Suburbs without the Walls. A Proclamation. | 36 |
Suburbs without the Walls. A Proclamation.
"thence hath most dangerously overspread and infected very many principal and
Parts of this Realm, (which Almighty God cease at his good Pleasure) His Majesty
tendring the Safety of his loving Subjects, and minding as much as in himself
lyeth, to
avoid the Continuance, or renewing of such Mortality, doth by the Advice of his
Council, not only straitly require and command, that his Majesty's good and
Orders and Directions already published for the staying, if God so please, of
the same
Infection, be carefully, speedily and duly executed; but also doth straitly
prohibit and
forbid, that no new Tenants or Inmates or other Persons, be admitted to inhabit
reside in any such House or Place in the said City, Suburb, or within four Miles
of the
same, who have been so infected during the Continuance of this Plague or
Mortality in
or about the said City: Nor after, until such time as it shall be thought safe
expedient by the principal Officers there for the Time being, &c.
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And the Aldermen and their Deputies, and every Justice of the Peace, to take
Care, that none of the foresaid Rooms, Houses or Places be hereafter pestred
Multitude of Dwellers, or with any Inmates. And that such of the said Rooms,
or Places, as by any Proclamation heretofore published are ordered to be razed
or pulled
down, shall forthwith, the same being now void, or as the same shall hereafter
void, be razed and pulled down, accordingly. And being once pulled down, that
suffer not any of the same to be newly erected, &c. Given at his Majesty's
Manour of
Woodstock the sixteenth Day of September in the first Year of Our Reign."
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These Buildings in the Suburbs of later Times, were taken notice of in a
Anno 1656. and an Act was then made for the preventing the Multiplicity of
in and about the Suburbs and within ten Miles thereof. The Preamble sets forth,
these New Buildings, Outhouses and Cottages were found to be mischievous and
inconvenient, and a great Annoyance and Nusance to the Commonwealth: and that
divers Prohibitions heretofore had been made to the contrary: And yet the
growing Evil
was multiplied and encreased. So that there was a Necessity to take some
speedy Course for the Redress. That by the Law the said Houses and Nusances
to be abated, and the Builders, Occupiers and Tenants fined, which if executed,
be the undoing of many Men. The Act now ran, that for every Dwellinghouse,
Outhouse, or any other Building erected within the Suburbs, or any other Place
ten Miles of the Walls of the City, since the 25th of March,
1620. and not having
four Acres of Land at least, according to the Statute de terris mensurandis,
therewith used, occupied and enjoyed, there should be paid, for the Use of the
Commonwealth, one Years Rent at the full and improved Yearly Value; To be paid
the immediate Tenant or Tenants, or Occupier of such Houses at a wrackt Rent:
after such Payment to be for ever acquitted and discharged from such Fine,
Penalty or
Forfeiture, as they were liable to loose, or pay for the Building. And all that
after this build any House or Cottage upon a new Foundation within the said
or within ten Miles should forfeit the intire Sum of 100l. And every Person
that should
uphold and continue such new erected House, to forfeit for the Use of the Poor
of the
Parish, where such Offence should be committed, the Sum of 20l. for every Month
any such House should be upheld or continued.
Penalties upon new Buildings, Anno 1656.
But to proceed to a particular View of the Suburbs, with the spreading
notwithstanding the Oppositions, made as we have heard, thereto.
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Another Matter that required Remedy and Regulation, in these Suburbs especially,
this. It was customary for the People to carry their Filth, as Intrails of dead
Beasts and
other noisome Things, and to throw them into the Ditches, Waters, Fields and
Highways, whereby the Air was in Danger of being corrupted: and so to create
Infectious Diseases in the City. This gave occasion in the Year 1590. to the
reviving of
an old Act of Parliament in the Reign of King Richard the Second, which was at
set forth in the Queens Proclamation. Which Filth was upon a Penalty to be
carried away. And it was thought convenient, that the Notice of it should
extend not
only to the City, but to all the Cities and Boroughs in the Kingdom. It
A Proclamation against dangerous Annoyances, Anno 1590.
A Proclamation, commanding the Execution of an Act of Parliament, provided for
avoiding of dangerous Annoyances about Cities, Boroughs and Towns within the
"THE Queen understanding, that by a Statute made the twelfth Year of King
the Second, it was enacted that for so much Dung and other Filth of the Issues
Entrails, as well of Beasts killed, as of other Corruptions, were cast and put
Ditches, Rivers and other Waters; and also within many other Places within,
about and
nigh unto divers Cities, Boroughs and Towns, and the Suburbs of them; that the
was thereby greatly corrupted and infected; and many Maladies and other
Diseases did daily happen, as well to the Inhabitants, and also Dwellers in the
Cities, and Borough, &c. as to others, thither repairing and passing: It was
and asserted, that Proclamation should be made, as well in the City of London,
as in
other Cities, Boroughs and Towns throughout the Realm of England: And that all
which did cast and put in Annoyances, Dung, Issues, Entrails and other Ordure,
Ditches, Rivers, Waters, and other Places, should cause them to be removed,
and carried away between that and the Feast of Michaelmas next ensuing, every
upon Pain to lose and to forfeit unto the said King 20l. And that the Maior and
of every such City, Borough, &c. should compel the same to be done upon like
Statute 12 R. 2. about them.
And moreover that Proclamation should be made in the City of London, as in other
Cities, Boroughs, Towns, &c. that none should do, to be set or thrown from
thenceforth any such Annoyances, &c. And if any did, he should be called by
before the Lord Chancellor.
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The Queen finding how necessary it should be to have the same Act duely executed
within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs, and other Places
adjoyning; and foreseeing what Benefit may grow by the due Execution thereof in
Places aforesaid, as well to the Inhabitants, as also to all Noblemen, Gentlemen
others, who for sundry respects have occasion to remain, or to repair unto the
Cities; and for the avoiding of such dangerous Infection, as otherwise by means
these Annoyances, must grow within the Cities and the Suburbs; Doth will the
Act to be proclaimed within the Cities of London and Westminster, and the
thereunto adjoyning, &c. And charged all and every Person to abstain and
forbear to "
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