Cambridge, Trinity College, 323/324

| Shelfmark | Date and Language |
Part 1: | Contents | Physical Description |
Part 2: | Contents | Physical Description | History | Record History | Bibliography |

Repository: Trinity College
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Date and Language
Date:s. xiiiex
Language: English
Dialect:Scribal Dialect: Worcestershire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: 374 256. LP 7721 (McIntosh, Samuels, and Benskin 1986, p. 250).
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Part 1

A late thirteenth-century verse miscellany containing Latin, English, and French, as well as macaronic texts. The book is now made up of two manuscripts although only one is of relevance here. The second manuscript is later, c. 1420 (James 1900, p. 447) and contains very little English. The manuscript was transcribed by Frederick Madden in 1843. This volume carries the shelfmark B.14.40a.

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Physical Description
Support: Parchment
Extent:c. 190 x c. 140 mm
Collation: 18; 216; 312 (wants 12); 412; 510; 6-88; 94.
Layout:Layout varies. Pricking not visible. Single columns of 145 x 105 mm and double columns of 155 x 55 mm. Single columns have 28 lines whilst double columns have 38. Layout for ff. 58-72: double columns with 32-34 lines. Frame ruled in pencil. Writing space of 145 x 110 mm.
Writing: James differentiates 21 scribes (1900, pp. 439-447).
Decoration: None
Binding: Not medieval. Size: 195 x 140 mm. Tan leather over pasteboard with 4 double bands across the spine.
Foliation:ff. 87
Additions:There are scribbles on f. 21, 'Noli altum sapere', in a sixteenth-century hand.
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Part 2


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Physical Description
Support: Parchment
Extent:c. 190 x c. 140 mm
Collation: 1-512 (12 canc.); 612; 712; 810.
Layout:Single columns with 24 lines to a page.
Writing: Cursive script in greenish ink.
Binding: As above
Foliation:ff. 93
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Origin:Hanna believes this to be 'a communal book of praedicabilia from the Worcester Franciscans, s. xiii3/4' (2000, p. 100).
Provenance:Unknown. On f.1r, is an erased fifteenth-century inscription : '...Nicholas cum aliis ... in gallico'; on f. 54r in the bottom margin is another name, John, also erased (Duncan and Connolly 2003, p. xvii, and Mooney 1995, p. 12).
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Record History
Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, June 2004.
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