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The moderate intelligencer, Number 206, 22nd February-1st March 1649 E.545[26]

Numb. 206
Moderate Intelligencer:
Impartially communicating Martiall
Affairs to the KINGDOM of
From Thursday, February 22. to Thursday March 1. 1649.
IF a passive posture be most secure in times of change, and War,
and frees most from miseries, yet it's not best, say many, and
because, first, the reformed Divines and those of most strict
conversation preach for action; to which it's answered,
Believe not every spirit, but trie, first, whether they stir not up
from a principle of selfe, both out of an apprehension they shall
lose an expected power over others, and also that they shall be
tyed to their good behaviour for what they have, and be paid
according as they work.
But in the beginning of the late War, the Parliament stir'd up the people to action,
and voluntary contribution, with promise of reward and re-payment, and abundance
did. It's answered, That may be good at one time that is inconvenient at another;
they that looke back will hardly plume to a new like-action.
But if the other side prevail, I shall have recompence, I, and put it into the eye, and
see never the worse.
But to be passive is to approve, No, not the passive, There is in Common-Wealths or
States, two capacities, and in that regard care should be had to distinguish of Impositions,
for the generality of the people, who action their callings, there needs no more
but this, that you shall not doe any thing to the prejudice of die present Government,
and this is the common practice of the Conquer or in parts abroad, who takes Towns or
Countries, when so taken, and it may be re-taken, and again taken; and all in a yeare,
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