The Hartlib Papers

Title:Proposal For Office Of Address For Religion And Learning, In Scribal Hand B

                         A Motion
               for the Public good of Religion
                       and Learning.
Amoungst all other Wayes whereby Religion Learning and Ingenuities, may bee advanced in a Christian State; there is one very easie to bee set afoot; and which will bee of exceeding great use; to facilitate the Meanes of [Rectifying? altered] Mistakes, of Preventing disorders, and of Increasing the sense and Love of Pietie & knowledge in the mindes of all men without partialitie: which is this. That an Office of Addresse and Correspondencie for matters of Religion Learning and Ingenuities should be erected by an Ordinance of Parlliment, and commited to the Diligence of some Man or Men fitt and willing to manage the same for the good of others: chiefully to this intent; that it may serve for a Center and metting place of Advices, of Communications and of Informations; which shall bee freely given and received, by & for, to and from all such as shall thinke themselves concerned; to take or give Notice of the best helpes and Overtures; and of the most profitable discoveries, and Occurences, by which Godlines, Charitie, and Peace with all other meanes of Divine and Humane Vertues and Wisdome may be harmlesly advanced.

[another hand, in pencil:]
Dr Parsons a Physitian
Principle of Hart
Hall in Oxford
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