Langborne Ward. Monuments. 161

Langborne Ward. Monuments.

Martin de Amyas gave a Tenement in this Parish worth two Mark yearly Rent to the Abbot and Convent of Stratford. And Hen. le Walsh gave to the Minoresses without Aldgate a Tenement worth xx Mark per Ann. Both these Gifts in the Reign of K. Hen. III.

Tenements in this Parish belonging to Religious Houses.

Somewhere in Lombardstreet (and, if I mistake not, in this Parish of St. Mary Woolnoth) King Edward III. had a great House: Which he gave to the Dean and Chapter of his Chapel of Saint Steven by Letters Patents in the 22. of his Reign. Likewise hard by he had a Tower, called Sewtes Tower, standing in Bokeles Bury, which he gave also to St. Stevens Chapel, the 32. of his Reign.]

A great House of King Edward III. given to St. Steven's Chapel.

Sir Hugh Brice, before mentioned, was buried in the Body of this Church.

Persons buried here.

And Guy Brice, or Boys, was also buried there.

Dame Joane, Wife to Sir William Peach.

George Luffkin.

Hugh Acton, Tayler.]

Thomas Nocket, Draper, 1396. He founded a Chantry there.

Tho. Noket, Civis & Pannarius, by his Will, dated Sept. 18. 1396, gave 5 Mark yearly out of his Lands and Tenements in London, for a Chantry for ever in the Chapel of the Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, Lond. founded by Alice Wife of Gregory de Norton.]

St. Mary Wolnoth. Lib. Courtn.

E. A.

Simon Eyre, 1459. He gave the Tavern, called the Cardinals Hat in Lombardstreet, with a Tenement annexed on the East part of the Tavern, and a Mansion behind the East Tenement, together with an Alley from Lombardstreeet to Cornhil with the Appurtenances, all which were by him new builded toward a Brotherhood of our Lady in St. Mary Woolnoths Church.]

A. M.

Tho. Fairfax by his Will made Oct. 1. 1490. bequeathed to the High Altar in the Parish Church of St. Mary Woolnoth, one Diaper Table Cloth, and one Towel, and one Covering of a Bed of the best within his House.]

Tho. Fairfax è Regro. Test.

J. Worthing.

John Moager, Pewterer, and Emme his Wife in St. Johns Chapel.

Sir John Percival, Merchant-Taylor, Maior, Ob. about 1504.

Thomas Roch, and Andrew Michael, Vintners, and Joane their Wife.

William Hilton, Merchant-Taylor, and Taylor to King Henry VIII. was buried there 1519. under the Chapel of St. George, which Chapel was builded by George Luffken, sometime Taylor to the Prince.

Robert Amades, Goldsmith, Master of the Kings Jewels.

Sir Martin Bowes, Maior, buried about 1569. He gave Lands for the discharge of that Langborne Ward, of all Fifteens to be granted to the King by Parliament.

Langborne Ward discharged of Fifteenes.

George Hasken.

Sir Thomas Ramsey, late Maior &c.

Sir John Percivall, Knt. beforesaid, and Dame Thomasine his Wife, were worthy Benefactors to this Parish, and lye both here buried.

A fair Tomb in the Chancel.

A. M.

The several Wills made by them both in ancient Writing, are (to the Parishes great Commendation) very carefully kept and preserved in this Church, in a goodly Enclosure made for the purpose, and to be turned open like folding Tables: I have not seen the like in any other Church.

Sir John Percival and his Wife's Wills.

Morever I read (concerning this Man) that he was one of the Maior of Londons Officers, and Carver at his Table. And when the Maior (as the Custom of London is) doth elect one of the Sheriffs of London for the year ensuing, by taking and drinking a Cup of Wine to such a Man as he pleaseth to name; the Maior at that time) whose Name was Sir Henry Collet Knt. and free of the Mercers) took the Cup of Wine and drank the aforesaid John Percivall, his Carver, standing there bare-headed waiting before him, and called him Sheriff of London for the year ensuing: forthwith the said Maior caused the same Percivall to sit down at his own Table, and to cover his Head. And the same Percivall took upon him the Office of Sheriffalty, and afterward was Lord Maior of London, and made Knight. Register of Maiors.

An observation out of Richard Grafton.

John Percival, Carver to the Lord Maior, chosen Sheriff of London.

Here lyeth buried the body of Sir Martin Bowes, Knt. Alderman and Lord Maior of London, and also free of the Goldsmiths Company: with Cicilie, Dame Anne and Dame Elizabeth, his Wives. The which Sir Martin Bowes deceased the 4. day of August, An. Dom. 1566.

A goodly Marble close Tomb under the Communion Table.

His Will also is there kept in a fair Table.

Here lyeth interred the body of Sir Thomas Ramsey, Knt. a most worthy Citizen, and lately Lord Maior of London, being free of the Grocers Company. With whom (by Will) he hath left a perpetual Reliefe for poore yong Men, Retaylours of the said Company, which he saw performed in his life time. He was a most careful Magistrate, walked in the feare of God, and loved Peace. He lived 79 yeeres, and dyed (without issue) in the faith of Jesus Christ, the 19 day of May, Anno Dom. 1590. Whose godly End was a true Testimony of his vertuous Life.

A very goodly Monument in the East end of the Chancel.

Here lyeth buried also Dame Alice, the first Wife of the said Sir Thomas Ramsey, she being eldest Daughter to Bevis Lea of Enfield in the County of Stafford, Gent. Unto whom he was married 37 yeeres: and having lived 85 yeeres, she departed this Life the 18 day of January, An. Dom. 1577.

Dame Mary, the second Wife to the said Sir Thomas Ramsey, was eldest Daughter to William Dale of Bristol, Merchant, unto whom he was married 12 yeeres. In regard therefore of so worthy a Knight, and his two vertuous Ladies: This Monument is heere placed, by the Executors to the said Sir Thomas Ramsey, the 18 day of November, Anno Dom. 1596.

Now for the MONUMENTS of later Times in the Church of S. Mary Woolnoth.

Modern Monuments.

J. S.

On the North side of the Communion Table is an Effigies of a Man in white Marble in the Posture of leaning on his left Arm, representing Thomas Vyner Esq; Son of Sir Thomas Vyner Knt. and Bart. Feb. 5. 1666.

On the South side of the Table over against this, is the like Effigies in white Marble, of one leaning on the Right Arm in his Livery Gown, being the foresaid Sir Tho. Vyner, Goldsmith, Alderman, Sheriff and Maior of this City. Deceased May 11. 1665.

Against the East Wall near the little North Door, a Monument for Sir Will. Phipps Knt. Who in the Year 1687. by his great Industry discovered among the Rocks, near the Bank of Bahama, on the North side of Hispaniola, a Spanish Plate Ship, which had been under Water 44 years: Out of which he took in Gold and Silver to the Value of 300000l. Sterling: and with a Fidelity equal to his Conduct brought it all to London. Where it was divided between himself and the rest of the Adventurers. Dyed Feb. 18. 1694.

In the middle Ile, Will. Dunker of London
