London, British Library, Additional 22283

| Shelfmark | Date and Language | Contents |
| Physical Description | History | Record History | Bibliography |

Repository: British Library
Idno:Additional 22283
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Date and Language
Date:s. xivex
Language: English
Dialect:Scribal Dialect: North Worcestershire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: Not analysed but Scribe 2 of Simeon is also Scribe 2 of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet. a.1 (Grid Reference: 389 270 - north Worcestershire).
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A late fourteenth-century, heavily illuminated manuscript, whose production is closely associated with Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet. a.1 although there are differences in the content and decoration. Unfortunately, the manuscript has lost a good number of its leaves and only a minority of the original texts remain.

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Physical Description
Support: Parchment
Extent:590 x 390 mm
Collation: The quires of the manuscript have been remounted. Catchwords: ff. 6v; 14v; 22v; 30v; 35v; 43v; 59v; 69v; 77v; 83v; 91v; 99v; 107v; 115v; 121v; 129v; 148v; 156v; 163v; 170v.
Layout:Pricking on the left margin and fore edge. At the front of the manuscript the pricking hole is small and round and leaves a cross shape in the vellum. In later leaves the pricking leaves a horizontal slit whilst in other quires there are large 'rough' round holes. Writing space: double columns - 480 x 130 mm each; triple columns 140 x 90 mm each. Columns: verse items in three columns, prose usually in double columns. Framed and ruled with 86-90 lines. Some pages tabbed.
Writing: Scribe 1 - Anglicana Formata, ff. 1r-61v, 118v-131va, line 18, 152rb-172v (Doyle 1987 plates XVIII-XX, XXIII-XXV). An angular Anglicana. Scribe 2 - Anglicana Formata, ff. 62a-118r, 135r-152rb. Scribe 3 - Anglicana Formata, ff. 131va, line 19-134v. Scribe 4 - Anglicana Formata, ff. 152rb, line 30 - 172v.
Decoration: Borders in the margin and between columns, by c. six artists, are abundant throughout the manuscript, though fewer towards the end. Border Artist 1: ff. 1r-4v. Characteristics: leaves - banded, white line, pairs of gold balls, fairly large elongated leaves - orange, blue, pink (not rose), dark pink/red/burgundy, white circles. Border Artist 2: ff. 5r, 7r-8r, 62r-93v, 98v-118r, 124r, 125v, 126r, 128v, 129r, 135r-143r, 163v. Characteristics: gold bar and blue bar with initial decorated with serrated patterning, white line, white circle, infilled with banded leaves with white line decoration. Ff. 62r-93v - leaves heavily banded, e.g. f. 67v. F. 92r looks as though it was started by Border Artist 2 but finished off by an inferior. Border Artist 3: f. 35rc - introduction of green into band extension - perhaps a third artist as work looks inferior to Border Artist 2. Border Artist 4: ff. 36vb-61v, 119v-121v - bar and band no longer straight but have bends (like a half circle); there are also trios of daisy buds throughout. Other characteristics of this artist are the bold mono-colour leaves with simple white line decoration, pairs of gold balls and a strong use of burgundy and blue, e.g. f. 49v. Border Artist 5: f. 94r - in similar fashion to 2 but clumsier, noticeably rough pen squiggles that do not occur elsewhere. Border Artist 6: f. 132v - characterised by bold leaves and use of motifs not found elsewhere, e.g. on the bar/band border the vines cross to form a pair of entwined buds with bright green stems terminating in split calyxes and topped by large egg-shaped buds. F. 4v dog in initial. F. 33v baby's head in initial (Doyle 1987, pl. XX). Ff. 130r-134r - the initials here are distinctive in their use of light blue and burgundy. An abundance of gold initials, and champ initials throughout. Motifs: ff. 121r-129v - these folios are distinctive in the motifs that link initials down the columns. A foliate design of leaves and daisy buds is traced in black ink. The leaves and stems are left empty whilst the daisy buds have a bright green calyx and a bright orange tip.
Binding: Not medieval. Quires have been mounted.
Foliation:ff. 172 with a number of modern paper flyleaves either end.
Additions:Lower margin f. 38ra (Doyle 1987, p. 13, pl. 7a) 'Memorandum quod iohannes scryveyn scribet domino thome heneley tres quaternos vel quatuor & tria foliorum Et incipit ad ista verba in isto columine. Ožur dignite or benefys'. A similar note appears in Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Eng. poet. a.1, 'De scripcione trium quaternorum vel quatuor primum verbum. Ožur dignite & trium foliorum' (see Doyle 1987, p. 13).
Condition:Many leaves lost.
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Origin:See below.
Provenance:Sixteenth century: F. 172vb, foot, '' in good Elizabethan italic. Inscription on f. 91v previously thought to be 'Joan bohun' but doubted by Doyle who thinks that the inscription could just be a comment (Doyle 1987, p. 16, pl. 8). The inscription is no longer visible to the naked eye.
Acquisition:Purchased by the British Library from Sir John Simeon 13 February 1858.
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Record History
Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, August 2003.
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Related Manuscripts and other documents Textual Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS English poet a. 1 is thought to be the sister copy of this manuscript (Doyle 1987, pp. 1-16). Lewis and McIntosh assign this manuscript to their Group 4 for the Prick of Conscience (1982, p. 74). Scribal Scribe 2 of Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS English poet a. 1 (Vernon) is Scribe 2 of this manuscript (Doyle 1987, p. 13).
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