[Coopers, &c.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Bowyers, &c.]217

[Coopers, &c.] The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Bowyers, &c.]

THE Company of the COOKS, having been a Fellowship or Brotherhood of Antiquity, came to be incorporated in the 12th Year of the Reign of King Edward IV. the 11th Day of July: Re-confirmed again by Queen Elizabeth: And afterwards by King James, in the 13th Year of his Reign, May the 19th.

A Cook was in former Time set upon the Pillory, because he sold Picam olentem: i.e. a stinking Pike.

Record Lond.

J. S.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Coopers' Company   ]

THE Company of COOPERS became to be incorporated in the 16th Year of the Reign of King Henry VII. by the Name of Master, Wardens, or Keepers and Commonalty of the Freemen of the Mystery of Coopers in London, and the Suburbs of the same City.

Mr. Stroud lately deceased, dying some Years ago Master of this Company of Coopers of London, was a noble Benefactor: Who left this Company 6000l. in Trust to build a Free School and Hospital at Eggham near Staines. Which is accordingly erected, and endowed.

A great Benefactor of this Company.

J. S.

Nicholas Gibson, sometime Sheriff of London in the latter End of King Henry VIII. founded a Free School, and Hospital adjoining thereto, in Ratcliff. And left an Estate in Trust to this Company of the perpetual Maintenance thereof. The said Company have greatly improved and augmented this Foundation, both in the Number of poor People, and Salaries and Pensions: Toby Wood, Esq; a Counsellor of Lincoln's Inn, and one Mr. Cloker of this Company, being Benefactors to it. The Master of the School is bound to teach 30 Boys: and his Salary is encreased from 10l. a Year to 30l.]


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Bricklayers and Tylers' Company   ]

THE Company of TYLERS and BRICKLAYERS, or Bricklayers and Tylers, not withstanding their Antiquity, were first incorporated in the 10th Year of the Reign of Queen Elizabeth, and confirmed again in the 2d Year of the Reign of King James I.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Bowyers' Company   ]

THE Company of BOWYERS, in regard that the Use of the Long Bow hath added no mean Honour to this Realm of England, making it famous in far remote Nations: They may well stand on a great Privilege of Antiquity, yet their Incorporating speaks but of the 21th Year of the Reign of King James I.

Their Hall anciently was in Hartstreet in the Ward of Cripplegate Within: And before the great Fire, upon St. Peter's Hill in the Ward of Castle Bainard: Since the Fire, they use to meet at some publick House, to confer about their Affairs.]

Their Hall..

J. S.


[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Fletchers' Company   ]

ALtho' there is small reason of sundring Bows from Arrows, or Arrows from Bows; yet because they have divided themselves into two several Companies, let the Fault be on their own Heads. For as I find them, so I leave them.

But besides these two Trades belonging to Archers, there were also two more; namely Stringers and Arrow-Headmakers. All these about the Year 1570 and odd, petitioned the Lord Treasurer: Wherein they stile themselves, the Decayed Companies of Bowyers, Fletchers, Stringers and Arrow-Headmakers, as well in the City of London, as elsewhere through the Realm. They had made a Petition to the Queen before, concerning their own decayed Condition, by reason of the Discontinuance of the Use of Archery, and Toleration of unlawful Games and Exercises. Concerning which, Aubrey, Master of Requests, told them what the Lord Treasurer had said upon View of their said Petition; viz. That he thought it meet and requisite a Commission should be granted to some of the chief of the Companies of Bowyers and Fletchers, Freemen of the City, as well for suppressing unlawful Games, as also for the Enforcement of the Exercises of the Long Bow, according to the Law and Statute of the Realm in those Cases provided. Upon this they preferred a Petition to him, to have due and favourable Consideration of the Cause of their Complaint, with their decayed Estates; and to vouchsafe, that the said Commission might be granted to them, according to his Lordship's former Model, and as certain Notes ready to be shewed him did import.

Bowyers, Fletchers, Stringers, Arrow-head-makers: their Petition.

J. S.

In the Year 1576, one Rafe Lane, a great Projector in those Times, would have monopolized to himself this Commission for the Restoration of

Rafe Lane, sues for a Commission for taking care of the Laws for Archery.
