Persons of the most wise, discreet, and best Sort of Watermen, being Householders, and occupying as Watermen upon the said River between Gravesend and Windsor: Which Election shall be yearly at the first Court of Aldermen, to be holden within the said City, next after the first Day of March. And the same eight Persons so elected, shall be named and called the Overseers and Rulers of all the Wherrymen and Watermen that from and after the first Day of March shall use, occupy, or exercise, any rowing upon the said River of Thames, between Gravesend and Winsor aforesaid. Which said Overseers and Rulers shall keep and maintain good Order and Obedience amongst the said Watermen, according to the true Meaning of this present Act.
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And the 11th and 12th Year of King William the Third, an Act of Parliament past for uniting the Lightermen upon the said River to the Watermen, viz. That all and every Person and Persons, who now keep, or shall hereafter keep or work, or shall be employed in rowing or anyways navigating any Lighter or Lighters, or other great Craft on the River of Thames, (Trinitymen, Fishermen, Ballastmen, Western Barges, and Mill Boats, Chalk Hoys, Faggot and Wood Lighters, and other Craft carrying the same excepted) shall be duly registered in a Book or Books for that Purpose, to be kept by the Company of Watermen and Lightermen; and shall likewise be liable to such Orders, Rules, and Constitutions, made, or to be made, for the better Rule and Government of the said Society or Company of Watermen and Lightermen; and the Pains and Penalties, to enforce due Obedience thereto.
The Carmen are a Fellowship formerly incorporated with the Woodmongers, but dissolved. They are now a Constitution made by the Court of Aldermen and Common Council An. 1665. They have three Wardens and forty one Assistants, and are governed by Acts of Common Council, Orders of the Court of Aldermen, and Orders and Rules of Christ's Hospital.
In the Paper, intitled, A particular Note of such charitable good Uses as are performed by divers of the Compnaies of London, out of such Rents as they purchased of King Edward the Sixth, this being omitted, is to be added:
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BOOK V, p. 249. The Mercers Rents first compounded for, amount to 196l. 15s. 3d. | l. | s. | d. |
The Rents in Adam's and Woodshaw's [Concealers] Patents, compounded for, amount to 227l. 16s. 10d. | 424 | 12 | 1 |
Which being deducted out of 934l. 18s. 5d. there will rest of the Value uncompounded for, the Sum of | 510 | 6 | 4 |
Mercers Rents conceled.
But the Company's humble Petition is, to have Assurance from her Majesty of all the whole Value, saving the Mercers Rents. For that they are advysed, ther is some Doubte of the Validity of Adams and Woodshaw's Patent, by Reason of the Proviso, or Condition, which is conteyned in the same.
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BOOK V, p. 256. b. The State of our English Manufactures of Wool and Silk, will appear in a Petition put up to the Parliament the last Year, viz. 1719, by those that dealt in and wrought them: Wherein the Case was stated; and was as followeth, viz.
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The Case of the Woollen and Silk Manufactures in Great Britain, humbly offered to the Consideration of the Parliament.
THE Value of the Lands of Great Britain must increase or diminish, in Proportion to the Demand for the Produce thereof.
Woollen Manufactures.
Nothing can make that Demand, but a Number of People.
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No Nation can continue long populous, without Employment for the People.
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The Weaving Trade, and its Dependants, employ more People than all the Manufactures of Great Britain besides.
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The Weavers in and about London and Norwich, and their Dependants only, are calculated at three hundred thousand, and upwards. The whole Number of the Callico Printers in England, including Women and Children, are not above eight Hundred; and these are employed but eight or nine Months on the Year, though there are such vast Quantities of Callicoes worn: The rest consequently must be run.
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It is impossible any Nation can grow rich, that hath not the Balance of Trade in its Favour.
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Nothing can procure and continue that Balance so much, as preventing the home Consumption of foreign Manufactures.
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Spain had the Wealth of the Indies: But, for want of Manufactures of her own, was forced to part with it to other Nations, in Exchange for their Manufactures.
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The Poor of this Nation must be employed, or maintained. If anything can be proposed, that will employ near the Number that the Weaving Trade employs, the wole Debate will be given up.
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The wearing of prohibited East-India Silks, printed Callicoes and Linnens, is so visible and universal, that it needs no Proof. Instead of which, were the Use of them prevented, Stuffs and Silks of our own Make would be worn.
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Many Thousands of our Manufacturers are now out of Work: And one Half of those at present employed, kept at Work only upon the Hopes of some Relief, this Session of Parliament: Of which, if they should be disappointed, the Condition of the Poor will be very calamitous.
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He that is the Cause of employing a poor Man to earn a Shilling, doth him a greater Good, than he that gives him a Shilling, when idle.
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Mr. Laws is setting up a Manufacture at Tankervil, to which he hath got from England Materials of all Sorts, with Workmen, the Numbers of whom he may increase as he pleases: For if they have not Employment at Home, the working People will wander abroad; the Old and Impotent will be left to the Parish.
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The French Mississippi Company seems to be the Darling of that State, and have had such Grants as were never before given to any Set of Men: Yet nothing will make them break in upon their own Manufactures, as appears by the late rigorous Prohibition of printed East-India Silks, Callicoes, and Linnens; notwithstanding it may be urged, that France might have printed its own Linnens.
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As the Riches, the Stength, and Power of Great Britain, are owing to the Manufactures which we, by our Neighbour's Folly, got from
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