Title Authors PublicationYear
The network society: From knowledge to policy Castells,Manuel;Cardoso,Gustavo 2006 view article
The use of enterprise social network sites for knowledge sharing in distributed organizations the role of organizational affordances Ellison,Nicole B.;Gibbs,Jennifer L.;Weber,Matthew S. 2014 view article
Instant messaging requests in connected organizations:"Quick questions" and the moral economy of contribution Licoppe,Christian;Cudicio,Renato;Proulx,Serge 2014 view article
Does the Internet increase, decrease, or supplement social capital? Social networks, participation, and community commitment Wellman, B.; Quan-Haase, A.; Witte, J.; Hampton, K. 2001 view article
Organizational knowledge generation: lessons from online communities Zablith, F.; Faraj, S.; Azad, B. 2016 view article
A practice perspective on technology-mediated network relations: The use of Internet-based self-serve technologies Schultze, U. and Orlikowski, W. J. 2004 view article
Technological Determinism Is Dead; Long Live Technological Determinism Wyatt, S. 2007 view article
Coase's penguin, or, Linux and The Nature of the Firm Benkler, Y. 2002 view article
Social Media as Social Lubricant: How Ambient Awareness Eases Knowledge Transfer Leonardi, P. M. and Meyer, S. R. 2015 view article
Social capital, ICT use and company performance: Findings from the Medicon Valley Biotech Cluster Steinfield, C., Scupola, A. and Lopez-Nicolas, C. 2010 view article