Title Authors PublicationYear
Feed me: motivating newcomer contribution in social network sites Burke,Moira;Marlow,Cameron;Lento,Thomas 2009 view article
Using Facebook after losing a job: Differential benefits of strong and weak ties Burke,Moira;Kraut,Robert 2013 view article
Individual, parent and social-environmental correlates of caregiving experiences among parents of adults with autism spectrum disorder Burke,M.;Heller,T. 2016 view article
Real social analytics: A contribution towards a phenomenology of a digital world Couldry,Nick;Fotopoulou,Aristea;Dickens,Luke 2016 view article
The quality of online social relationships Cummings,Jonathon N.;Butler,Brian;Kraut,Robert 2002 view article
The benefits of Facebook "friends:" Social capital and college students' use of online social network sites Ellison,Nicole B.;Steinfield,Charles;Lampe,Cliff 2007 view article
Self-presentation in online personals: the role of anticipated future interaction, self-disclosure, and perceived success in Internet dating Gibbs,Jennifer L.;Ellison,Nicole B.;Heino,Rebecca D. 2006 view article
Work relationships and media use: A social network analysis Haythornthwaite,Caroline;Wellman,Barry;Mantei,Marilyn 1995 view article
Strong, weak, and latent ties and the impact of new media Haythornthwaite,Caroline 2002 view article
Perpetration of teen dating violence in a networked society Korchmaros,Josephine D.;Ybarra,Michele L.;Langhinrichsen-Rohling,Jennifer;Boyd,Danah;Lenhart,Amanda 2013 view article