Suburbs. Manour of Finsbury. 101

Suburbs. Manour of Finsbury.

A Survey taken the thirtieth Day of December, Ann. Dom. 1567. and the tenth of Queen Elizabeth, of the Manour of Finsbury, in the County of Middlesex, belonging to the Prebend of Halliwel and Finsbury, in the Cathedral Church of St. Paul, London. Wherein are particularly specified, as well the capital Messuage and Scite of the said Manour, and all other Messuages, Houses, Gardens, Orchards, Lands, Tenements, Medows, Pastures, Leasures, and other Grounds, being of the Demaines of the said Manour; with the Butts and Bounds thereof. As also the Rents and Services belonging to the said Manour: and the Names of the Tenents by whom the same are to be paid. With mention also, for what Lands the same Rents and Services are due; with the Butts and Bounds thereof.

The Demain Lands.


THE Manour House, commonly called Finsbury Farm; a great Barn, a Gatehouse, and Stables: A Court and Orchard belonging to the said Manour House.


Six Gardens, whereof one in the Tenure of William Chivall, Draper; the other five severally held by Master Lionel Ducket, Alderman; John Bull, Grocer; William Fulwood, Grocer; John Hewet, Clothworker; and William Leonard, Mercer. All which lie together adjoining to the said Manour upon the North; and the Moor Field and Lane there, leading between the said Gardens, and other Teintors and Gardens, belonging to the Prebend of the Moor; and now in the Tenure of the Merchant Taylors, upon the South. And a Garden now divided into more Parcels, also belonging to the said Lordship, in the Tenure of John God, Merchant Taylor, on the West, and the Ditch and Way there, leading from London towards Finsbury Field, and Halliwel, on the party East.

A Lodge, and certain Gardens and Teinter Ground, in the Tenure of John God, Merchant Taylor, inclosed on the North towards Chiswel Street, with a Brick Wall; and upon a Tenement and Garden belonging to Richard Marten, Goldsmith; and others upon the West. And upon a Way lying between the same, and certain Gardens and Tenters belonging to the Prebend, called the Moor, in the Tenure of the Merchant Taylors of London, on the South. And the great Garden and Orchard belonging to the said Manour, now in the Tenure of John Gresham, Mercer, and other Gardens belonging to the said Lordship, on the Party East.

A Tenement; a Lodge, a Loft over a Gate, and five Gardens, now in the Tenure of William Erdiswick, Merchant Taylor, whereof four abutting upon Finsbury Field on the East, and Chiswel Street on the South; and the Lands of late belonging to John Conningsby, now the Lands of William East, Gentleman, in the Right of his Wife, one of the Daughters of William Wakefield: and late in the Tenure of John Hillyard, Goldsmith, on the North Party. And upon a Gate way, leading from Chiswel Street, as well toward the said Gardens, as towards a little Barn there, in the Tenure of Alban Chisselton, Bowyer, on the West. And the fifth Garden East, upon the said great Way; and South, upon the said Barn, in Part; and West in Part, upon a Tenement and Garden in the Tenure of Thomas Lee, Fletcher, being parcel of the said Demain Lands, and the said Tenement, Lodge, and Loft, over the said Gate, abutting on Chiswel Street towards the South.

Another Tenement, a Garden, and the said old Barn, in the Tenure of Alban Chisselton, Bowyer, butting upon the South side of Chiswel Street, and next adjoining to the said Tenement, now in the Tenure of the said Thomas Lee, on the Party East.

A Tenement and a Garden in the Tenure of Hugh Green, Fletcher, next adjoining to the said Alban Chisselton, on the East, and upon Chiswel Street on the South.

A Cottage and certain Gardens, in the Tenure of John Mansbridge, Merchant Taylor, lying in Chiswel Street on the South, containing in length from South to North, stretching along a Brick Wall, belonging to the Lands sometimes John Wishes, Founder, on the West Party, thirteen Rods and eight Foot of Assise; and in Breadth at the North end, butting upon the Ground or Garden Plots, sometimes John Conisbies, Gentleman, and now in the Tenure of William East, Gentleman, from the East to the West fifteen Rods and three Foot of Assise; and in length from the North to the South, towards the East, running towards certain Gardens belonging to the said Manour, now in the Tenure of the said Erdiswick, fifteen Rods and six Foot of Assise; and in Breadth, at the End towards the South, from the East to the West, butting upon Chiswel Street aforesaid, fourteen Rods and five Foot of Assise.

A Piece of Ground converted into certain Gardens, now in the Tenure of John Medcalf, Skinner, lying near Whitecross Street, between the Pasture Ground belonging to the said Manour of Finsbury, called Bonhil Field, or Finsbury Fields, on the East, and the Ground of John Conisbie, Gentleman, now in the Tenure of John Hillyard, Goldsmith, on the West and South, and the Grounds of late belonging to the Priors of Halliwel, now belonging to the said John Medcalf, on the Party North.

A Garden Plot, in the Occupation of William Gill, stretching from Whitecross Street on the East, Westward 165 Foot of Assise; on the South side of the said Ground, and on the North side from the said Street, stretching Westward, 180 Foot of Assise; and at the West End of the same, stretching North and South 62 Foot of Assise; in breadth right Line and Plummet, from Limit to Limit, and butting South upon the Lands late belonging to the Parish Clerks of London, and the Lands of the said William Gill, (late Ralf Symonds's) on the Party North and West, and the said Whitecross Street on the Party East.

And eleven Tenements lying on the West side of Grubstreet, with eleven Gardens to the same
