Strype, Survey of London(1720), [online] (hriOnline, Sheffield). Available from:
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The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
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A Second APPENDIX.16


And put them in Remembrance, what Laws be made therefore: How they are bound in 40l. a-piece to work truly: How they be sworn so to do: And all this we do, to urge them to work truly and honestly.

We then earnestly desire them, yea, and charge them by th'Othe they have taken to the Queen's Majesty, that they consider of this one special Admonition, that as they shall not work untruly, so shall they not keep close or secret any Man of the Company, or any other that shall work for them untruly; but shall forthwith reveal it to the Wardens.

BOOK V, p. 247. For several of the Companies of London, and their Incorporations, being omitted, or more shortly accounted for, in that Part of the Book that treats of them, a Supply was sent to me Mr. Mauduit, Windsor Herald. Which was as follows:

A Supply of the Incorporations of several Companies omitted.

I Now send you the Incorporations of several incorporated Companies of London, the Time thereof not expressed in the SURVEY.

The Company of Masons were an ancient Fellowship, and called upon by the L. Maior; tho' the Time of their Incorporation commenceth but from the 17th Day of December, in the 29th Year of King Charles the Second, by the Name of Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Commonalty of the Art and Mystery of Masons of the City of London.


The Marblers were an ancient Fellowship, but no Incorparated Company of themselves; tho' now joyned in with the Company of Masons of London.


The Company of Spectacle-makers were incorparated by Charter the 16th Day of May, in the 5th Year of the Reign of King Charles the First, by the Name of the Master, Wardens, and Fellowship of Spectacle-makers of London.


The Company of Frame-work-knitters were incorporated by Charter, the 18th Day of August, 1663, in the 15th Year of King Charles the Second, by the Name of the Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Society of the Art and Mystery of Frame-work-knitters, in the Cities of London and Westminster, the Kingdom of England, and Dominion of Wales.


The 2d Day of Ocotber, in the 4th Year of King Henry the Seventh, William Browne, Kt. being then Maior of London, certain Ordinances made by the Guardians of the Mystery of the Lorimers of London were confirmed by the Maior and Aldermen of the City at Guildhall. Wherein it is mentioned, that the Fraternity had then been of long Continuance. And the third Day of December, in the tenth Year of Queen Anne the said Company were incorporated by the Name of Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Commonalty of Lorimers of London. In procuring of which Sir James Bateman, Kt. afterwards Lord Maior of London, a loving Member of the said Company, was very assistant.


The Company of the Weavers were incorproated in the Reign of King Henry the Second, and confirmed the 31st Year of his Reign, Anno 1184, by Charter, as the New View of London takes Notice of. But however, the said Company thought it proper to have the Privileges they pretended to, renewed and confirmed by Charter of Incorporation, the 17th of September 1706, in the 6th Year of Reign of Wueen Anne, by the Name of Bailiffs, Wardens, Assistants, and Commonalty of the Trade, Art, and Mystery of Weavers of London.


The Company of Glasiers were incorporated by Charter the 6th of November, in the 13th Year of the Reign of King Charles the First, by the Name of Master, Wardens, and Commonalty of the Art or Mystery of Glasiers, and Painters on Glass of the City of London.


The Company of Horners were incorporated by Charter the 12th Day of January, in the 13th Year of the Reign of King Charles the First, by the Name of Master, Wardens, Assistants, and Fellowship of the Art and Mystery of Horners of the City of London.


The Paviers are an ancient Fellowship; but an incorporated Company they are not to this Day.


The Musicians are an incorpoarated Company, but the Time of their Incorporation was refused by the Clerk of their Company to be given: But supposed, by King James the First, by the Name of Master, Wardens, and the rest of the Commonalty of the said Corporation. Their Arms were granted them by Patent by William Camden, Clarencieux, An. 1614.


The Company of Bowyers were incorporated the 28th Day of May, in the 18th Year of King James the First, (but were a Fraternity long before) by the Name of Master, Wardens, and Society of the Mystery of Bowyers of the City of London. Renewed and confirmed by Charter, the 17th Day of November, in the 18th Year of King Charles the Second, by the same Name, with all their former Privileges.


The Company of Fletchers were incorporated much more ancient than any Corporation now of London, as by their Tradition: And that they have, to this Day, preserved in their Hall a Banner, given them by King John: Which, upon solemn Occasions, is carried amongst the other Trophies of their Company. And they have other Matters relating to their good Government, writ in the Saxon Tongue; which they preserve with a great deal of Care and Reverence. The Arms of their Company were granted them by William Hawkeslowe, otherwise called Clarenceux, King of Arms, the 12 Day of October, in the 7th Year of King Edward the Fourth. In which Patent he says, he hath devised a Conisaunce of Arms, For the Maisteeres and Wardeyns, and their Successoures.


The Patten-Makers Company were incorporated by Charter the 2d Day of August, in the 22d Year of King Charles the Second, by the Name of Master, Warden, Assistants, and Fellowship of Patten-Makers of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Liberties and Suburbs thereof: And also the Patten-Makers of all Towns, Villages, Hamlets, and Places whatsoever, within the Compass of ten Miles, every Way distant from the said Cities.


The Company of Watermen on the River of Thames, London, were made a Company by Act of Parliament, the 2d and 3d of Philip and Mary. Wherein it is expressed, that there shall be yearly appointed, chosen, and elected, by the Maior and Court of Aldermen for the City of London, for the Time being, the Number of eight



© hriOnline, 2007
The Stuart London Project, Humanities Research Institute, The University of Sheffield,
34 Gell Street, Sheffield, S3 7QY