Towers and Castles. Mountfichet Tower 62

Towers and Castles. Mountfichet Tower

ing founded) proclaimed the Lady Mary, Daughter to King Henry VIII. and Queen Katharine, Queen of England, &c.

This Castle of Baynard's; as also that of Mount Fitchet, near adjoyning, are now pulled down, and converted into Timber Yards, Wood Wharfs, and private Buildings; only a round Tower, part of Baynard's Castle, yet stands, and with other additional Buildings, is converted into a dwelling House.]

R. B.

Next adjoining to this Castle was some time a Tower, the Name thereof I have not read; but that the same was builded by Edward II. is manifest by this that followeth.

King Edward III. in the Second Year of his Reign, gave unto William de Ros, of Hamelake in Yorkshire, a Tower upon the Water of Thames, by the Castle Baynard, in the City of London, which Tower his Father had builded; he gave the said Tower and Appurtenances to the said William Hamelake, and his Heirs, for a Rose Yearly, to be paid for all Service due, &c.

A. M.

A Tower by Baynard's Castle, builded by Edward IV.

This Tower, as it seemeth to me, was since called Legates Inn, the 7th of Edward IV.]



The next Tower or Castle banking also on the River of Thames, was (as is afore shewed) called Mountfiquit's Castle, belonging to a Nobleman, Baron of Mountfichet, the first Builder thereof, who came in with William the Conqueror, and was Surnamed Le Sire Mountfichet. This Castle he builded in a Place not far distant from Baynard's, towards the West. The same William Mountfichet lived in the Reign of Henry I. and was Witness to a Charter then granted to the City for the Sheriffs of London. Richard Mountfiquit lived in King John's Time, and in the Year 1213. was by the same King banished the Realm into France, when (peradventure) King John caused his Castle of Mountfiquit, amongst other Castles of the Barons, to be overthrown. The which, after his Return, might be by him again re-edified; for the total Destruction thereof, was about the Year 1276. when Robert Kilwarby, Archbishop of Canterbury, began the Foundation of the House of the Fryars Preachers Church there, commonly called the Black Friars, as appeareth by a Charter, dated the 10th of June, in the Fourth of Edward I. remaining of Record in the Tower. Wherein is declared, that Gregory de Rockesley, Maior of London, and the Barons of the same City, granted and gave unto the said Archbishop Robert Two Lanes or Ways next the Street of Baynard's Castle, and the Tower of Mountfiquit, to be applied for the Enlargement of the said Church and Place: In these Words.

Tower of Mountfiquit.

Named from the Baron of Mountfichet.

The Ruins thereof made use of for Black Fryars.

Gregory Rockesley, Lord Maior, and the Barons of London, granted, and gave to the Archbishop of Canterbury, Robert Kilwarby, Two Lanes or Ways, lying next to the Street of Baynard's Castle, and the Tower of Mountfiquit, or Mountfichet, to be destroyed. In the which Place, the said Robert builded the late new Church of the Black Friars, with the rest of the Stones that were left of the said Tower. For the best and choice Stones the Bishop of London had obtained of King William Conqueror, to re-edify the upper Part of St. Paul's Church, which was then (by chance of Fire) decayed.

Turr. Record. Ex Charta The Preaching Friars Church founded by Baynard's Castle; before which Time, their Church was in Oldborne.

This Charter of King Edward II. before mentioned, ran in this Tenor.

King Edward II. his Charter to the Friars Preachers for Two Lanes to be enclos'd Lib. Alb. Fol. 39. b.

J. S.

EDWARDUS Dei gratia, &c. Omnibus, &c. i.e. "EDWARD, Son of King Edward, &c. To all, &c. Whereas Gregory de Rockesley, our Maior of London, and the other Barons of the said City, at Our Instance, have commonly and unanimously granted to the Venerable Father Robert Archbishop of Canterbury, and his Assigns, Two Lanes contiguous to his Place of Castle Bainard, and the Tower of Montfichet, to be stopt up for the enlarging of the foresaid Place, and to enclose them; while yet he shall assign a like Way to them, and as convenient for the Commonalty of the same City. And We, understanding by the foresaid Maior and Barons of the said City, that the said Archbishop hath already prepared a better Way, and more convenient for the said Commonalty than the foresaid Lanes were: We, to the said Archbishop and his Assigns, for Us and Our Heirs, as much as in Us is, do grant, ratify, and confirm, the foresaid Grant. So that Our said Barons of London, by Occasion of their foresaid Grant, nor the Archbishop, nor his Assigns, on account of the said changing of the Ways, be accused or molested for Time to come, before our Justices Itinerants at the Tower of London, upon Cause of Purpresture made of the foresaid Lanes. In Testimony whereof, &c. Witness my self at Westminster, the 10th Day of June, in the Fourth Year of Our Reign." ]

An. 1311.

The Tower on the THAMES.


A Third Tower there was also, situate on the River of Thames, near unto the said Black Friars Church, on the West Part thereof, builded at the Citizens Charges, but by Licence and Commandment of Edward I. and of Edward II. as appeareth by their Grants. By the latter whereof, in the 10th of his Reign, and Imposition was granted towards the building of a new Tower on the Wall near the Friar Preachers.] Which Tower was then finished, and so stood for the Space of 300 Years; and was at the last taken down by the Commandement of John Sha, Maior of London, in the Year 1502.

Tower on the Thames.

Imposition for building this Tower.

This Tower was large and magnificent, and such as was fit for the Reception of a King; and where King Edward I. intended sometime at his Pleasure to lye. It was not finished in the Beginning of his Reign. But gave Order for the finishing of it to the Maior, Sheriffs, and Citizens, out of the Three Years Toll he had granted them to take upon Commodities brought to the City to be sold, for the Reparation of the Walls; and particularly for finishing the Wall begun near the Black Friars, not far from which at the Thames, stood this Tower. And that we may see what it was, and what Opinion that King had of this Tower, and concerning the Situation, let us read his Letter to the City.

King Edward his Command for this Tower.

J. S.

"Whereas we have granted you for Aid of the Work of the Walls of our City, and the Closure of the same, divers Customs of vendible Things, coming to the said City, to be taken for a certain Time, We command you, that you cause to be finished the Wall of the said City, now begun near the Mansion of the Friars Preachers, and a certain good and comely Tower at the Head of the said Wall within the Water of Thames there. Wherein We may be received and tarry with Honour, to our Ease and Satisfaction in our Comings there; out of the Pence taken, and to be taken of the said Customs, &c. Witness my self at Westminster, the 8th Day of July, An. 4. Which fell about 1276." ]

The King's Letter for finishing a Wall and a Tower near Black Friars.

Lib. Horn. Fol. 183.

Another Tower in the West.


Another Tower or Castle also was there, in the West Part of the City, pertaining to the King.

Tower or Castle on the West of London, by St. Bride's Church.
