[Companies.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. | 249 |
of my Lord Maior, the Aldermen and Sheriffs, for their meeting and wearing of their Apparel, &c. Which List is entitled, The Names of the several Companies in their Order. And is as followeth, (after the Twelve first Companies)
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13. Dyers. 14. Brewers. 15. Leathersellers. 16. Pewterers. 17. Barber-Surgeons. 18. Cutlers. 19. Bakers. 20. Wax Chandlers. 21. Tallow Chandlers. 22. Armourers. 23. Girdlers. 24. Butchers. 25. Sadlers. 26. Carpenters. 27. Cordwainers. 28. Painter-Stainers. 29. Curriers. 30. Masons. 31. Plumbers. 32. Innholders. 33. Founders. 34. Poulterers. 35. Cooks. 36. Coopers. 37. Tylers and Bricklayers. 38. Bowyers. 39. Fletchers. 40. Blacksmiths. 41. Joyners. 42. Weavers. 43. Woolmen. 44. Scriveners.
45. Fruiterers. 46. Plaisterers. 47. Stationers. 48. Embroiderers. 49. Upholders. 50. Musicians. 51. Turners. 52. Basket-makers. 53. Glasiers. 54. Horners. 55. Farriers. 56. Paviors. 57. Lorinors. 58. Apothecaries. 59. Shipwrights. 60. Spectacle-makers. 61. Clock-makers. 62. Glovers. 63. Comb-makers. 64. Felt-makers. 65. Framework-knitters. 66. Silk-throwers. 67. Carmen. 68. Pin-makers. 69. Needle-makers. 70. Gardiners. 71. Sope-makers. 72. Template-workers. 73. Wheelwrights. 74. Distillers. 75. Hatband-makers. 76. Patten-makers. 77. Glass-sellers. 78. Tobaccopipe-makers. 79. Coach and Coach-Harness-makers. 80. Gun-makers. 81. Gold and Silver Wire-drawers. 82. Long Bowstring-makers. 83. Card-makers. 84. Fan-makers.
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Many Lands and Tenements of the Companies, given away by an Act in King Edward VI. Reign. Purchased again of the King.
A List thereof.
A Project for each Company to send out a Ship for Trade.
None to exercise any Trade than what he was Apprentice to.
The Troubles of the Companies by means of the Patents granted for concealed Lands.
NOW to dismiss these Companies, after I shall have added some few things collected and gathered up, which relate to them in general.
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These Corporations had sometimes such Members, as by success in their Trades and Callings, had come to great Wealth, and Chief Magistracy, and had raised Families. In acknowledgment of which goodness of God, and partly, out of a superstitious Care of their Souls departed according to the Religion of those times, they gave part of their Estates to their respective Companies, in trust for the building and maintaining of Hospitals, for annual Relief of the Poor; to which was commonly added certain Rents upon those Lands or Tenements so given, for the Celebration of their yearly Obits, and for Priests, called Chauntry Priests, to sing Mass at set Days in the Churches where they were buried; for their Souls deliverance out of Purgatory, and for the Souls of some of their particular Friends and Relations deceased. Now this being such a Nursery of Superstition, and a Maintenance for idle Priests, by an Act made in the beginning of King Edward VI. Reign, all such Gifts were granted to the Crown. And accordingly all such Lands and Possessions were seized into the King's hands; and so such Portions of the Rents of them as were appropriated for superstitious Uses, were as Rent-Charges paid by the Companies to the King. This was a great Blow to the Corporations of London; which were extreamly weakned in their Incomes and Revenues by the taking so much from them, and brought their charitable Donations almost to an End. Nor was there any other way for them but to purchase, and buy off these Rent-Charges, and get as good Penyworths as they could, of the King. And this they did 3 Edw. VI. by selling other of their Lands to enable them to make these Purchases. This cost them 18700l. Which Possesions when they had thus cleared again, they employed them to good Uses, according to the first intent of them, abating the Superstitions. A very exact account of which appears in this Table following. Which was drawn up long after, viz. in the Year 1587. and presented to Queen Elizabeth and her Council, upon a new Vexation of them by certain, who had gotten a Patent, from her to look and and search into all such Collegiate and Chauntry Foundations concealed hitherto. For which the Companies were again called to account; of which we shall hear more by and by. Here are specified the Lands, purchased by each Company of King Edward VI. and what Lands they sold to purhase the same, and how the Profits thereof were bestowed. Which I transcribe from an Original.
The Companies receive a great stroke by the Act for taking away Chauntries.
J. S.
A particular Note of such Charitable good Uses, as are performed by divers of the Companies of London, out of suche Rents as they purchased of King Edward VI.
| l. | s. | d. |
They purchased of the Kinge in Rente per Ann. | 40 | 10 | 02 |
They sould Tenements to buy the same Rente per Ann. | 25 | 10 | 00 |
Payments yerelie out of the Rents purchased. |
In Pensions to poore decaied Brethren. | 23 | 06 | 08 |
In Exhibitions to Schollers. | 16 | 13 | 04 |
In Almes to poor Men and Women. | 20 | 00 | 00 |
Sum of ther yerelie Payments. | 60 | 00 | 00 |
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They purchased of the King in Rente. | 86 | 08 | 00 |
They sould Tenements to buy the same per Ann. | 65 | 02 | 04 |
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