Title Authors PublicationYear
Electronic Health Records for Intervention Research: A Cluster Randomized Trial to Reduce Antibiotic Prescribing in Primary Care (eCRT Study) Gulliford, M. C., van Staa, T., Dregan, A., McDermott, L., McCann, G., Ashworth, M., Charlton, J., Little, P., Moore, M. V. and Yardley, L. 2014 view article
Rural-Urban Differences in General and Health-Related Internet Use Hale, T. M., Cotten, S. R., Drentea, P. and Goldner, M. 2010 view article
A feasibility pilot study on the use of complementary therapies delivered via mobile technologies on Icelandic surgical patients' reports of anxiety, pain, and self-efficacy in healing Hansen, M. M. 2015 view article
Collaborative technology use by healthcare teams Househ, M. S. and Lau, F. Y. 2005 view article
Mobile Social Networking Health (MSNet-Health): Beyond the mHealth Frontier Househ, M. 2012 view article
Public views of mobile medical devices and services: A US national survey of consumer sentiments towards RFID healthcare technology Katz, J. E. and Rice, R. E. 2009 view article
Integration of cognitive and physical training in a smart home environment for the elderly people Konstantinidis, E. I., Billis, A., Hlauschek, W., Panek, P. and Bamidis, P. D. 2010 view article
Communication Inequalities and Public Health Implications of Adult Social Networking Site Use in the United States Kontos, E. Z., Emmons, K. M., Puleo, E. and Viswanath, K. 2010 view article
Methodological diversity and integration in health communication inquiry Kreps, G. L. 2011 view article
Artificial intelligence and immediacy: Designing health communication to personally engage consumers and providers Kreps, G. L. and Neuhauser, L. 2013 view article