The Hartlib Papers

Title:Letter, Sir Cheney Culpeper To Hartlib

Mr Hartlib;
          I haue sente you the drinke for the stone, &heere inclosed the receipte; vpon Tryall you will it (in relation to what is paste) very diureticall &(in relation to the future) very comfortable to the stomacke &a strenghtener of digestion the wante whereof is the originall not onely of this [letters deleted] but of most other obstructions; I heartily wishe it may doe you as muche good as it hathe done to many others, its beinge soe diureticall hathe proued to some a tormente beinge taken in the midste of the feste; from others it hathe forced the stone &beene a present remedy; I thowght good to premise thus muche that from the knowledge of your selfe you may vse your discretion in applyinge it;
The Prince Electors arriuall startles some of the Kings party, &his lodging at Whitehall (thowgh but a circum-

stance) may perhaps to some kinde of spirits seeme a kinde of omen, For my owne parte I am noe obseruer of suche things or of the Lyllies astrologicall calculations but in truthe the irreconcilable distance between the King &Parliament eache not beinge able to wante what the other side (for its beinge onely) muste aske, the concurrente interestes of the Prince Elector &the Parliament; his beinge the firste of the seconde family, his circumspecte partinge &keeping himself aloofe from the King's present interests &the (aboue all) the considerations that it pleases God often to punishe men by those wayes &meanes in which they haue moste betrayed theire stewardship; these (I confesse) doe soe farre woorke vpon my fancy as I cannot but take notice