Title Authors PublicationYear
The convergence of GIS and social media: challenges for GIScience Sui, D. and Goodchild, M. 2011 view article
Using Online Public Services: A Measurement of Citizens' Operational, Formal, Information and Strategic Skills van Deursen, A. and van Dijk, J. 2008 view article
Digital divide research, achievements and shortcomings van Dijk, J. 2006 view article
Predictors of mobilizing online coping versus offline coping resources after negative life events van Ingen, E. and Wright, K. B. 2016 view article
Team boundary spanning: strategic implications for the implementation and use of enterprise social media Van Osch, W. and Steinfield, C. W. 2016 view article
Permeable Boundaries in the Software-sorted Society: Surveillance and Differentiations of Mobility Wood, D. M. and Graham, S. 2006 view article
The Internet and health communication: Experiences and expectations Wright, K. B. 2002 view article
Electronic service delivery in public administration: some trends and issues Bekkers, V. and Zouridis, S. 1999 view article
Terrorism and the Proportionality of Internet Surveillance Brown, I. and Korff, D. 2009 view article
Communicating corporate social responsibility on the internet - A case study of the top 100 information technology companies in India Chaudhri, V. and Wang, J. 2007 view article