Bridge Ward without. Bermondsey Benefactions. | 26 |
Bridge Ward without. Bermondsey Benefactions.
South Ile.
William Castel, Shipwright at Redriff, Justice of Peace, Major of the Militia of Surrey.
A Man most excellent in his Art. 1681.
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Margaret Castel, Wife of William Castel, Shipwright, 1635. And Margaret, Daughter
of William Castel. 1640.
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Also William Castel, Shipwright. 1649.
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Edward Walduck, Citizen and Cooper of London. 1691.
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Peter Theobalds of this Parish: who had to Wife Mary, Daughter of John Terry,
Alderman of the City of Canterbury. 1650.
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Susanna Collins, Wife of Philip Collins. 1673.
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Captain Richard York, with his nine Children.
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John Cheeseman, Gent. 1665. And Margaret his Granddaughter, 1663. And
Margaret his Wife, Wife. 1681.
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North Ile.
Elizabeth Hickman dying in Childbed. 1672.
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Joseph Hickman, 1686. And Elizabeth his Wife, 1688.
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Peter Bousinie, 1696. And Andrew Bousine his Son, 1690. And Benjamin Bousine:
and Anne his 1696.
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There is a Table of Gifts hanging up in this Church, in the cross Ile, South, viz.
| |
Years. | Donors. | Gifts. |
1563. | Imprimis, Owen Clunn, of London, Draper, by his
last Will, dated Aug. 22.
1563. gave all his House and Garden in Five Foot Lane, in this Parish, and the
Issues and Profits there- of yearly; to be given to the Poor People of this Parish.
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1578. | Hugh Fuller, of London, Draper, by his last Will,
dated Octob. 14. 1578. gave
yearly 52s. issuing out of his Lands and Tenements in this Parish, for 12d. per
Week in Bread, | 2 | 12 | 0
1597. | William Gardiner, Esq; by his last Will,
bear- ing date the first of Septemb. 39
Elizab. gave 10l. yearly; going out of the Lands and Te- nements on the
Causeway in this Parish, to be distributed amongst the Poor in most need. | 10 | 0 | 0
1606. | Steven Skidmore, Citizen and Vintner of Lon- don,
gave 20s. yearly for ever, to
be distri- buted to the Poor of the Parish in Fuel, from the Year 1606. | 1 | 0 | 0
1607. | Raphe Prat, Esq; by his last Will, dated
19. Sept. 1607. gave four Mark per
Ann. to be paid by equal Portions on S. Andrew's Day, and the Anunciation of
the Virgin Mary, to be distributed among the Poor of the Parish. | 2 | 13 | 4
1609. | Francis Tirrel of London, Grocer, by his
last Will, date Aug. 30. 1609. gave
six Chaldron of Coals, by the Company of Grocers, to be distributed among the
Poor of the Parish at Christmas.
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Item, Two Houses in Marigold Alley, first given by Lucia Easton, and now
confirmed by Tho. Miller of this Parish.
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Henry Leakes Gift by the Parishioners of S. Olaves.
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Mr. Archden's Gift of 40l. for ever. The Profits whereof to be given by 12d.
per Week in Bread to the Poor.
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The Table goes no farther; but no question there have been divers Charitable Gifts
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Then in Kent Street is a Lazar-house for Leprous People, called the Loke in Southwark;
the Foun-
dation whereof I find not. Now having touched divers principal Parts of this Borough,
I am to speak somewhat of Government, and so to end.
The Loke a Lazar-house in Kent Street.
This Borough, upon Petition made by the Citizens of London, to Edward I. in the first
Year of his Reign, was, for divers Causes, by Parliament, granted to them for ever;
yielding into the Exchequer the Fee Farm of Ten Pounds by the Year. Which Grant
was confirmed by Edward III. who, in the third of his Reign, gave them License to take
a Toll towards the Charge of paving the said Borough with Stone. Henry IV.
confirmed the Grant of his Predecessors. So did Edward IV. &c.
Liberties of Southwark farmed by the
All contained in these two Paragraphs following
are in the first Edition, but left out in after Editions.
But in the Year 1550. King Edward VI. for the Sum of 647l. 2s. 1d. paid into his
Court of Augmentations, and Revenues of his Crown, granted to the Maior and
Commonalty, all his Lands and Tenements in Southwark, except and reserved the
Capital Messuage, two Mansions, called Southwark Place, late the Duke of Suffolk's,
and all the Gardens and Lands to the same appertaining: the Park and the Messuage
called, The Antelope. Moreover, he gave them the Lordship and Manour of
Southwark, with all Members and Rights thereof, late pertaining to the Monastery of
Bermondsey. And all Messuages Places, Buildings, Rents, Courts, Waifs, and Strays
to the same appertaining, in the County of Surrey, except as is before excepted. He
also granted unto them his Manour and Borough of Southwark, with all the Members,
Rights, and Appurtenances, late the Possession of the Archbishop of Canterbury and
his See, in Southwark. Moreover, for the Sum of 500 Marks, he granted to the said
Maior and Commonalty, and their Successors, in and through the Borough and Town
of Southwark, and in all the Parishes of S. Saviour, S. Olave, and S. George, and the
Parish of St. Thomas Hospital, now called the Kings Hospital, and elsewhere in the
said Town and Borough of Southwark, and Kentish Street, Bermondsey Street, in the
Parish of Newington, All Waifs and Strays, Treasure-trove, All Felons Goods, &c.
within the Parishes and Precinct aforesaid, &c. the Return of Writs, Processes, and
Warrants, &c. Together with a Fair in the whole Town, for three Days, to wit, the
th, 8th, and 9th of September, yearly,
with a Court of Pye-
Powder; a View of Frankpledge, with Attachements, Arrests, &c. Also, To arrest all
Felons, and other Malefactors within their Precinct, and to send them to Ward, and to
Newgate. Provided, That nothing in that Grant should be prejudicial to the Steward
and Marshal of the King's House. The same Premises to be holden as of the Manour
of East Greenwich in the County of Kent, by Fealty in Free-Socage. Dated at
Westminster the 23 Day of April, in the fourth of his Reign. All which was also
confirmed by Parliament, &c. And the same Year, in the Whitsun-Week, in a Court of
Aldermen kept at the Guildhal of London, Sir John Aylophe, Kt. was sworn the first
Alderman of the Bridge Ward without, and made up the number of twenty six
Aldermen of London; as hath been set down more at large before.
Liberties of Southwark purchased of King Edw.
The Lordship and Manour of Southwark pertaining
to Bermondsey.
The King's Manour pertaining to the Archbishop
of Canterbury.
All Waifs and Strays there, granted also.
The Fair in Southwark like Bartholomew
This Borough at a Subsidy to the King, yieldeth about a thousand Marks, or eight
hundred Pounds, which is more than any one City in England payeth, except the City
of London. And also the Muster of Men in this Borough doth likewise, in number,
surpass all other Cities, except London. And thus much for the Borough of
Southwark, one of the twenty six Wards of London, which hath an Alderman, Deputies
three, and a Bailiff: Common Council none: Constables sixteen: Scavengers six:
Wardmote Inquest twenty. And is taxed to the Fifteen, at seventeen Pounds seventeen
Shillings and eight Pence.
And Muster of Men in Southwark.
The Alderman of this Ward is Sir George Martins, Kt.
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