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Cheape Ward. [St. Mildred.] 32

Cheape Ward. [St. Mildred.]

Then Atropos     
in cutting here had fail'd;
And had not cut her thred,     
but been redeem'd:
But pale-fac'd Death,     
and cruel churlish Fate,
To Prince and People     
brings the latest date.
Yet spight of Death and Fate,     
Fame will display
Her gracious Virtues     
through the World for aye.
Spain's Rod, Rome's Ruine,     
Netherlands Reliefe;
Heaven's Gem, Earth's Joy,     
World's Wonder, Nature's Chief.

On the other Side.

Britaine's Blessing, England's Splendor,
Religion's Nurse, the Faiths Defender.

In the figure of a Book over Her, these Words.

They that trust in the Lord, shall be as Mount Sion, which cannot be removed, but remaineth for ever. Psal. 125.

Under Her.

Th'admired Empresse     
through the world applauded,
For supreme Vertues,     
rarest Imitation,
Whose Scepters Rule, Fames     
loud voyc'd Trumpet lauded,
Unto the eares     
of every forraine Nation.
Canopied under     
powerfull Angels wings,
To her immortall praise     
sweet Science sings.

Since the building of this Church of S. Mildreds, these Persons have been buried here, with Monumental Gravestones over them.

Late Monuments.

J. S.

Ruth Hutchinson, Wife of William Hutchinson, of Newcastle, Merchant, 1688.

Thomas Hutchinson, his Grandson, 1695.

In a Vault before the Communion Table, John Lorimer, Esq; with two of his Children, Samuel and Sarah. Also Frances Lorimer, the Relict of the said John, 1674.

Dr. William Croune, one of the Fellows of the Royal Society, and of the College of Physicians, 1684. Also Mary his Widow, afterwards married to Sir Edwin Sadleir; died 1706.

Now for the Charities belonging to this Parish.




1. To the Poor, for Coals; most of it received, but not all; and that which is not, is little and uncertain.

2. 5l. per ann. was left, and is received for Bread and Wine at the Sacraments.

3. 3l. per ann. left, and applied to the Repair of the Church.

4. There were some Stocks, but lost.

5. There were Fifty Pounds left for Servant-Maids that continued seven Years in one Service, by 5l. for each. The most part hath been already paid, and is paid, as occasion comes.

6. There were 200 Pounds left by the Lady Allyngton, towards rebuilding the Church: The most part of it left in Mr. Thomson's Hand, Churchwarden, and lost. 7. There are two Houses left to the Parish of St. Mildreds, on condition they have, and continue a select Vestry.

They have one Free School, called the Mercers School, near Mercers Chappel; Mr. Kilsby Master.

The Parsonage House, before the great Fire, was built upon Pillars: Cloisters under it for bearing; it remained unbuilt. There is a Map of it kept, shewing the Dimensions.


No other House or Glebe; but there are several Gifts to the Ministers successively: Viz.

A Preparation Sermon for the Sacrament every Month; for which was left the Interest of 100l. The whole of that was not paid to the Parish. What was received, was laid out by the Minister's and Parish's consent; and the Thing purchased was burnt. The Parish also laid out 3l. of their Stock.

Gifts to the Minister.

Sermons to be on Fast-days in the Afternoon: The Monies given for that good purpose, lost.

A Sermon to be made on the 17th of November. For which the Minister hath 1l. 5s. payable by the Parish of St. Mary Colechurch.

Offertories in the Year 1692. came to 17 18 10½.

This was the Account given at the Parochial Visitation, An. 1693. since which, a Table of Benefactors was made, and set up in the said Church of St. Mildreds in the Poultry; Viz. An. 1702. which relates more particularly to the yearly Charities to the Poor; and also to the furnishing of the new built Church; and the several Donors: As follows.

Year. Donor.Gift.
1529. Sir William Butler, for Coals, yearly for ever 00 12 00
1571. Thomas Tomlinson, Merchant Taylor, for Coals yearly 01 12 00
1594. Thomas Lane, Scrivener of London, gave his House at London-Wall towards Repairs; value per Ann. 04 00 00
1642. Richard Hale, Grocer, gave a Cup with a Cover, and a Plate, for the use of the Sacrament, weighing 43 Ounces, 3d. weight. 
Also 200 Faggots per Ann. for ever. 
William Watson, Grocer, gave 100l. towards a Lecture for ever, Whereof received 65 13 04
Lambert and Stile, Grocers, gave every 16 Years to the Poor 00 16 00
Margaret Dave [Dane] gave to the Poor yearly 00 05 00
1630. Anne Brownel, to the use of the Sacrament, a Silver Flagon weighing 54 Ounces. 
1633. Thomas Hawes gave toward the Bread and Wine for the Sacrament, per Ann. for ever 05 00 00
Henry Dixon, a Silver Flagon, weighing 52 Ounces 4d. weight. 
1657. William Tudman, Merchant Taylor, a stock of Coals, per Ann. 06 00 00
And towards the Repairs of the Church, per Ann. 03 00 00
And toward the Expences of making up the Parish Accounts, per Ann. 03 00 00
Also a Silver Cup, with a Cover, weighing 32 Ounces, 11d weight. 


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY