being descended from the same Trojan Stock, Brute builded this, before Remus and Romulus did the other. Whence still it useth the same ancient Laws, ands common Institutions. For this our City, like to that, is distinguished by Wards and several Limits; it hath Sheriffs every Year, answerable to their Consuls; it hath Aldermen, enjoying the Dignity of Senators, besides inferior Magistrates; it hath also Common Sewers, and Conveyances for Water in the Streets. Concerning Causes in Question, there are several Places and Courts for Causes deliberative, demonstrative, and judicial: Upon their set Days also they have their Common Council and great Assemblies.

Of the Customs of the Churches.

I think there is no City that hath more approved Customs, for frequenting the Churches, for honouring God's Ordinances, observing of Holidays, giving Alms, entertaining Strangers, Confirmation of Contracts, making up and celebrating of Marriages, setting out of Feasts welcoming the Guests; and moreover, in Funeral Rites, and burying the Dead.

The Pests of London.

The only Plagues of London are immoderate Drinking of idle Fellows, and often Fires.

Frequented by Nobles.

Moreover, almost all Bishops, Abbots, and Noblemen of England, are, as it were, Citizens and Freemen of London. There they have fair Dwellings, and thither they do often resort, and lay out a great deal of Money; and are called into the City to Consultations and solemn Meetings, either by the King, or their Metropolitane, or drawn by their own Business.

Of Sports and Pastimes.

Let us also come at last to their Sports and Exercises: For it is expedient that a City be not only commodious for Gain, and serious in Business, but also pleasant and delightful. Therefore, to the Time of Pope Leo, the Popes gave in their Seals, on one Side of their Bull, St. Peter like a Fisherman, and over him a Key reached forth to him, as it were from Heaven, by the Hand of God, and this Verse about it:

For me thy Ship thou didst forsake,
Therefore the Key of Heaven take.

On the other Part was stamped a City, with this Inscription, Golden Rome. Also, this was written to the Praise of Cæsar Augustus and Rome:

All Night the Sky distils down watry Showers,     
The Morning clears again to shew the Play:
Great Jove and Cæsar have their several Hours,     
And in this Universe by Turns bear Sway.

Representation of Miracles.

London, instead of common Interludes belonging to the Theatre, hath Plays of a more holy Subject; Representations of those Miracles which the holy Confessors wrought, or of the Sufferings, wherein the glorious Constancy of Martyrs did appear.

Of Cock-fighting and Ball.

Moreover, that we may begin with the Schools of Youth, seeing once we were all Children: Yearly at Shrovetide, the Boys of every School bring Fighting Cocks to their Masters, and all the Forenoon is spent at School, to see these Cocks fight together. After Dinner, all the Youth of the City goeth to play at the Ball in the Fields; the Scholars of every Study have their Balls. The Practisers also of all the Trades have every one their Balls in their Hands. The ancienter Sort, the Fathers, and the wealthy Citizens, come on Horseback to see these Youngsters contending at their Sport, with whom, in a Manner, they participate by Motion; stirring their own natural Heat in the View of the active Youth, with whose Mirth and Liberty they seem to communicate.

Sports in Lent.

Every Sunday in Lent, after Dinner, a Company of young Men ride out into the Fields on Horses which are fit for War, and principal Runners: Every one among them is taught to run the Rounds with his Horse.

The Citizens Sons issue out throught the Gates by Troops, furnished with Lances and warlike Shields: The younger Sort have their Pikes not headed with Iron, where they make a Representation of Battle, and exercise a Skirmish. There resort to this Exercise many Courtiers, when the King lies near Hand, and young Striplings out of the Families of Barons and great Persons, which have not yet attained to the warlike Girdle, to train and skirmish. Hope of Victory inflames every one: The neighing and fierce Horses bestir their Joints, and chew their Bridles, and cannot endure to stand still: At last they begin their Race, and then the young Men divide their Troops; some labour to outstrip their Leaders, and cannot reach them; others fling down their Fellows, and get beyond them.

Sea Fights.

In Easter Holidays they counterfeit a Sea Fight: A pole is set up in the Middle of the River, with a Target well fastned thereon, and a young Man stands in a Boat which is rowed with Oars, and driven on with the Tide, who with his Spear hits the Target in his Passage; with which Blow, if he break the Spear and stand upright, so that he hold Footing, he hath his Desire; but if his Spear continue unbroken by the Blow, he is tumbled into the Water, and his Boat passeth clear away: But on either Side this Target two Ships stand in Ward, with many young Men ready to take him up after he is sunk, as soon as he appeareth again on the Top of the Water: The Spectators stand upon the Bridge, and in Solars upon the River, to behold these Things, being prepared for Laughter.

Summer Sports.

Upon the Holidays all Summer, the Youth is exercised in Leaping, Shooting, Wrestling, casting of Stones, and throwing of Javelins fitted with Loops for the Purpose, which they strive to fling beyond the Mark; they also use Bucklers, like fighting Men. As for the Maidens, they have their Exercise of dancing and tripping 'till Moon-light.

Fighting of Boars, Bulls, and Bears.

In Winter, almost every Holiday before Dinner, the foaming Boars fight for their Heads, and prepare with deadly Tushes to be made Bacon; or else some lusty Bulls, or huge Bears, are baited with Dogs.
