Title Authors PublicationYear
The politics of information: The electronic mediation of social change Bousquet,Marc;Wills,Katherine 2003 view article
Can social network sites enable political action Boyd,Danah 2008 view article
Without a map: College access and the online practices of youth from low-income communities Brown,Michael Geoffrey;Wohn,Donghee Y.;Ellison,Nicole 2016 view article
The network society: From knowledge to policy Castells,Manuel;Cardoso,Gustavo 2006 view article
Digital platforms and narrative exchange: Hidden constraints, emerging agency Clark,Wilma;Couldry,Nick;MacDonald,Richard;Stephansen,Hilde C. 2015 view article
Connection strategies: Social capital implications of Facebook-enabled communication practices Ellison,Nicole B.;Steinfield,Charles;Lampe,Cliff 2011 view article
The use of enterprise social network sites for knowledge sharing in distributed organizations the role of organizational affordances Ellison,Nicole B.;Gibbs,Jennifer L.;Weber,Matthew S. 2014 view article
Online privacy as legal safeguard: the relationship among consumer, online portal, and privacy policies Fernback,Jan;Papacharissi,Zizi 2007 view article
Instant messaging requests in connected organizations:"Quick questions" and the moral economy of contribution Licoppe,Christian;Cudicio,Renato;Proulx,Serge 2014 view article
Children's use of the internet: Reflections on the emerging research agenda Livingstone,Sonia 2003 view article