[  The pagination has been corrected; it is page 156 in the original. ]

must not be forgotten, tho' his good Intention succeeded not, who left his Books to the Library; but his Executors pretended there were not Assets sufficient to satisfy Debts. Mr. Wynn, Citizen and Dyer gave 100l. The Interest to be laid out Yearly in Books. Mr. Calfe 20l. per Annum for the same Use, payable by the Leathersellers Company.

The Library is to be surveyed twice a Year: And had at first a Library Keeper, and an Under-Library Keeper, and an Ostiary. Now one serves for all.

Officers of the Library.

Proposals have been made for augmenting this Library. First, that every Author be desired to give a Book of whatsoever he shall publish. Secondly, that every London Minister at his Admission into a Living be desired to give a Book. Thirdly, That every Governor do the same at his Admission, not under 10s. Value. Fourthly, That the Booksellers be desired to give one Copy of every of the Books they Print.

Means to augment this Library.

This whole College being consumed by the Fire, the rebuilding of the Alms House, and the Library, cost above 1300l. the Hall, and all the other Buildings cost above 2000l. more, as was computed in the Year 1688. The Wainscoting of the Hall cost 140l. And as for the Chambers of the Students, which before the Fire were wholly for such, no Women then permitted to inhabit there, and amounted to a considerablet Revenue to the College of about 54l. per Annum; The Ground was let out to build upon at Ground Rents.

The Charge of Rebuilding.

When this was drawn up, the President, Deans, and Assistants were,

Lilly Butler, D.D.
William Thomas, M.A.
Mountague Wood, M.A.
John Waugh, D.D.
John Turton, M.A.
Samuel Baker, M.A.



BEsides Sion College, there was another College for Divines, called Chelsea College, being situate within the Parish of that Name, which indeed comes not properly within the Survey of London and Westminster; but yet being within the Prospect of the latter named City, and being taken notice of in the last Edition of Stow's Survey, I shall make mention of it in this Place.

Chelsea College.

J. S.

It was built on a Piece of Ground called Thame Shot, containing about Six Acres, and founded near the beginning of K. James the First his Reign; endued liberally, (but not sufficiently) by Dr. Matthew Sutcliff, Dean of Exeter, for a Provost and Fellows, who should devote themselves to the Study of Polemick Divinity, to vindicate the Reformation of Religion from time to time against all Popish Writers, who were bred up in Colleges abroad, for this very Purpos, to asperse this excellent Church, and to draw away the Members of it. That so we, having Men bred up in these Controversies, as well as they, might stand upon equal Ground with them. In this College also were to be maintained two Historians, to record and publish all Matters worthy of Remark in this Church and State: A most noble and worthy Design of the said Sutcliff, who while he lived had earnestly employed his Pen in the behalf of Religion against Parsons the Jesuit. In his Lifetime he settled Four good Farms in Devonshire on this College to the Value of 300l. per Annum, and upon his Death by Will, Dated Nov. 1. 1628. bequeathed unto Dr. Prideaux, and Dr. Clifford, as Feoffees in Trust, the Benefit of an Extent on a Statute of 4000l. acknowledged by Sir Lewis Stenkley.

Founded for the Study of Polemick Divinity.

How endowed by Sutcliff, the Founder.

King James I. a Learned Prince and firm Protestant, liked well of this Purpose, and encouraged it. And when the Building began, he laid the first Stone himself; and moreover gave all the Timber requisite thereto, which was to be fetched from Windsor Forest. And what was more done in this Business, and what further Provision was made for the Endowment of it, and how cordially the King moved others in it, may be seen by what follows:]

Not far from Westminster, by the River, there is Erected a goodly Building, not yet finished, for Students in Divinity, commonly known by the Name of Chelsea College, whereof I thought fit to make mention, because I find an Act of Parliament, made in the Seventh Year of King James, in the behalf of the same College; as also a Declaration published by Authority, in the Year 1616, containing the Reasons that moved his Majesty and the State to Erect the same; which here followeth:

A. M.

"Whereas his Majesty, of his most Royal and Zealous Care for the Defense of true Religion now established within this Realm of England, and for the refuting of Errors and Heresies repugnant unto the same, hath been graciously pleased, by his Letters Patents under the great Seal of England, to found a College at Chelsea near London, and therein to place certain learned Divines, and to Incorporate the same by the Name of The Provost and Fellows of the College of King James in Chelsea, near London, of the Foundation of the same James King of England; and hath of his most gracious Bounty and Goodness, not only endowed the same with certain Lands, Privileges, and Immunities; but hath also for their further Maintenance and Sustentation, given unto them a Capacity and Ability, to receive and take from his Majesty, or any of his loving Subjects, any Lands, Tenements, Hereditaments, Gifts, Benefits, and Profits whatsoever, not exceeding in the whole the Yearly Value of Three Thousand Pounds, as in and by the said Letters Patents doth more at large appear. And whereas, also it is manifest and evident, that the bringing in of fresh Streams of running Water into the City of London, is very convenient, necessary, and profitable, as well for the private use of such as shall rent the same, as a Help for cleansing the said City in the time of Sickness, and preserving the same against all sudden Adventures of Fire: It is therefore Enacted, &c. that it shall and may be lawful to the said Provost and Fellows, their Successors, Deputies, and Assigns, at all and every such Place and Places, in the open Fields or Marshes, lying between the Bridge called Lock Bridge, in or near the Parish of Hackney, in the County of Middlesex, and the Bridge called Bow Bridge at Stratford Bow in the Parish of Stepney in the said County, (as by the said Provost and Fellows, their Successors, Deputies, or Assigns, by, and with, the Consent and Allowance of the Occupiers and Owners of the Soil in the said Place or Places, and in default of such Assent and Allowance, by such Composition, first to be made with the said Occupiers and Owners of the said Soil, as by the Commissioners, by vertue of this Act to be in this Behalf appointed, shall be thought fit and convenient) to dig or cut from, and out of the main River of Lee, on that Side or Bank of the same River which is next unto the City of London, a Ditch or Trench not exceeding in Breadth Ten Foot, or to Scour, Cleanse, or Enlarge unto the Breadth aforesaid, any old Ditch or Trench there already made; and the same Ditch or Trench either Old or New, so to be made or to be cleansed, to convey by and thorough the said Fields and Marshes, in all Places convenient, in such Sort as the same may again "

Act of Parliament for Chelsea College.

The Cause of the Erection of the College there.

The Name of that Corporation.

The Ability thereof to receive Lands.

The Provost, &c. may dig a Trench out of the River Lee.

Of what Quantity.
