmers of his Majesties Customs, by firing up a Writing under their Hands upon the Wharf where the Fault shall be committed, declaring the Offence, and limitting a Day and Time for the Amendment thereof: which if not amended or performed accordingly, that then such Wharf, or Crane, shall from thenceforward be no more reputed or taken, or have the Benefit, or Priviledge as a lawful place of shipping, lading or landing of Goods or Merchandize; but be thenceforward utterly debarred thereof, unless restored by his Majesties special Warrant; and nevertheless the said Buildings, Alterations and Incroachments to be demolished and removed, as the Law in that case hath directed.


Yet nevertheless, notwithstanding any Advice, Declaration or Appointment herein before mentioned, concerning the Keys, Wharfs or Places of shipping, lading or landing of Goods and Merchandize, if at any time it shall séem reasonable to the principal Officers or Farmers of the Customs for the time being, and consistent with his Majesty's Service, to give sufferance or permission for the shipping, lading or landing any Goods or Merchandize at any other place or places, or in any other manner than is herein before nominated and advised, or assigned to be lawful Keys and Wharfs, it shall and may be lawful for them so to do; and such sufferance and permission shall be good and warrantable, without and Forfeiture or Advantage to be taken against the Goods so landed, notwithstanding any thing herein before declared to the contrary.

But if his Majesty shall be pleased to reduce all the lawful Keys and Wharfs to the space of Ground betwixt London-Bridge and the Tower, which will be a great Improvement to the Owners thereof, We do humbly advise, and hereby declare, That whosoever shall accept of, or from henceforward employ any of those Keys or Wharfs by vertue of such Concession to the use of shipping, lading or landing of Goods and Merchandize, that it is to be understood, and it is hereby declared to be with this Covenant and Condition, That they perform all and singular the Orders, Assignments and Appointments, which on their parts and behalfs is herein before declared to be performed and done, and not otherwise.

And for the avoiding the Incumbrance and Annoyance which will daily happen, to the disturbance of his Majesty's service, and inconvenience to Merchants in taking up their Goods at the said Keys and Wharfs, by suffering Cars to stand empty upon the said Wharfs and open places allowed by the Law for other purposes; We think it necessary, that the several Wharfingers, or Possessors of any the said Keys or Wharfs, or their Servants, shall not suffer to stand or remain upon their Wharfs, or passages leading to them from Thames street, any more than such Cars or Carts as shall be immediately called to lade or take up Goods, Wares or Merchandize there: And if any other Car or Cart shall presume to come down empty, without being called by the Owners or Agents employed in taking up of Goods, and there stand to the Disturbance and Hinderance of the Service aforesaid, it shall be lawful for the said Wharfingers, or their Servants, by lawful and peaceable means to force them off, and in case of refusal, to prosecute them farther by such Rules, Orders and Punishments, as by the Laws and Customs of the City they may or ought to do.


And to prevent all future Differences and Disputes touching the Extent and Limits of the Port of London, and the many Frauds and Abuses which have béen acted and committed, as well upon and within the River of Thames, as without the Mouth thereof upon the Sea; We think it necessary, and do humbly advise, that the said Port may be declaed by his Majesty to extend, and be accounted from the Promontory or Point called the Northforeland in the Isle of Thanet, and from thence Northward in a supposed right Line to the opposite Promontory or Point called the Nase, beyond the Gunfleet upon the Coast of Essex, and so continued Westward through the River of Thames, and the several Channels, Streams and Rivers falling into it, to London-Bridge, saving the usual and known Right, Liberty and Priviledge to the Ports

The Extent of the Port.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY