Bridge Ward within. Monuments. 175

Bridge Ward within. Monuments.

Richard Turke, one of the Sheriffes, 1549.

William Steed, Alderman.

Richard Morgan, Knight, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, 1556.

Mauricius Griffith, Bishop of Rochester, 1559.

Robert Branch, Girdler, 1567.

Robert Belgrave, Girdler.

William Brame.

John Couper, Fishmonger, Alderman. Who was put by his turn of Maioralty, 1584.

Sir William Gerrard, Haberdasher, Maior 1555. a grave, sober, wise and discreet Citizen, equal with the best, and inferior to none of our time, deceased 1571. in the Parish of St. Christopher, but was buried in this Church of St. Magnus, as in the Parish where he was born. A fair Monument is there raised on him.

This Monument is lately re-edified, and new fenced by Sir John Garrard, his Son, and L. Maior 1602.

Robert Harding, Salter, one of the Sheriffs, 1658.

Regist. Lond.

E. A.

Simon Low, Merchant Taylor, Esq;

Here lyeth interred the Bodies of Sir John Gerrard Kt. and Dame Jane his Wife: Who was Daughter to Richard Partridge, Citizen and Haberdasher of London. By whom he had thirteen Children: five whereof dyed young. They lived comfortably together forty three Years.

A very fair Monument in the South Ile of the Chancel.


He was Lord Maior of London in the Year of our Lord God, 1601.

She departed this Life the 24. Jan. 1616. And he left this World the 7. of May, 1625. being 79 years old; leaving only two Sons, and six Daughters behind him.

This Monument was erected at the Charges of Benedict Gerrard, Gent. his youngest Son. Anno 1629.



Since the rebuilding of this Church, are but few.

There be flat Stones laid over Benjamin Biddle, who dyed 1690. And Mary Preston, Wife of Josiah Preston, 1692.

In the North Ile against the East Wall is a neat Monument, as it were a Tent, the Curtains opened, being held back by two Boys, with Torches in their other Hands. It is erected for Thomas Collet, who twenty years honourably discharged the Office of Deputy of this Ward. A Person all his life time exemplary in Piety, Temperance and Charity. Intermarried with Sarah, one of the Daughters and Coheirs of Humphrey Howland, Citizen and Draper of this City. By her he had Issue six Sons and one Daughter. Deceased Sept. 22. 1703. Aged 71.

Late Monuments.

J. S.

On the East Wall in the South Ile is lately fixed a Monument with this Inscription.

Prope jacet ROBERTUS DICKINS Civis nuper Londinensis, ex Familia æquè honesta ac antiqua de Leaton in Agro Staffordien. Uxorem duxit amatam pariter ac amantem Franciscam, filiam Gulielmi Goffe: Ex qua plures liberos suscepit; at filiam superstitem solum reliquit. Vir humanioris indolis, Liberalis, vitæ integer. Mercaturam cum facilius per ætatem licebat, sedulus exercebat. In gravescentibus vero annis, Negotium & strepitum Otio & Tranquillitate sapiens mutavit. Ob. 31. die Januarii, 1705/6.

Rob Dickins.

A Memorial and Register of the Gifts to the Parish and Poor, is kept in the great Church Book. But this Account was brought in upon the Parochial Visitation, Anno 1693. viz.

Samuel Petty gave 600l. to purchase 30l. per ann. Whereof to the Rector, for several things he was to do, 24l.

Gifts and Charities.

And to the Poor the remaining, 6l.

But (as they were told) the Bonds were not good. And so no more was got in but 250l. which the Parish received Ann. 1649. Since the year 1658. they have paid to the Minister per ann. 10l.

And to the Poor, per ann. 4l.

A perpetuity to be paid out of the Exchequer, 21l. 4s.

Thomas Hall gave, 2l.

John Wooler, to be received from the Merchant Taylers, 1l.

John Jennings, payable from the Fishmongers, 13l.

Susanna Chambers, 17l.

To the Parson for preaching the 12 Feb. for God's Mercy in preserving the Church from the Fire that happened upon London Bridge, 1l.

To the Clerk and Sexton, 2s.

Tho. Arnold, to be distributed in Bread one Shilling per Week. Charged upon the Sun Tavern in New Fish Street, 2l.12s.

There was a Parsonage in the Churchyard, burnt in the great Fire: Since rebuilt: And let for forty Years, at 8l. per ann. Ground Rent.

Parsonage House.

In this Church (as most other Churches had theirs) was a famous Guild of our Lady de Salve Regina. An Account whereof was brought in to the King upon an Act of Parliament in King Edward III. his Reign, when some special Cognizance was taken of these Guilds or Fraternities throughout England. And that we may see a little the manner and intent of these Devotions, I shall shew, what this Guild was from the Certificate thereof offered by this Fraternity: As I found it in the Tower Records.

A Guild of Salve Regina in St. Magnus Church.

La Fraternite de nôtre Dame de Salve Regina & de Seint Thomas en Eglise de Seint Magne sur le Pount de Loundres, donct les Mestres sount a present John. Sandherst, Walter atte Well, Gilbert Sporiere & Estephen Bartelot.


17. Ed. III. In English thus. "Be it remembred, that Rauf Capelyn du Bailliff, Will, Double Fishmonger, Roger Lowher Chancellor, Henry Boseworth Vintener, Steven Lucas Stockfishmonger, and other of the better of the Parish of St. Magnus near the Bridge of London, of their great Devotion, and to the Honour of God and his Glorious Mother our Lady Mary the Virgin, began and caused to be made a Chauntry, to sing an Anthem of our Lady called Salve Regina, every Evening. And thereupon ordained five burning Wax Lights at the time of the said Anthem, in the Honour and Reverence of the five principal Joys of our Lady aforesaid; and for exciting the People to Devotion at such an Hour, the more to merit to their Souls. And thereupon many other good People of the same Parish, seeing the great honesty of he said Service and Devotion, proffered to be Aiders and Partners to support the said Lights and the said Anthem, to be continually sung; paying to every Person every Week an Halfpenny. And so that hereafter with the Gift that the People shall give to the Sustentation of the said Light and Anthem, there shall be to find a Chaplain singing in the said Church for all the Benefactors of the said Light and Anthem. And after the said Rauf Chapelyn by his Testament made the 18 June the year of the said King the 23. devised 3s. by Quit Rent, issuing out of one Tenement in the Parish of St. Leonard of Eastcheap.]"

The Certificates thereof.

      in Paroch. Sti Magni.
Oystre Gate
Oystre Hill, ex opposito Ecclesiæ Sti Magni,
Fysh Wharfe apud le hole.
