[Merchants] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [of India.]266

[Merchants] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [of India.]

measure deprive this Turky Company of all East-India Goods. Notwithstanding the Traffic of these Merchants is great and very considerable: exporting yearly about 30000 Cloths, both dyed and drest; also Kersies, Lead, Tin, Pewter, Iron, Steel, Wire, Starch, Sugars, Hides, Elephants Teeth, Brazile, several East India Commodities, as Spices, Callicoes, Logwood, Indico, Red and White Lead, and Pieces of Eight. And for these and the like are imported Raw Silk of several Sorts, Camblets, Grograins, Yarn, Mohairs of Angor, Wools, Cottons, Cotton Yarn of Smyrna and Cyprus, Galls of Mosolo and Toccat, the Currants and Oyls of Zant, Zephalonia, Morea, &c. the Druggs of Egypt and Arabia; also Turky Carpets, Cordovants, Boxwood, Rhubarb, Wormseed, Sena, Cominseed, together with several other rich Commodities.

This Company was first incorporated in the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and confirmed by her Successors. They have several Privileges and Immunities granted them; as the making of By-Laws and Orders for the well governing of the Society. They have power to determine Controversies that may arise in the said Company, concerning their Trade, giving of Oaths, imposing of Fines or Imprisonment on Offenders, the using of a Seal, and the bearing of a Coat of Arms. Which is thus blazoned. Azure, a Ship in full Sail, all proper, each Sail garnished with a Cross, Gules, in a Sea betwixt two Rocks, and a Chief ingrailed, Argent. Crest and Supporters they have none, neither a Motto.

When incorporated.

The Government is committed to a Governor, Deputy Governor, and a Court of Assistance of Eighteen: Who are annually chosen by a general Consent, in the Month of February. They keep Court monthly, or as Occasion requires, for the management of the Companies Affairs; as to appoint Consuls, Vice-Consuls, Factors, &c. to such places where their Factories are kept: as at Smyrna, Aleppo, Constantinople, Cyprus, &c. who are answerable to the said Company for what they do or Act under them.]

Out of this Company, seven discreet and able Persons are to be successively Trustees of an ample Estate, for the Maintenance of the College at Blackheath; founded, by Sir John Morden, Baronet, sometime a Member of this Company, for the Reception of poor decaied Merchants: And to be Visitors of the said College yearly: According to the said Mordens last Will and Testament, who died Anno 1708.]

Seven of this Company Trustees of Morden College.

J. S.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Spanish Company   ]

THE Company of MERCHANTS of SPAIN, or more usually called Spanish Merchants, were incorporated by Queen Elizabeth . [Extinct.]


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, East India Company   ]

THE Company of MERCHANTS, called MERCHANTS OF EAST-INDIA, were incorporated by Queen Elizabeth, in the forty second Year of her Reign. Anno Dom. 1600.

Since confirmed by her Successors, with several other Priviledges added to their Charter, so that now they have as ample Priviledges and Immunities as any incorporated Company of Merchants whatsoever.

R. B.

This Company is managed by a joynt Stock, which makes them potent, rich and eminent; and is found several ways beneficial to the Nation, as in their building of Ships, in the employing and maintaining many hundreds, not only in their Shipping but in their Factories. To whom they allow good Salaries; and according as they are found industrious and ingenious, they are raised to a higher Degree, with larger Salaries. The like may be said of their Servants here at home. Again they are found very beneficial to the Nation, by their great Trade into the several parts of India, China, Arabia, and Japan: Exporting, and Importing so many, and so great Quantities of rich Commodities.

East-India Company managed by a joynt Stock.

Commodities Exported, Broad Cloths in a good Quantity, Perpetuanoes, Pieces of Eight, Dollars, Powder, Lead, Elephants Teeth, Amber, Looking-Glasses, Beads, Bracelets, Feathers, Coral, Quick-silver, Vermilion, Allom, Brimstone, Knives, Scissars, &c. And for these they Import, Cotton, Cotton-Yarn, Spices, as Nutmegs, Cloves, Mace, Pepper, Cinnamon, &c. Muslin, Callicoes, Pintadoes of several sorts; amongst which some are of excellent Workmanship, Sanders, Tamarinds, Spicknard, Bezar-stone, Alloes, Myrrhe, Rhubarb, Opium, Frankincence, Cassia, Borax, Calamus, Green-Ginger, Sugars, Sugar-Candy, Camphir, Sandal-Wood, Benjamin, Rice, Indigo, Musk, Sivet, Ambergreece, Silk both raw and wrought into divers Fabricks; many of which are exceeding curious and rich with Sprigs and Flowers of Gold, several sorts of precious Stones, Pearl, Mother of Pearl, Christal, Cornelian Rings, Agats, Lacque, Furrs, and Skins of Wild Beasts, Porcelane, Sealing-Wax, Copper, Coffee, Tea, curious Cabinets, Sanguis-Draconis, China-Roots, and China Wares of several sorts, Salt-Petre, with divers Drugs and other Commodities too tedious to name.

Commodities Exported.

Commodities Imported.

The Armes belonging to this Company of Merchants is thus blazoned: Azure, three Ships under Sail, Or, each Sail garnished with a Cross of England, on a Chief Or, between two Roses proper, an Additament out of the Arms of England, Quarterly, Azure and Gules, in the first and last a Flower-de-lis, Or, and in the second and third, a Lyon passant gardant, of the same; and for their Crest, on a Wreath of their Colours, a Sphere, or Celestial Globe, between two Standards of St. George;

Their Atchievement.
