Candlewick Ward. Benefactors. 188

Candlewick Ward. Benefactors.

and Edward, a Souldier. And foure Daughters, viz. Elizabeth, Dorothie, Hester, and Jane.

For remembrance of whom, the said Peter Franck, who lyeth here interred neere unto this Place, bestowed the charge of this Monument. And the said Robert, (being his Executor) caused the same to be erected. And the which Peter dyed the 24. day of October, 1612.]

A Rich and very Beautiful Monument in the Chancel with this Inscription.


Sir Allen Cotton, Knight and Alderman of London, sometime Lord Maior of this Honourable City, Son of Ralph Cotton of Allington, in the Parish of Whitchurch in the County of Salop, Gent. Was espoused unto Eliinor the Daughter of Edmund Moore, Citizen and Draper of London. By whom he had Issue seven Sons and seven Daughters, and lived unto the Age of 70 Years, generally beloved, and dyed the 24th of September, 1628. He left behind him three Sons, Edmond, John and William: And two Daughters. Which Sons, in a filial Expression of their Duties, have caused this Monument to be erected, in the Memory of their dear deceased Father.

When he left Earth, rich Bounty dy'd,
Mild Courtesie gave place to Pride,
Soft Mercie to bright Justice said,
O, Sister, we are both betray'd.
White Innocence lay on the Ground,
By Truth, and wept at eithers Wound.

The Sons of Levi did lament,
Their Lamps went out, their Oyl was spent.
Heaven hath his Soul, and only we
Spin out our Lives in Misery.     
So Death, thou missest of thy Ends,     
And kil'st not him, but kil'st his Friends.

Queen ELIZABETH's Monument.


Here lies her Type, who was of late
The Prop of Belgia, Stay of France,
Spain's Foyle, Faiths Shield, and Queen of State,
Of Arms, of Learning, Fate and Chance.     
In brief, of Women ne'er was seen,     
So great a Prince, so good a Queen.
Sith Vertue her Immortal made,
Death (enveying all that cannot die)
Her earthly Parts did so invade
As in it wrack'd self Majesty.     
But so her Spirit inspir'd her Parts,     
That she still lives in loyal Hearts.

Prov. 31. 29.

Many Daughters have done vertuously, but thou surmountest them all.
She is not dead, but sleepeth.
I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, &c.]



This Parish of S. Martins Orgars hath enjoyed the Benefit of many Benefactors. It hath to bestow in Bread 52s. per Ann. and other Gifts to the Use of the Poor, and for Ornaments and Repairs of the Church, viz.

Donors and Gifts.

J. S.

Years. Donors. Gifts.

1421. Sir William Cromar, Knt. by Will gave his House, or Tenement, standing in Sweetings [Swithens] Lane; and likwise his House and Garden in Crutched Friers, in S. Olaves Hartstreet in London, for the Repair and Ornaments of the Church and for the Use of the Poor.

1562. Sir Humfrey Browne, Knt. by Will gave 6 Messuages in Cowlane in the Parish of S. Sepulchres, for the use of the Poor.

1588. Benedict Barnham by Will, 10l. yearly for Bread to the Poor: Duly payd by Sir Eliab Harvey, Knt. while he lived.

1592. Robert Cotton, by Will, 2l. 10s. to the Poor. Payable by the Drapers Company.

1611. Thomas Nicolson by Will, 5l. per Ann. to the Poor: To be paid by the Carpenters Company.

1613. Sir Humfrey Walwyn, Knt. by Will, 5l. per Ann. for the Poor. 10s. whereof for a Sermon to be preached on the 5th of November.

1613. Bensham yearly, 8s. to the Poor: To be payd by the Haberdashers.

1628. Samuel Middlemore 3l. yearly, by the Company of Clothworkers.

James Hall gave by Will three Tenements situate in Lamb Alley in S. Botulph Parish without Bishopsgate, going at the yearly Value of 18l. 10s. or thereabouts, for a Lecture to be preached every Wednesday Afternoon, from Michaelmas to Ladyday.

1635. Sir Alwyn Cotton by Will, 4l. per Ann. to the Poor: To be payd by the Drapers.

1646. Mr. Henry Wollaston, 2l. 12s. per Ann. for Bread.

A Gift called the King's Debenture, being the Sum of 2l. 13s. 4d. for the Poor of the Parish: Payd by the King's Auditor.

There was a Parsonage House here before the Fire. Mr. Sherwood the Minister, in the Year 1673, did let it out for 40 Years, reserving 5l. per Ann. to the Incumbent.


A Bill in Parliament being engrossed for the erecting a Church for the French Protestants sojourning in London, in the Churchyard of this Parish of S. Martins Orgars, after the great Fire; the Parishioners offered Reasons to the Parliament against it: Declaring nevertheless that they were not against erecting a Church, but only against erecting it in the Place mentioned in the Bill: Since by the Act of Rebuilding the City, the Scite and Churchyard of S. Martins Orgars, was directed to be enclosed with a Wall, and laid open for a Burying Place for the Parish. The said Act was for confirming a Lease of the Churchyard, made from the Parson and Churchwardens of the said Parish, unto certain Trustees for 50 Years, to erect a Church there for French Protestants; with Liberty for the Parson and Churchwardens during the said Term, to renew the said Lease for 50 years, and so on. This was agreed to at a Vestry. But many of the Parishioners not knowing of this that was done, and so without and contrary to their Assent, now put up their Reasons against passing the Bill. But notwithstanding the Bill passed; and there is a French Church there at this time, where the Liturgy of the Church of England, being turned into French, is used.]

A Church for the French in St. Martin Orgars.

J. S.

Then is there one other Lane, called S. Laurence, of the Parish Church there. This Lane, down to the South side of the Churchyard, is of Candlewicke Street Ward.
