Title Authors PublicationYear
Social capital and resource requests on Facebook Ellison,Nicole B.;Gray,Rebecca;Lampe,Cliff;Fiore,Andrew T. 2014 view article
Understanding communities in an age of social media: the good, the bad, and the complicated Gruzd,Anatoliy;Jacobson,Jenna;Wellman,Barry;Mai,Philip 2016 view article
Work relationships and media use: A social network analysis Haythornthwaite,Caroline;Wellman,Barry;Mantei,Marilyn 1995 view article
Strong, weak, and latent ties and the impact of new media Haythornthwaite,Caroline 2002 view article
Mobile phones, Japanese youth, and the re-placement of social contact Ito,Mizuko 2005 view article
Juggling Multiple Social Worlds Distance Students Online and Offline Kazmer,Michelle M.;Haythornthwaite,Caroline 2001 view article
The meta-process of "mediatization" as a conceptual frame Krotz,Friedrich 2007 view article
A concretization of mediatization: Howmediatization works and why "mediatized worlds" are a helpful concept for empirical mediatization research Krotz,Friedrich;Hepp,Andreas 2013 view article
EU kids online II: final report 2011 Livingstone,Sonia;Haddon,Leslie;Görzig,Anke;Ólafsson,Kjartan 2011 view article
Reframing media effects in terms of children's rights in the digital age Livingstone,Sonia 2016 view article