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Mercurius pragmaticus, N/A, 17th-24th April 1649 E.551[12]

Communicating Intelligence from all
parts, touching al Affairs, Designs, Humours, and
Conditions throughout the KINGDOME.
Especially from Westminster and the Head Quarters.
From Tuesday, April the 17. to Tuesday, April the 24. 1649.
Ambition, Murder, Lust, Revenge, and Rage,
Now seem the Virtues of our troubled Age;
Whilst Reason, Law, Religion, Grace, Peace, Faith
Remaine the Slaves of Tyranny and Wrath:
O what a Hell of Torments 'tis to thinke,
How w' are design'd the dregs of Woe to drinke!
For what can men expect, but Plagues in showres,
That honour TRAYTORS for supreamest Powers!
Letharg'ick Monsters, will ye not awake,
When all the trembling ribs of England shake
With violent waves of Ruine? Will yoe see
All rackt and torne, and seeke no remedie?
Then may a deluge of Confusions drown
Your coward spirits, but all joyes shall crown
Those that endeavour to extirpate quite
Our bideous Dragons, that our sinles affright:
And whilst Hells Torments their curst soules devoure,
King CHARLES sh allraigne, by the Almighties power.
- Nemo me incpunc lacessit.
Gentlemen, my earnest occasions have not permitted me this many
weekes to serve you with my Intelligent endeavours; but I perceive
in the interim the Kindome hath been much abused by a counterfeit,
whose absurditses have likewise much scandalized the candid Innocency,
and Integrity of the Royall Cause; which needs no grosse
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