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The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Merchant-Taylors.]190

The TEMPORAL GOVERNMENT. [Merchant-Taylors.]



[ Click here to view Image of coat of arms, Merchant Taylors' Company   ]

THE first Patent of these Arms were granted by Sir Thomas Holme Knight, Clarencieux King of Arms, to the Company of Taylors and Linnen-Armourers, in the one and twentieth Year of King Edward IV. Anno Dom. 1480. And since then incorporated by King Henry VII. by the name of the Men of the Art and Mystery of Merchant-Taylors, of the Fraternity of St. John Baptist in London, &c. by Letters Patents bearing Date the 18th Year of his Reign. And after, the same Arms and Crest were confirmed by Thomas Wriothesly, Knt. Ann. 22 Hen. VIII. under their Hands and Seals of Arms. Then being somewhat altered, with a new Crest and Supporters granted by Robert Cook, Clarencieux, confirmed under his Hand, and the Seal of his Office, dated Decemb. 23. 1586, and 29 Regin. Eliz.]

J. S.

Thomas Sutton, Citizen and Taylor of London, by his Will dated May 25. 1432, gave to the Company of Taylors, Omnia illa tenta. terr. solar. una cum Wharva juxta aquam Thamisiæ, in the Parish of St. James Garlickhith, in a certain Lane called Gressyngham-lane, as they lie in length from Thames Street to the Water of Thames: To have to the Master of the Fraternity and Custodes of the same, and to their Successors for ever: To relieve and maintain the Poor Brothers and Sisters of the same Fraternity, to pray devoutly for his Soul in perpetuum.

Fraternity of Taylors. Regist. Lond.

He gave also to the said Company all his Lands and Tenements in the Parish of Trinity the Less, situate between a Tenement, formerly belonging to John Cosyn, on the West, and a Lane called Trinity-lane on the East, and extend to Knightrider-street on the North. To have to the Encrease of the Alms of the said Fraternity.

Regist. Ep. London.

E. A.

The Hall of this Company is situate in Threadneedle-street, consumed in the great Fire, magnificently rebuilt.

The Hall.

July 16. 1607, (the Day of Election of Master and Wardens of the Merchant Taylors Company, that used to be kept with great Solemnity and Feasting) King James I. with Prince Henry and divers Honourable Personages, dined at Merchant-Taylors Hall, and were entertained with great va-riety of Musick, Vocal and Instrumental, and Speeches. The King dined in the Chamber here, called the King's Chamber. Then the Master of the Company, John Swinnerton, attended with the four Wardens, and other eminent Aldermen and Citizens, after a Speech congratulatory made to him by Sir Henry Montague, Recorder, presented him with a Purse of Gold: And Richard Langley, Clerk of the Company, delivered unto his Majesty a Roll, wherein were entred the Names of such Kings and Nobles, and other great Persons that had been Free of their Company: Viz. Seven Kings, one Queen, seventeen Princes and Dukes, two Dutchesses, one Archbishop, one and thirty Earls, five Countesses, one Viscount, twenty four Bishops, sixty six Barons and Lords, two Ladies, seven Abbots, seven Priors and one Sub-Prior, omitting a Number of Knights, Esquires, &c. The Kings then said, that he was Free of another Company, yet he would so much grace the Company of Merchant-Taylors, that his eldest Son the Prince should be Free thereof; and that he would see and be a Witness, when the Garland should be put upon his Head. And then they resorted unto the Prince, who dined in the great Hall; and the Company presented him with another Purse full of Gold: and the Clerk delivered his Highness another like Roll. And his Highness said, that not only himself would be Free of the Company, but many other of his Lords: And commanded one of his Gentlemen and the Clerk of the Company, to go to all the Lords present, and to require them that loved him, and were not Free of other Companies, to be Free of his Company. And so were accordingly made Free, two and twenty Earls and Lords, and a great many other Knights and Esquires; and of the Clergy, Dr. Montague, Dean of the Chappel, and Adam Newton, Dean of Durham, and the Prince's Tutor, and three Noblemen of the Low-Countries, Ambassadors to the King; viz. John Berke, Lord in Godsckalk Coort, Counsellor of Dort; Sir John de Maldere, Knight, Lord of Heyes, &c. and Chancellor of Zealand: Sir Noel de Caron, Knight, Lord of Schoonwel, &c. Ambassador Ledger from the States. The Names of some of the English Nobles, that had their Freedoms of this Company granted them at this time, were, the Duke of Lenox, the Earl of Nottingham, Lord Admiral; the Earl of Suffolk, Lord Chamberlain; the Earl of Salisbury, Principal Secretary to the King; and several other Knights and Gentlemen, Scotch and English.

King James I. dines with this Company. And Prince Henry made Free.

J. S.

Fraternitas S. Catharinæ de Haberdashers Ann. 1380.

These Persons following, have been Maiors of this Honourable City, and Brothers of this Society.

Regist. Testam. Lond.

Sir John Percival, Maior 1499. Buried at St. Mary Woolnoth in Lombard street.

J. S.

Sir Stephen Jenings, Maior 1509. Buried at Christchurch Anno 1524.

Sir Henry Hobblethorne, Maior 1547. He dwelt the very next House to Leaden-hall: Where Sir William Bowyer dwelt. And was buried at St. Peter's upon Cornhil.

Sir Thomas White, Maior 1554. He married the Widow of Sir Rafe Warren, who was Maior in 1537: In whose House he dwelt in Sithe-lane.


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY