Cheape Ward. 26

Cheape Ward.

CHEAPE WARD. The Bounds of it: St. Sythes, or Benet Shrog. St. Pancrace Sopar Lane. St. Mildreds Parish. The Parsonage House there. The Grocers Hall; the Bank of England kept here; St. Mary Colechurch; Thomas Becket, here born and christned. Sopars Lane. The Standard in Cheap; Great Cross in Cheap; St. Thomas of Acars; the Mercers Company; St. Martins Pomery; St. Alhallows Hony Lane; Guild-Hall; the Chapel hard by St. Laurence Jury; Two Fraternities here. The present State of this Ward.

A.M. The Publisher of STOW's Third and Fourth Edition, hath taken greater Liberty here in this Ward, than elsewhere; namely to vary very much from his Author, to change his Method, and in effect, in some Places to lay him aside. And therefore, to restore STOW, I have laid the Text here, in the beginning, in two Columns, STOW's Text in one, and the said Publisher's in the other. In other Places I have restor'd him to his Method, and inserted what was omitted.




"NEXT adjoyning is Chepe Ward, and taketh Name of the Market there kept, called West-Cheping. This Ward also beginneth on the East, on the Course of Walbrooke, in Buckles bury, and runneth up on both sides to the great Conduit in Chepe. Also on the South side of Buckles bury, a Lane turning up by S. Sith's Church: and by St. Pancrace's Church, thro' Needlers Lane, on the North side thereof. And then through a piece of Sopars lane, on both sides up to Chepe, be all of Chepe Ward. "

Cheape Ward.

The Bounds thereof.

Buckles Bury.

" Then to begin again in the East, upon the said Course of Walbrooke, is St. Mildreds Church in the Poultrie, on the North side; and over against the said Church-gate, on the South, to pass up at that high Street called the Poultry, to the great Conduit in Chepe. And then Chepe itself, which beginneth by the East end of the said Conduit, and stretcheth up to the North East corner of Bow-lane, on the South side, and to the Standard on the North side. And thus far to the West is of Chepe Ward. "

The Poultry.

" On the South side of this High street is no Lane turning South out of this Ward, more than some small portion of Sopars lane, whereof I have before written. But on the North side of this High street is Conyhope lane: about one quarter of Old Jury lane, on the West side, and on the East side, almost as much as to the sign of the Angel. Then is Ironmongers lane, all wholly on both sides; and from the North end thereof, through Cattonstreet West, to the North end of St. Lawrence lane; and some four Houses West, beyond the same on that side. And over against Ironmongers lane end, on the North side of Cattonstreet, up by the Guildhall and St. Lawrence Church in the Jury, is altogether of Chepe Ward. "

South side.

North side.

Conyhope Lane.

Old Jury.

Ironmonger Lane.

Catton street.

St. Lawrence Lane.


" Then again in Chepe, more toward the West, is St. Lawrence lane before named; which is all wholly of this Ward. And last of all is Hony lane, and so up to the Standard on that North side of Chepe: And so stand the Bounds of Chepe Ward. "


Honey Lane.

The Standard.



NEXT adjoyning is Cheap Ward, taking name of the Market there kept, called West Cheaping; which Ward, as a River that hath three Heads, and running along to the uttermost of his bounds, issueth out on the sides into little Streams; So this Ward, beginning on the Course of Walbrooke, and is not the meanest of the Wards (if for no other cause, yet because it is nearest to the heart of the City) hath his beginning on the East from three places: The High street of the Poultry, the lower end of Buckles bury, and the neather part of the Venel or Entry into Scalding Ally; and so running along, as far as unto the North-east corner of Bow lane on the South side, and from thence into Bow lane on the East side, until ye come to the channel over-against the Cellar Door under the Church. And then, on the North side of Cheape, up to the Standard, stretching itself into divers Lanes and Pieces on the Rght hand, and on the Left hand, as it cometh along.

Cheape Ward.

First, for the high Street of the Poultry (which is the main body of this Ward) on the South side thereof, toward the East: This Ward beginneth at the corner House, now in the tenure of one Robert Knight, in the way going down to St. Mary Woolchurch, antiently known by the sign of the Lion. The outmost part of which House, and of this Ward there (the House being divided) is at the Cross channel over-against, or very near the great West door of Woolchurch; and so it goeth along on the South side of the Poultry to the great Conduit, and so into Bow lane, as is aforesaid.

Secondly, for Buckles bury, this Ward beginneth there, toward the lower end. On the North side, at a Channel near to the end of the House, bearing the sign of the Christopher, toward the East, now in the tenure of one John Hodges. On the South side, it beginneth at the East end of the great new frame of Building, over-against the said Christopher; which is the Tenement on the East side, next to the black Bull; and so it goeth into all the Barge. And then Westward, it goeth on both sides the way, viz. on the North side to the great Conduit, and so to Bow lane, as is afore-
