Ealdgate Ward. Present State. 81

Ealdgate Ward. Present State.

Sir Henry Billingsley (by his last Will) gave the Sum of 200l. for Relief of the Poor in this Parish; but by not making his own Eyes Overseers, and his Hands his truest Executors, his good Intent is injured, and the Poor disappointed.

A. M.

The present or late State of the Charities belonging to the Parish of St. Katharine Coleman, stands thus.

The present Charities of this Parish.

J. S.

A true Account of the Gifts and Legacies given to this Parish for the Poor.


Year of Gift.Donors. Annuities.
1569Margaret Dean05 0000
1590Thomazin Evans, Widow040000
1607Sir James Dean, Knt.05 0400
1620Richard Isaacson02 1200
1664John Delabar, Merchant 111000
1630Bernard Hyde, Esq; every tenth
Alderman Stiles
Mr. Lambert
every 14th Year
0100 00
1605Laurence Riply to the Mini-
ster and Churchwardens

Sir Henry Billingsley, Knt. and Alderman, about the Year 1586. having taken to Farm part of the Churchyard, of the Minister and Parishioners, at the yearly Rent of 4s. to the Minister, and 4s. to the Churchwardens, on the 6th of Aug. 1606. made his Will, and gave to the Poor of the Parish the yearly Profits of 200l. when laid out in Land, or the Interest thereof till laid out, for ever; upon Condition that his Heirs and Assigns should peaceably hold and enjoy the said part of the Churchyard, whereon then he had erected a Coach House, and part of his Dwelling House.

This the Parish thought fit to enter in their Table of Benfactors in this Manner, as on Record, viz.

Dame Elizabeth,
Sir Henry
Billingsley, did Will to
the Poor 1s. per
Week for ever; and
200l. which their
Heirs, &c. have not
1696Henry Dixon02 00 00
1701Thomas Papillon, Esq;gave 50l. to the
Poor of the Parish;
and 6l. for present Relief.
1688Jacob Lucygave for a Parish Stock 100l.
besides 5l. to the Poor
for present Relief.

Besides several other well-disposed Persons, that gave Sums of Money for present Relief: Whose Names are all registred in two Tables of Benfactors set up in the Church by Order of Vestry Ann. 1681.

The Minister hath an House for his Residence standing upon his Glebe, and a Ground Rent of 7l. per Annum for another House adjoyning to it, let out by Lease for about 16l. per Annum. There belongs also to him another small Tenement, for which he receives 6l. per Annum. As it was given in by the Churchwardens in a Parochial Visitation Anno 1693.]


The Limits and Bounds of this Parish need no relation, because they are contained within so small a Compass; and at every Place where their Mark is fixed, there is likewise a Katharine Wheel of Iron, not easy to be broken off or removed. Mr. Wright, the learned Parson here, gave me his gentle Futherance, shewing me a Glass Window in the South Ile of the Church, where is figured the Shape of an Alderman in Scarlet, kneeling on his Knees, and the Words set down by him, do express his Name to be William White, Maior of this honourable City. Wherby he is persuaded, and I am likewise of his Opinion, (by divers Opinions thereto inducing) that all that Ile was either of his building, or (at least) repairing, it appeareth so novel to the rest.]

A. M.

Will. White.

Then have ye Blanch Apleton, [corruptly now called Blind Chapel Court] whereof I read in the 13th of Edward I. that a Lane behind the same Blanch Apleton was granted by the King to be inclosed and shut up. This Blanch Apleton was a Mannor belonging to Sir Thomas Roos of Hamelake, Knt. the 7th of Richard II. standing at the North East Corner of Mart Lane; which was so called of a Privilege sometime enjoyed to keep a Mart there; long since discontinued, and therefore forgotten, so as nothing remaineth for Memory, but the Name of Mart Lane, and that corruptly termed Mark Lane.

Mannor of Blanch Apleton.

Mart Lane.

I read, that in the 3d of Edward IV. all Basket-makers, Wire-drawers, and other Foreigners, were permitted to have Shops in this Mannor of Blanch Apleton, and not elsewhere within this City, or Suburbs thereof.

Basketmakers at Blanch Apleton, and Foreigners.

And this also being the farthest West part of this Ward on that South side, I leave it, with three Parish Churches; St. Katharine Christs Church, St. Andrew Undershaft, and St. Katharine Coleman; and three Halls of Companies; the Bricklayers Hall, the Fletchers Hall, and the Ironmongers Hall.

Now for the present State of this Ward; it briefly stands thus.

R. B.

And first to begin with Aldgate Street, which is broad, but short; and very well inhabited by Tradesmen; and by giving Entrance through the Gate into and out of the adjacent Parts of the Suburbs, renders it a great Thorough-fare. It begins at the Gate, and runneth Westwards to the Pump, where it divides it self into two Streets; one falling into Leadenhall Street, and the other into Fenchurch Street. Next unto the Gate is the chief (but narrow) Entrance into Dukes Place, which is very large, and for the generality taken up by the Jews, where they had lately their Synagogue.

Aldgate Street.

Dukes Place inhabited much by Jews.

Jews Synagogue.

In this Place are several Courts, some of which are very large, as are those where the Church of St. James Dukes Place now standeth. This Church did pretend a Privilege above others, especially in Marrying without Licenses; which by Act of Parliament was lately taken away from this, as well as from the Minories, and others, by laying very heavy Pecuniary Mulcts upon all Persons whatsoever that marry without Banns or License. Out of this Court where this Church standeth, is a Passage under an Arch into another large one, called Dukes Place Court; and to these two Courts, there are two Out-letts into that part of Dukes Place which fronteth London Wall, along which is a narrow Lane, called commonly Dukes Place, which turning South leads to Aldgate, and North West to Bevis Marks Aldgate; a Place generally taken up by Shooe-makers Shops. Here is a small Place called Vine Court, which is but ordinary. Likewise out of Dukes Place Court is a Street which leadeth to another, and both called Dukes Place. And in this Part was the Jews Synagogue, a good large upper Room: From this Part is Heneage Lane, which is but ordinary, and falls into Bevis Marks, which comes out of Dukes Place by London Wall, and falls into Camomile Street, which runneth along by the Wall as far as St. Mary Axe. But neither this nor Bevis Marks are Places of any considerable Account. On the South side here is Plough Yard, which is pretty large, but chiefly taken up for Stablings

St. James's Church.

Dukes Place Court.

Vine Court.

Jews Synagogue.

Heneage Lane.

Bevis Marks.

Plough Yard.
