Cambridge, Trinity College, 1285

| Shelfmark | Date and Language | Contents |
| Physical Description | History | Record History | Bibliography |

Repository: Trinity College
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Date and Language
Date:s. xv
Language: English
Dialect:Scribal Dialect (ff. 1-7): Staffordshire. Linguistic Atlas Grid Reference: 382 310, LP 516 (McIntosh, Samuels, and Benskin 1986, p. 237).
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A fifteenth-century, mainly Latin, manuscript with only one English text, a grammatical treatise, and some macaronic texts (Mooney 1995, p. 116).

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Physical Description
Support: Parchment
Extent:420 x 270 mm
Collation: 2 flyleaves + 18, 28 (one cancelled)-108 (wants 8), next quire missing, 11-378 + 2 flyleaves, one used as pastedown.
Layout:Pricking of round holes. Writing space of 320 x 200 mm. Single columns with 56 lines. Frame ruled in drypoint.
Writing: One scribe writing in black ink in a court hand. Characteristics: long s in initial position; looped ascender on d; long s in medial position; 2-shaped r in medial position; B-shaped w; 8-shaped g; B-shaped s; a like backward B; small neat hand. Body height: 1.5-2mm.
Decoration:Pretty borders of English work on ff. 1r and 96r. F. 1r - bar and band border, vine in burgundy with gold bar next to it. Curling acanthus-type leaves around band in blue, orange and green. Left border curls and ends in cluster of leaves which give way to a spray of black feathering terminating in oval lobes tinted green (very faded) with pairs of leaves in burgundy/orange and blue with white dots along middle, pairs of gold balls with black pen squiggles, terminates in a gold ball. Top margin carries same black feathering but kidney-shaped leaves with white dots along middle, coloured in blue, green and brown/orange, and pairs of gold trefoil leaves. Initial P which gives rise to this border is in blue and burgundy with an infill of blue and burgundy/pink acanthus leaves decorated with white dots on a gold ground. Motifs along left margin include a trumpet flower in blue. The border on f. 96r is by the same artist and is in better condition.
Binding: Medieval binding of white leather/parchment over boards. Evidence of two clasps.
Foliation:The modern foliation is incorrect but has been adopted by James, the same applies here.
Additions:F. 294v - copies of documents in a late hand. The following as per James, p. 302: 1. Writ of Henry (III.) reciting a privilege given by Innocent IV. at the Council of Lyons to the cappellae regiae. 4I Hen. III. 2. Agreement between Richard Bp of Coventry and Lichfield, and the Deans and Canons of S. Mary Shrewsbury, Stafford, Penkreth, Tettenhall, Wolverhampton and Brogenorth as to their immunity, as Chapels Royal, from episcopal jurisdiction. 6 Kal. Jun. 1281. 3. Prima institucio vicarij de my?elskyrke super Wyram Eborac. dioc. 296. Stephanus le Scrope Archidiae. de Richmond...Dno Johanni de Dalleley presbitero...York, 27 Jan. 1411. 4. Attestation of the copy of John Maretcalff notary. 5. Composicio inter magistrum siue custodem Collegii b. Marie Magd. de Batelfild lich. dioc. et vicarium Eccl. S. Michaelis super Wyram in Archidiaconatu Richmond Ebor. dioc. Roger Yve de leton is the Warden. The parish church of My?elkyrke super Wiram with the Chapel of Plompton had been granted to the College by Henry IV. Given at Batelfyld, 24 Feb. 1411. 6. Ranulph Husey of Adbrighton Husey gives to the College of St. Mary Salop £4 yearly for 100 years. Given at Adbrighton Husey, 4 March 1173. Flyleaves - two fifteenth-century notes on Prouidencia etc.
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Origin: The manuscript was probably owned by the college of St. Mary Magdalen, Battlefield, near Shrewsbury (see above) (James 1902, p. 302).
Provenance:F. 15v - 'Thomas Phillipps of Darlaston in the parish of Stone owneth this Booke November the 17, 1662'. F. 79v: ' anno dom. 1674', also on f. 294. James suggests that the manuscript belonged to the College of Battlefield 'three miles from Shrewsbury, which was founded by Henry IV. in 1410 to commemorate the battle of Shrewsbury (1403)'.
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Record History
Catalogued and encoded: Rebecca Farnham, University of Birmingham, May 2004.
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