taka (OSw) taka (ON) verb

There are mainly two legally significant uses: 1) to seize goods in pursuance of a judicial order (often taka in (OSw) or take til (ODan)), and 2) to apprehend criminals, particularly thieves, but also certain sex criminals and killers, in circumstances that made their guilt evident, typically with the stolen goods on their person or locked in their home. Provided that the apprehension and its circumstances were properly announced, a criminal caught in this way could be more severely punished, and sometimes even killed, without legal consequences. Expressions include bar ok/ællær (a)takin (viþer/mæþ), innitakin, take i hænde, takin mæþ, takin (ok gripin) a færsko gærning, takin viþ.

apprehend OSw UL Mb, Blb, Rb
OSw VmL Mb, Bb

capture OIce Þjb 2
OSw UL Kgb, Äb, Kmb
OSw VmL Kgb, Kmb

receive surety OSw ÖgL Rb
seize OIce Kab 1

bar ok ataka (OSw)

catch in the act OSw UL Kkb, Äb, Mb, Blb VmL Kkb, Äb, Mb, Bb

caught in action OSw HL Blb

bar ok/ællæ a takin viþer/mæþ (OSw)

caught committing OSw MEL Bb

caught in action OSw HL Blb

caught in the (very) act OSw DL Kkb, Tjdb

caught red-handed OSw BjR DL Bb KrL Bb MEL Tb MESt Kgb, SmbI SdmL Kkb, Bb, Mb

i handum taka (OSw) take i hænde (ODan)

be found in someone’s hands OSw YVgL Rlb, Tb

take someone with something in his possession ODan JyL 2

take someone with something in their hands ODan JyL 2

inni takin (OSw)

caught in the act OSw YVgL Kkb ÖgL Bb

caught red-handed OSw MEL Äb, Rb

taka af (ON)

abolish ONorw GuL Krb

kill ONorw GuL Sab

taka in (OSw) in take (ODan)

fence OSw YVgL Jb, Kvab ÄVgL Kva

keep as security OSw ÖgL Bb

seize OSw SdmL Bb ODan SkL 170, 179, 181, 189, 206

take out ODan JyL 3

taka mæþ (OSw)

take in flagrante delicto OSw VmL Äb

taka nauðga (ON)

rape OIce Mah 2

taka upp (ON)

confiscate ONorw GuL Mhb

have ONorw GuL Krb

seize ONorw GuL Tfb

taka við (ON)

receive ONorw GuL Løb, Tjb

take i hænde (ODan)

take someone with something in his possession ODan JyL 2

take someone with something in their hands ODan JyL 2

take til (ODan)

seize ODan ESjL 3 SkL 226

take seizure ODan JyL 2

take viþer (ODan)

admit ODan SkL 118

takin a uærkium (ODan)

caught in the act ODan SkL 190

takin mæþ (OSw, ODan)

caught with (it) OSw SdmL Bb, Mb, Tjdb

taken with it ODan SkL 162, 184

takin ok gripin a færsko gærning (OSw)

apprehended redhanded OSw HL Kgb

caught and apprehended in the very act OSw SdmL Kgb, Kmb

takin viþ (OSw) taken vither (ODan)

caught ODan JyL 2

caught at (it) OSw SdmL Gb, Bb, Mb, Tjdb, Rb

caught in the (very) act OSw YVgL Rlb ÖgL Kkb, Eb

caught there ODan JyL 3

taken in the act ODan SkL 85

taken with ODan JyL 2

takin ælla fangin a samu gærning (OSw)

caught or captured in the act OSw DL Eb

telja ok taka (ON)

list and seize ONorw GuL Mhb


KLNM s.v. frihedsberøvelse

  • ‘taka’. A Lexicon of Medieval Nordic Law.

  • http://www.dhi.ac.uk/lmnl/nordicheadword/displayPage/5281