Cambridge, Magdalene College, Pepys 2344

| Shelfmark | Date and Language | Contents |
| Physical Description | History | Record History | Bibliography |

Repository: Magdalene College
Idno:Pepys 2344
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Date and Language
Date:s. xiv2
Language: English
Dialect:Scribal Dialect: Gloucestershire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: 385 201, LP 6990 (McIntosh, Samuels, and Benskin 1986, p. 196).
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A copy of the South English Legendary arranged according to the liturgical year. According to Görlach (1974) the unique placing of St. Anne and the Conception of the Virgin, item 2.64, among the July legends could be an indicator of the manuscript's production date. The Feast of St. Anne was established in England by edict of Pope Urban VI in 1378.

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Physical Description
Support: Parchment
Extent:310 mm x 200 mm
Collation: 18, 28 (wants 4, 5, after p. 20), 3-48, 58 (wants 5, after p. 66), 68, 7 4, 88, 98 (wants 3, after p. 119; 5 and 6 reversed - see below), 10-188, 196, 204, 21-228, 238 (wants 4, 5 after p. 328), 24-268, 276, 28-308, 316, 326 (wants 3, 4 after p. 462; 2 and 5 mutilated), 336, 34-358, 366, 378 (wants 5, 6, after p. 526, and 8, after p. 528). 'Quire IX is at present misbound. The stub now standing between pp. 116 and 117 was originally between pp. 118 and 119, and carried lines 26-121 of Julian the Hospitaller. Pp. 121-122 (conjoint with the stub) should therefore stand before pp. 119-120, thereby correctly reordering the text of St. Bridget. No original quire or leaf signatures visible; modern quire marks added in pencil. Catchwords visible at the ends of all quires except II and VII' (McKitterick and Beadle 1992, pp. 73-74).
Layout:Pricking visible - slits or double slits. Ruled for 43-49 lines in brown crayon or pencil.
Writing: One scribe writing in what McKitterick and Beadle describe as an 'upright anglicana' (1992, p. 74). A facsimile of the hand is printed in Brown 1927, frontispiece.
Decoration: Purple, blue and gold border with miniature of St. Andrew, in blue, bound to a saltire cross, on a gold ground in the initial, p. 1. Four-line blue initials with red penwork at the beginning of legends and at subsections of the text. Capital letters at beginning of verse lines with yellow wash. Calendar: headings in red textura with blue initials.
Binding: Not medieval. Size: 330 x 220 mm. Cover of red morocco with 'LEGEND:/MSS' in gold on spine. Decoration: college arms on the front cover, six bands sewn across the spine.
Foliation:pp. x + 528 + iv. pp. vii/viii and ix/x are the original parchment flyleaves at the front; the remainder are paper flyleaves of the time of the binding. Pagination added in ink by Waterland.
Additions:There are various texts and inscriptions by sixteenth/seventeeth-century owners: p. vii carries: a Latin charm containing the names of the Three Magi; a medical recipe beginning, 'To sle wormy in man or childe take maris mylke...' and ending, 'of the pacient and he shalbe hole etcetera' and another beginning, 'Take a yespynful of yarow...' and ending, 'as he may suffer it duryng v or vj dayes' (possibly eighteenth century), Latin notes, including 'Annus viij et ix R. h viij' and the name 'ser...waterfyld'. On p. 233 is a list of 18 stages on the journey from York to London. On p. 245 is a list of c. 40 castles, in two hands. On p. 279 is a list of 23 abbeys in Lincolnshire and Northamptonshire, in the same hand as 'george alysbury' on p. 203. On pp. 330-333 is a list of counties in England, bishoprics in England, Wales, and part of Ireland and a list of 12 dukes, 2 marquises, 26 earls and 51 barons. There is much marginalia relating to the texts.
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Provenance:The book appears to have been in the hands of members of the Aylesbury family during the sixteenth century: : On p. viii in a sixteenth-century hand is a 15-line Latin memorandum beginning, 'Memorandum quod humfredus dux Bukyngham decapitatus fuit' and ending, 'Memorandum quod Lambertus filius [Thome Aylesbury] [deleted] natus fuit xvijo die Septembr. in ffesto S. Lamberti Ep. anno r.r.henr. viij xviijo [1526]'. The memorandum is printed by James (1909, p. 90). On p. x is a list of books belonging to Thomas Aylesbury, 'The names of all my bookes at Estret/ Paraprasis Erasmi/ Legenda sanctorum/ Ovidius cum alijs in vno volumine/ Epistole Caroli viruli/ Colloquia Erasmi/ ortus vocabulorum/ an Almynak/ Shepardes callender/ A dictionary/ Enchiridion militis christi/ The myrrour of helth/ A treatise of the masse/ A grete volume called Registrum cronicarum/ A Testament in French'. George Aylesbury: On p. 203 in a sixteenth-century hand is written, 'george alysbury' and 'Too the right wyrshypffull Master Bollar at Swyneshed this be'. Also written in the same hand on pp. 303, 323, 'loke apon the tother syde', and p. 324, 'torde in thy tythe'. : a further sixteenth-century hand wrote the following: p. 405, 'marteyn yellesbury', p.509, 'martyn Aylesbury wa/ grome of the kechin/ the xxij day of July/ xxxiij yere of hys/ Rayne and put to by a/ denne', p. 527. 'martyn aylesbury owuth thes booke', p. x the list of Thomas Aylesbury's book is followed by 'ther by leyves in thes booke xiij skore and a vj vij' in the same hand as the ownership inscription of Martin Aylesbury.
Acquisition:Acquired by Pepys at the sale of the books of John Maitland, Duke of Lauderdale, 1692 (McKitterick 1992, p. 74).
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Record History
Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, May 2004. The manuscript has not been examined.
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