[Modern State.] Coleman street Ward. 63

[Modern State.] Coleman street Ward.

" Church of S. Stephen foreseid. At which Messe, al the foreseid Brethren and Sustren, up peine of two pound Wex shulle be present, fro the begynnyng of the foreseyd Messe to the end: and at the Messe in dew tyme, everich Broder and Suster a penye shul offre. The which Messe y Songen, al the foreseyd Bretheren and Sustren shal go togydren to a certeyn place be her Maistres, which be for the tyme assigned. In the which place, alle Schullen ate togydren, on her own purse, or at leste drinks. And after the etyng and drinkyng (whether hit be) the foreseid Maistres hys accompte for the tyme shul yelde up in gode manner, and honeste, &c. "

" The other was the Guild of St. Nicholas. The gode Men of Coleman street, in nourishing of Love and of Charite emong hem, and in help to theym that falle into poverte, &c. begon in the yere 1369. Fyrst ordeyned to fyndyng certeyn Lyghts breunying before the Image of S. Nicolas in the Church of S. Stephen Coleman street, in the worshyp of Almighty God, and hys Moder S. Mary and of al Halwen of Heven, and of S. Nicolas, &c.] "

Guild of St. Nicholas in Coleman street.

This Church was sometime a Synagogue of the Jews, then a Parish Church, then a Chappel to St. Olaves in the Jewry; until the 7th of Edward the IVth, and was then incorporated a Parish Church.]

Parish Church of St. Stephen, sometime a Synagogue of the Jews.

A. M.

By the East end of this Cburch, is placed a Cock of sweet Water, taken out of the main Pipe that goeth into Lothbury. Also, in London Wall, directly against the North end of Coleman street, is a Conduit of Water, made at the Charges of Thomas Exmew, Goldsmith, Maior, 1517.

Cock of Water by St. Stephen's Church.

Conduit at London Wall.

The modern State of this Ward, briefly stands thus.

Modern State.

The principal Streets and Places in this Ward, are the Old Jewry; which is all in this Ward, except 136 Foot, at the South end thereof. Lothbury, from Coleman street Eastward, as far as St. Margarets Lothbury Church on the North side; and unto about 27 Foot beyond Princes street, on the South side. Catteaten street, from Bassishaw street to Coleman street on the North side, and from Ironmonger lane on the South side, and Coleman street wholly. In all which Streets there are divers Courts and Alleys, which shall be mentioned in Order.


The Old Jewry, a very good open Street, graced with good Buildings, which are inhabited by Merchants, and Persons of Repute. The principal amongst which are, Sir Robert Claytons, Kt. and Alderman, and one of the Representatives of the City in Parliament; Sir Nathaniel Hern, and Sir Joseph his Brother, lately deceased.

Old Jewry.

On the West side of this Street, about the middle, is St. Olave Jewry Church, destroyed by the great Fire; new built of Free stone, with a Church Yard adjoyning on the South side: Where there is a passage with a Free stone Pavement, leading to Ironmonger lane.

The Church

In this Street is Windmill Court, a good handsome well built Place; over against this Court, is a large House gracefully built, and severed from the rest of the Court by a fine pair of Gates. Which House is now the Seat of Mr. Parole, a Merchant. Green Dragon Court, small and narrow, with a Free stone Pavement. Bewtixt these two Courts, is small Yard for stabling for Horses.

Windmill Court.

Green Dragon Court.

The House of Sir Robert Clayton, and that of Mr. Frederick, over against it, (now used for the Excise Office) seated towards the South end of this Street, were graceful and spacious Buildings, entred into by great Gates, and opening into Court-yards.

Lothbury, a Street well built, and inhabited by many Founders, that cast and make Candlesticks, Mortars, small Bells; and the like Ware of Brass, Copper, and Bell-Mettals: For which this Street was, and yet is, of Note.


In this Street is the Church of St. Margarets Lothbury, a goood handsome Free stone Building. It was destroyed in the Fire of London, and rebuilt. And towards the ornamental part, divers well disposed Persons were Benefactors, mentioned before.

St. Margarets Lothbury Church.

On the South side of this Street, is Princes Street, which, with two turning Passages, falleth into Threadneedle street: It is well built and inhabited. On the West side is Dapers Court, a handsome large Place, with good Houses well inhabited; having a Free stone Pavement out of this Court, is a narrow passage into Lothbury. West of St. Margarets Church, is Founders Hall, seated at the upper end of Founders Court, which is indifferent good. Almost over against this Hall, is a large and well built House, with an open Yard before it; inclosed from the Street by a pair of Gates, being the Seat of Sir John Fench, Kt.

Princes Street.

Drapers Court.

Founders Hall and Court.

Catteaten street hath no more in this Ward, than from Basing hall street, the rest is in Cheap Ward; a Street well inhabited by Tradesmen. In this part of the street is Golden Cross Court, small, but well inhabited by wholesale Dealers.

Catteaten Street.

Golden Croft ourt.

Coleman street. This street is large and long, and runs Northwards unto London Wall; very well inhabited by divers noted Merchants and Shopkeepers. In this street are divers Courts and Alleys, some of which are very good, and others as mean and ordinary. I shall begin at the South end, and then the first is Windmill Court, which is but ordinary. Packers Court is a pretty open place, with indifferent good Buildings.

Coleman Street.

Windmill Court.

Packers Court.

St. Stephen Coleman street Church, a very fine Free stone Building, with a square Steeple; It hath a Church yard to it, with the Doors curiously carved with Figures representing the Resurrection. It was burnt in the Fire of London, and rebuilt as now it is.

St. Stephen Coleman Church.

Other Places in this Street. Kings Arms Court, or rather Street, for the largeness and godness, being graced with very good large Houses, inhabited by Merchants, and Pesons of Repute.

Kings Arms Court.

George Alley, pretty long, and indifferently well built. White Rose Court, but indifferent, falls into Masons Alley; which is also but mean, and so into Basing hall street. Bell Alley, very long, goes out of Coleman street, and runs Eastward to the Passage into Token house Yard; and then it turns Northward, and runs as far as London Wall. The part of this Alley, from Coleman street to Mulbery Court, is pretty broad, and indifferent well built and inhabited: But the part running Northward, is more narrow, and hath some good Houses, especially on the East side. In this Alley are several small Courts, viz. Mulbery Court, goeth up steps very narrow and dark, but after the entrance, it is a pretty handsome Court: On the West side it hath a Passage into Whites Alley. Whalebone Court, pretty handsome, with a Free stone Pavement. Pitchers Court, a large square Place, with pretty good Buildings; hath a Passage into Whites Alley. Blue Hart Court, a good handsome genteel Place,

George Alley.

White Rose Court.

Masons Alley.

Bell Alley.

Mulbery Court.

Whalebone Court.

Pitchers Court.

Blue Hart Court.
