[Black Friers.] Faringdon Ward within. [Charities.]182

[Black Friers.] Faringdon Ward within. [Charities.]

benè de suis optimè. Non sine luctu & Mœrore amicorum, Anno Ætatis suæ LVI. publicæ vero salutis M.DC.XXX. defuncti. Qui interim duas Uxores pudicas duxerat, Annam filiam Tho. Montfort Theologiæ Doctoris, quæ sine liberis obiit, & Janam, Henrici Francklin filiam, quæ liberis quinque Familiam auxit.     
Hoc Monumentum     
Fidei & Amoris ergo     
Jana Uxor Mœstissima P.

Queen Elizabeth's Monument.

Sacred unto Memory:
Religion to its primitive Sincerity restored Peace thoroughly setled, Coine to the true Value refined, Rebellion at home extinguished, France neere ruine by intestine Mischiefes, relieved, Netherland supported, Spaine's Armada vanquished, Ireland, with Spaniards expulsion, and Traitors Correction, quieted; both Univerities Revenues, by a Law of Provision, exceedingly augmented; Finally, all England Enriched, and 45 Yeeres prudently Governed.

ELIZABETH, a Queen, a Conqueress, Triumpher, the most devoted to Piety, the most happy, after 70 Years of her Life, quietly by Death departed.

On the other side of the Monument.

For an eternal Memorial:
Unto ELIZABETH Queen of England, France, and Ireland, Daughter of King Henry VIII. Grandchild to King Henry VII. Great Grandchild to King Edward IV. The Mother of this her Country, the Nurse of Religion and Learning. For perfect Skill in very many Languages, for glorious Endowments, as well of Mind as Body, and for Regal Vertues, beyond her Sex.
She{ began
{ ended
} her Reign{ Nov. 17. 1558.
{ Mar. 24. 1602.

I have fought a good Fight, &c.]

This Church of Black Friers was burnt down, and built again. And there was a small Toft of Ground, whereon the Parsonage House formerly stood; which also is rebuilt; having been leased out for 25s. per Ann. Ground Rent.


J. S.



The Charities and Reliefs for the Poor, and Gift-Sermons belonging to this Parish, are as follow.


The Lady Ramsey gave an House for the Poor.   
John Bobhurst, Doctor of Physick, An. 1659. gave to the Poor, per Ann.020000
Edward Corbet, Cook in Creed lane, gave per Ann. 020000
Stephen Scudamor, payable by the Company of Vintners001306
Mrs. Miller gave an House in Paved Alley, let out Ground Rent, per Ann.020000
Mr. Nevet, Citizen and Draper, gave for a Sermon on Good-Friday001000
And more to 20 poor People001000
Mrs. Nevit gave, for a Sermon to be preached yearly, the Wednesday before Whitsunday001000
And to 20 poor People010000

A Register is kept of the Names of all the Benefactors.

Some few Years ago, an antient worthy Citizen and Merchant, yet living, founded a Free-School in Black Friers, in Gratitude to that Place where he was born, and out of a compassionate Sense of the Numbers of poor People inhabiting there; for Forty Boys, and Thirty Girls, to be taught to read and write; and the Girls some useful Work besides: All to be clothed once a Year, and two of them to be out out Apprentices yearly. He likewise endowed the said School with 150l. a Year, of Fee-Farm, and other Ground Rents; with sufficient Salaries for the Teachers. And confiding in the Integrity of the City Clergy, ordained the Members of Sion College, in London, to be Trustees of his said Charity School. And in this Foundation, there being divers of the Occupation of Taylors inhabiting in Black Friers, he hath appointed the Children of such to have the preference in their Admission there. This brief Account of the said School, I had from the Gentleman's own Mouth, but suffered me by no means to reveal his Name.

A Charity School in Black Friers.

Others antiently interred in this Church.

Conan. Aske. Ro. Jngleton. Croke, Gent. Waterton. John Kingsfield.

Dame Katharine

Besides these, there were also many more here interred. As, Dame Jane Ynglethorpe, Wil. Morin, Esq; Tho. Wydvil, Esq; Sir John Morton, and Dame Rose his Wife. Margaret Wife of Lewis-fitz Lewis. Rodyngton. Morisbye. Tho. Wesenham de Connyngton. Ro. Grewort. Beaumont. Thomas Brampton. Sir Geffrey Crownwal [Cornwal.] Lady Burford. Edmund Bîgbesworth. Edmund Talbot. Cockston. Offeman. Will. Lasinbye, and Agnes his Wife. Margaret Wife of Alain Rose. William Somercotts, Esq. Ra. Rothesford, Esq. John Ryse, Esq. Robert Wellys, Esq. Nic. Chever, Will. Windesor, Rob. Lytton. Ryshton, Brankole, John Terington, Thomas Swaston, Staunton, John Leynton, Righbye, Will. Toten, Will. Clyfford, Robert Poynter, Thomas Roger, Henry Ashborne, Esquires.

Many more here interred.

MS. F. 9.

J. S.

In this Church was an Image of St. Erasmus, before which one Rich. Billesden thought it, perhaps, some Benefit to his Soul to be buried. In whose last Will, made Febr. 16. 1492. he willed to be buried in the Body of the Chirch of the Freris Prechours of Lond. before the Image of St. Erasmus, that on the North side of the Chirch., as nigh unto the Wall there as may be, &c. "That mine Executors provyde and ordeyne for a clenly Tombe of Marbil to be made and set in the Wal therein, where my Body shal be buried if it may be conveniently suffered to be done by the Assent of the Priour of the said Place, &c."

The Image of St. Erasmus in this Church.

Here was also the Image of St. Thomas Aquinus. Before which, Elizabeth Denton, Widow, willed (her Will bearing date April 26. 1518.) to be buried. And she bequeathed (for this Privilege) to the Prior 20s. to the Sub-prior 10s. to Frier Simond 20s. to Frier De la Hay, 10s. to every other Frier of the said Place, that is a Priest, and shall be within the said Place at the time of my burying, 2s. To

And Thomas Aquinus.
