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Publick Schools erected. 162

Publick Schools erected.

To which House all Communications might be directed, to be left for either of the Secretaries.

And that this might be said for the Encouragement of such Benefactions; That the Donors would be thereby entitled, not only to have their Names recorded in the Minute- Books of one of the best intended Societies in Europe; (And that bears no inconsiderable Reputation amongst all the Learned World abroad, however disregarded by some here at home;) but also to meet with convenient Opportunities of having their Donations carefully preserved, for the Benefit and Satisfaction of Posterity.

And that now there can be no room to doubt, but that the Royal Society is in as fair a way as any Corporation can be, of being established a perpetual one: Especially if we duly consider the Contributions and Legacies lately left it; which may be seen at their House aforesaid: Most of which generous and worth Benefactors being yet alive.



The Publick SCHOOLS. The Parliament petitioned to for Schools, in the 25th of Henry VI. Which were the ancient ones. St. Anthony's School. Paul's School. The Founding thereof. The Masters. The School at Mercers Chapel. Merchant-Taylors School. The Masters. Ratcliff School. Christ-Church School. A Custom there. Charterhouse School. Other Free Schools. Free Schools in Southwark, and Westminster. Private Schools. The Charity Schools.

TO these Colleges and Societies of Learning, it suits well to subjoin the Foundations of Charity, for the bringing up of Youth in good Literature, and Christian Manners; which we call Schools. Concerning which, to what hath been said at Chap. XXII. let these Things be added concerning them.


J. S.

Due Care was taken in ancient Times, that London should be supplied with Schools of Learning.

Ancient Schools in London.

In King Stephen's Time, there were Three principal great Schools, belonging to the Three chief Churches, as Fitzstephen writes; (but he does not tell us which those Churches were;) where Youth were bred up in the Skill not only of Grammar, but Logick, Philosophy, Rhetorick, Poetry, and Wit. Besides which, there were Schools of lesser Account. But afterwards, and in the Times of King Henry VI. gross Ignorance and want of Learning prevailed in London, as well as elsewhere; which appeared even in Churchmen themselves, (to their Shame) as well as in the Laity. And Schools were neglected, and gone to decay. Wherefore, for the restoring of Learning, Four grave Clergymen, and Parsons of Parishes in the City, petitioned the Parliament that sat in the 25th Year of Henry the VIth, That they and their Successors might be allowed to set up Schools in their Four respective Churches, and appoint Schoolmasters in them: Viz. In Great Alhallows, St. Andrew Holborn, St. Peter's in Cornhill, and St. Mary Cole-Church.

Fitzstephen Descript. Lond.

It may be worth the relating of this Matter out of the Records of the Tower. The Petition of these Reverend Persons ran to this Tenor:

"To the ful worthie and discrete Communes in this present Parlement assemblyed, to considre the grete Nombre of Gramer Scholes that sometyme were in divers Parties of this Realme, beside those that were in London, and how few ben these Dayes, and the grete Hurt that is caused of this, not oonly in the Spiritual Partie of the Chirche, where oftentyme it apperith to openly in som Persones with grete Shame, but also in the temporal Partie; to whom also it is full expedyent to have competent Congruite for manie Causes, as to your Wisdomes apperith. "

Record. Turr. Rot. Parl. An. 25. H. VI. Nio. 19.

Petition to the Parliament, for setting up Schools.

"And forasmuche as to the Cite of London is the commone Concourse of this Land, som lake of Schole Maistres in ther own Contree, for to be enfourmed of Gramer ther, and som for the grete Almess of Lordes, Merchants, and others, that which is in London more plenteuosly, sooner than in manie other Places of this Reaume, to such pouere Creatures as never shuld have be brought to so greet Vertu and Counyng as thei have, ne had hit ben by the meane of the Almess abovesaid: "

" Wherefor it were expedyent, that in London were a sufficient Nomber of Scholes, and good Enfourmers in Gramer; and not, for the singular avail of two or three Persones, grevously to hurt the Multitude of yong Peple of al this Land. For wher there is grete Nombre of Lerners and few Techers; and al the Lerners be compelled to go to the few Techers, and to noon others, the Maistres waxen riche of Monie, and the Learners pouere in connyng, as Experyence openlie shewith ayenst all Vertu and Ordre of Well Publik. "

" And these Premisses moven and sturen of grete Devocion and Pitee Mastre William Lycchefeld Parson of the Parich Chirche of Al Hallowen the More in London, Maistre Gilbert, Person of Seint Andrew Holbourne, in the Suburbs of the said Citee, Maistre John Cote, Person of Seint Petre in Cornhull of London, and John Neel, Maistre of the Hous or Hospital of Seint Thomas of Acres, and Person of Colchirche in London; to compleyne unto you, and for Remedie besechyn you, to pray the Kyng our Soveraign Lord, that he bi the Advys and Assent of the Lords Spirituel and Temporel in this present Parliament assembled, and bi Authoritie of the same Parliament, will provide, ordeyne and graunt to the said Maistre William and his Successors, that they in the seid Parish of Al-"


© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY