Of the CHARITIES and Charitable Foundations belonging to the City. Hospitals, for Persons bereft of their Wits. Lepers, Blind, Poor People, and Children. Hospitals of later Erection. Lazar Houses.

THE Charities and charitable Foundations of and belonging to this City, ought to have some particular Notice taken of them, they have been so large, and so well suited to the various Conditions of distressed and needy People. I shall therefore first set down here what Mr. Stow hath long since collected of such ancient Foundations, omitted in the after Editions; and then I shall add such as have been more modern.]

Charities of London.

J. S.

The Hospitals in this City and Suburbs thereof, that have been of old Time, and now presently are, I read of these as followeth.

The Hospital of St. Mary, in the Parish of Barking, that was provided for poor Priests, and others, Men and Women, in the City of London, that were fallen into Frenzy, or Loss of their Memory; until such Time as they should recover; since suppressed, and given to the Hospital of St. Katherine by the Tower.

An Hospital for frenzy People in Tower-street Ward.

St. Anthony's, an Hospital of thirteen poor Men, and a College, with a Free-School, for poor Men's Children, founded by Citizens of London, lately by John Tate, first a Brewer, and then a Mercer, in the Ward of Brode-street: Suppressed in the Reign of Edward the Sixth, the School in some Sort remaining, but sore decayed. [Now quite gone. It was near where the French Church now stands.]

St. Anthony's in Brode-street Ward.

St. Bartilmew in Smithfield, an Hospital of great Recept and Relief of the Poor; was suppressed by Henry the Eighth: And again by him given to the City; and is endowed by the Citizens Benevolence.

St. Bartilimew in Smithfield.

St. Giles's in the Fields, was an Hospital for Leprous People out of the City of London, and Shire of Middlesex: Founded by Matilde the Queen, Wife to Henry the First; and suppressed by King Henry the Eighth.

St. Giles in the Fields, for Lepers.

St. John of Jerusalem, by West Smithfield, an Hospital of the Knights of the Rhodes, for Maintenance of Soldiers against the Turks and Infidels: Was suppressed by King Henry the Eighth.

St. John of Jerusalem, for Defence of the Rhodes.

St. James in the Field, was an Hospital for Leprous Virgins of the City of London: Founded by Citizens for that Purpose. Suppressed by King Henry the Eighth.

St. James in the Fields.

St. John at Savoy, an Hospital for Relief of one hundred poor People; founded by King Henry the Seventh: Suppressed by King Edward the Sixth: Again new founded, endowed, and furnished by Queen Mary, and so remaineth.

St. John at Savoy.

St. Katherine by the Tower of London, an Hospital with a Master, Brethren, and Sisters, and Alms-Women: Founded by Matilde, Wife to King Stephen: Not suppressed, but in Force as afore.

St. Katherine by the Tower.

St. Mary within Cripplesgate, an Hospital founded by William Elsing, for an hundred blind People of the City. Suppressed by King Henry the Eighth.

Elsing Hospital, or Spittle.

St. Mary Bethelem without Bishopsgate, was an Hospital founded by Simon Fitz-Mary, a Citizen of London, to have been a Priory; and remaineth for Lunatick People; having been suppressed and given to Christ's Hospital.

St. Mary Bethelem.

St. Mary without Bishopsgate, was an Hospital and Priory, called St. Mary Spittle: Founded by a Citizen of London, for Relief of the Poor, with Provision of 180 Beds there for the Poor. It was suppressed in the Reign of King Henry the Eighth.

St. Mary Spittle

St. Mary Rounceval by Charing Cross, was an Hospital suppressed, with the Priories Aliens, in the Reign of King Henry the Fifth. Then it was made a Brotherhood in the 15th of Edward the Fourth: And again suppressed by King Edward the Sixth.

St. Mary Rounceval.

St. Thomas of Acres, or Acon, in Cheap, was an Hospital for a Master and Brethren (in the Record called Militia.) It was surrendered and sold to the Mercers.

St. Thomas of Acon.

St. Thomas in Southwark, being an Hospital of great Receipt for the Poor, was suppressed; but again newly founded, and endowed by the Benevolence and Charity of the Citizens of London.

St. Thomas in Southwark.

An Hospital there was without Aldersgate, a Cell to the House of Clugny, suppressed by King Henry the Fifth.

Hospital without Aldersgate.

An Hospital there was without Cripplesgate; also a like Cell to the said House of Clugny, suppressed by King Henry the Fifth.

Another without Cripplesgate.

A third Hospital there was in Oldborne, being also a Cell to the said House of Clugny; and was suppressed by King Henry the Fifth.

Another in Oldborne.

The Hospital (or Almshouse called God's house) for thirteen poor Men, with a College called Whittington College, founded by Richard Whittington, Mercer; and suppressed: But the Poor remain, and are paid their Allowance by the Mercers.

God's house at Whittington College.

Christ's Hospital in Newgate Market, of a new Foundation, in the Grey Friars Church, by King Henry the Eighth. Poor fatherless Children be there brought up and nourished at the Charges of the Citizens.

Christ's Hospital.

Bridewell, now a Hospital (or House of Correction) founded by King Edward the Sixth, to be a Workhouse for the poor and idle Persons of the City. Wherein a great Number of vagrant Persons be now set at Work, and relieved at the Charge of the Citizens. Of all these Hospitals, being twenty in Number, you may read before; as also of good and charitable Provisions made for the Poor by sundry well disposed Citizens.


Book I. & V.

Since these Times many other Hospitals and Houses of Charity in and about London, have been founded and endowed, and some of them very nobly: And some also of those abovementioned have of later Times been very amply encreased in their Revenues. Among the more modern erected Hospitals these are the Chief:

Hospitals of later Erection.

J. S.

Sutton's Hospital, commonly called Charterhouse, near West Smithfield, founded by one Sutton, for decayed Gentlemen.

Sutton's Hospital.

Chelsea College, near the Town of Chelsea, upon the River of Thames, West from London, a Royal Foundation, for the harbouring and Maintenance of ancient or maimed Soldiers, whether Officers or others.

Chelsea College.

Greenwich Hospital, in Greenwich Town, another Royal Foundation, for the Relief of such

Greenwich Hospital.
