The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, John Dury To Hartlib
Notes:Turnbull transcript suggests spring 1649, and may be associated with 4/1/25.

Deare freind
here is the Answer to Mr Worsleyes Queries, which I intreat yow to send unto him.
Mr Bonkel intreated me by my acquaintance at Dantzick to procure unto him the Socinian Authors <viz:> all that is exstant of Socinus himself & of Crellius: now I know not who is aliue there of the Merchands that I was acquainted withall, Mr Slokum, & the Secretary of the Company Mr Ienks I suppose are there either of these I could write to if need bee: I pray yow speake to Mr Goff upon the Exchange, & learne whether the secretary bee now in Dantzick or in Denmarck; let him know that I would know of somebody there, who would buy the forenamed bookes for me, whom I should repay here; & aske if his Correspondent could not do it: which would saue the labour of writing: I am about to alter some materiall thinges in the heads of Practicall Divinity & to adde some thinges both to enlarge & to cleer the Method of the matters, therefore make no great hast in transcribing or communicating it to any. I haue found amongst my papers a copy of the Shunamite written I suppose with yowr Sams hand. & redde it ouer & find the same notions alledged & applyed somewhat to a different aime, & if the Latter ende of it were compleated it might go by it self as a preparatiue to the Discourse of the Kingdome <left margin: which is to follow; I came this day of purpose to towne; to bidde the Prince Elector farewell; & to take some opportunity to speake of Mr Rulice to him; that which yow suggested. Mr Bonkel when I was telling him of my dismission from the Kings Children, did suggest that he thought it no difficult matter for me to become[altered] a fellow of Eaton, & that all the attendance which that place requires is no more but to preach once in six weekes, & that if Mr Rows were dealt withall it might bee obtained without difficulty: I know not where God will cast my Lot; but all that I would desire such a place for would bee to haue leisure to elaborat my taskes without distraction; but I referre all to him that is the disposer of all our wayes to his Grace I commend yow & rest>
                  yowrs in all Duties of Christianity
st. Iames                          Iohn Dury
Thursday Wednesday at night

                        For Mr Hartlib
                               Dukes place